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"What the hell!? What the hell!?"

Liu Tian jumped up like a hedgehog with its hair blown up. He was stunned and looked at the chopsticks that Liu Yubai had stuck into the ground. He couldn't even speak:

"The chopsticks got stuck in there!? This is a stone floor!? Is this a martial arts movie!?"

"Oh my god!? This is too scary!?"

"Is this true or not!? Oh my god! Is this something that a human can do!?"

Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian, who were originally interested in this duel, were also stunned! Their pretty faces were full of surprise, no!

It should be said that they were full of horror!

He stuck a chopstick directly into the stone road with his bare hands!

And the whole thing was inserted!

Is this really something that human power can do!?

Even if a pistol bullet hits this stone road, it can't penetrate so deep!?

Is this a martial arts movie!?

Where did Luo Yun find the bodyguard!?

This, this is clearly a martial arts master!

"Okay, let's all come back and continue eating. Boss, please bring me another pair of chopsticks!"

Luo Yun smiled and asked Liu Yubai and Liu Tian to sit down.

Then he said to Liu Tian with a teasing look:

"How about it? Still want to compete?"

"Ah!? No more competition! No matter what you say, I won’t compete! Damn it! I want to live two more years!"

Liu Tian shook his head like a rattle, and then looked at Liu Yubai with admiration:

"Brother! From now on you are my brother! What kind of Kung Fu are you doing?"

"It's just a simple technique of exerting force, nothing special."

Liu Yubai shook his head modestly.

To him, it was really just some small tricks.

"That...Brother, can't you teach me?"

"I am old now, and my bones have already been shaped. It is impossible to cultivate my internal strength. But if I have time, I can teach you some hard external Qigong."

Liu Yubai glanced at Liu Tian, looked at him carefully, and then said slowly.

"Brother! No! From now on you will be my master! From now on I will be your apprentice! I will serve you by pouring tea and water!"

Liu Tian was overjoyed and almost knelt down to pay respect to his master.

"this...That's for sure. My Kung Fu is a family tradition and cannot be passed on to outsiders. What I taught you are some small tricks I learned from other places. You and I are both under the master's hand. From now on, we should just call each other brothers!"

Liu Yubai smiled slightly, then returned to his serious expression and said:

"Boss, how good is my Kung Fu? If I can fight one hundred people, there is no problem. Even a hundred martial artists can't do anything to me! But if the enemy is outnumbered, even with hot weapons, even I can't guarantee that I can protect you! So...It is recommended that you do not take risks at night."

"I know about this, you don't have to worry. After dinner, Liu Tian will send Ke Xin and Xiao Qian back to the hotel first, and then come to pick us up."

Luo Yun shook his head, signaling Liu Yubai not to say anything more.

And when Liu Yubai saw that Luo Yun had made up his mind, he immediately kept silent and started to eat all kinds of seafood!

It's not that he was afraid that this would be the last meal of his life, but he wanted to store as much energy as possible in his body!

Regarding the decision made by Luo Yun, he would only make some suggestions, but he would never object!

Even if Luo Yun asked him to protect him through the mountains of swords and the sea of fire, as long as Luo Yun gave the order, he would not hesitate at all, but would stand in front of Luo Yun!

Even if he only had one breath left, he would use his body to body, to block the last bullet for Luo Yun!

So after Luo Yun made the decision, Liu Yubai began to eat like crazy.

Only by storing more energy in the body can he have more physical strength to deal with any emergency and protect Luo Yun as much as possible.

Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian on the side were also curious about the sea ganoderma grass and ghost market mentioned by Luo Yun.

They wanted to go with him to take a look.

But seeing that Liu Yubai's kung fu was so good, they were worried that they could not protect Luo Yun well, and the two of them listened to Luo Yun's words very sensibly.

After eating the seafood dinner, they asked Liu Tian to take them back to the hotel.

"Eat more. When you are full, come with me to a deserted place."

After Liu Tian took Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian away, Luo Yun smiled faintly and said to Liu Yubai


Liu Yubai was slightly stunned, not quite understanding what Luo Yun was going to do, but he still nodded obediently and quickened his eating speed.

Originally, Luo Yun and his friends didn't have a big appetite. They didn't even finish a third of the ten lobsters, seven or eight crabs, and some other foods like starfish, sea urchins, and grilled fish.

The rest was all eaten up by Liu Yubai in half an hour!

Then he wiped the oil off his mouth and nodded contentedly:

"Boss, we're done eating!"

Luo Yun:"........."

Looking at the various seafood skins and shells on the table, Luo Yun couldn't help but be a little shocked!

This, this guy is too much of an eater! ?

I've never seen Liu Yubai eat so much before!

Could it be that he was too embarrassed to eat as much as he wanted before?

"I said...Yu Bai, you used to...You won't be hungry all the time, will you?"

"Boss, I haven't been active before. Eating too much won't help, and eating too little won't make me hungry. Don't worry!"

Liu Yubai smiled slightly, shook his head, and then said curiously:

"By the way, you asked me to go to a deserted place with you. Could it be that���What other tricks do you have?"

""Haha, just follow me."

Luo Yun smiled mysteriously and walked towards the beach with Liu Yubai.

Although it was already late, there were still many tourists at the beach in Sanya.

The two walked a long way before finding a place with few people.

For safety reasons, Luo Yun found a place behind a reef.

Then he felt relieved and smiled slightly:

"System, purchase——Umbrella Team!"


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