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: 0.172s Scan: 0.037sFeeling the warmth coming from behind her, Li Kexin, who was originally a little angry, suddenly felt nervous and her pretty face turned red.

""Luo, Luo Yun, why is he so close to me!?"

Li Kexin, who had never been so close to a member of the opposite sex, was so nervous and shy that she didn't know what to do. She could only close her eyes and pretend that she was asleep.

But her shoulders, which were shaking with nervousness, had already been seen by Luo Yun.

Luo Yun smiled slightly, as if he unconsciously put his hand on Li Kexin's shoulder.

Then he didn't move anymore, closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

But Li Kexin's heart was beating like a deer, and she was so nervous.

She felt Luo Yun's breath behind her and the heat from her shoulder. She was a little sleepy at first, but she couldn't fall asleep anymore.

She felt a little expectant and a little scared. She even started to have wild thoughts.

But what she never expected was that after Luo Yun put his hand on her shoulder, he didn't move anymore. He really fell asleep behind her.

For a moment, Li Kexin didn't know whether she should be angry or happy....

"Am I really so unattractive?"

With such complicated emotions, Li Kexin fell asleep after a long while. On the plane, several stewardesses stood by faithfully, and the cold air from the air conditioner made the temperature of the entire cabin very comfortable.

Luo Yun and Li Kexin lay together on the luxurious and comfortable sofa chair and fell asleep slowly.

Soon, the plane flew over the sea. The blue sky and white clouds outside the window reflected the color of the sea, which was beautiful.

Everything seemed so harmonious.


A cry of jealousy rose up in my life:

"Ahhh!? Hey, hey, hey! You two!! That's too much!! In front of the stewardess! How did you sleep together!?"

Zhao Xiaoqian came out of the bedroom with sleepy eyes.

She wanted to ask the stewardess for something to drink, but suddenly saw the two people lying on the sofa, and her eyes widened!

A feeling of jealousy instantly surged in her heart, and then her eyes turned and rushed directly to the gap between Luo Yun and Li Kexin.

It was because she was petite, otherwise she might not be able to get into such a small place.


Li Kexin, who was already worried and half asleep, was suddenly awakened. She turned around and looked at Zhao Xiaoqian in confusion:

"Xiaoqian, what are you doing?...?"


Zhao Xiaoqian was also stunned. She couldn't believe that she was jealous of Li Kexin and Luo Yun sleeping together, so she lay down here....

After thinking for a while, Zhao Xiaoqian said:

"It's so boring sleeping alone in the bedroom! It's more lively here with more people!"

Li Kexin:"........"

Your house is more lively when you sleep???

Why don't you go to the vegetable market to sleep???

Luo Yun, who was woken up, was also a little confused. He was so sleepy that he didn't even bother to care about what happened.

He turned over unconsciously and took Zhao Xiaoqian into his arms.

Suddenly, Luo Yun took Zhao Xiaoqian and Li Kexin into his arms on the sofa chair.

Then Luo Yun closed his eyes again, and fell asleep again.

Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian were confused.

Both of them were taken into Lu Yun's arms, and their faces turned red all of a sudden. They looked at each other and saw the shame and helplessness in each other's eyes.

Both of them were still young girls, and they had never even had a boyfriend before.

Where have they experienced such a thing!

But looking at Luo Yun who fell asleep again, the two did not dare to move, and could only shrink in Luo Yun's arms like two ostriches.

When the stewardesses saw this, they all smiled.

The plane continued to fly.

Shanghai is not too far from Sanya.

It was a sea route, and after about three hours, it landed smoothly at Sanya Phoenix Airport.

"Chief, we have landed, but the boss and the others are still sleeping...?"

The stewardess who was preparing to serve Luo Yun looked at Luo Yun who was still asleep, and Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian who had also fallen asleep without knowing it, and felt helpless. She could only run to the side to ask the chief stewardess for instructions.

"Let the boss continue to sleep. Mr. Chen has arranged a bus to pick up the boss's company employees. Let the driver Xiao Liu stay. The bus specially prepared for the boss should be back soon. When the boss wakes up, let Xiao Liu take him back."

The chief steward said calmly, looking like a man who has seen a lot of things.

Soon, two large buses came to the airport and took all the employees of Xiangyun Investment and Kexin Media to the hotel.

Liu Tian and Liu Yubai naturally stayed and waited patiently for Luo Yun to wake up.

It was not until the evening that Luo Yun slowly woke up.

"Huh? Why is it getting dark outside? Have we arrived in Sanya yet?"

Luo Yun was slightly startled and glanced outside the cabin.

"Boss, we have landed. The staff have already left at nine o'clock. Your driver and bodyguard are still waiting for you!"

The chief steward saw Luo Yun wake up and hurried forward to speak.

"Oh ?"

Luo Yun also nodded, indicating that he understood, then lowered his head and frowned at Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian in his arms....

How did she fall asleep in my arms

? Isn't this scene too erotic?

Luo Yun shook his head vigorously, but he couldn't figure out what was going on.

When he was woken up before, he was so dazed that he thought he was in a dream.

He didn't realize what he had done.

"Forget it, never mind! Wake up, wake up, don't sleep anymore, let's go to the hotel first!"

Since he couldn't figure it out anyway, Luo Yun simply stopped thinking about it.

After waking up Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian, seeing that they were still dazed, Luo Yun didn't say anything more, and pulled them off the plane with one hand each.

Li Kexin and Zhao Xiaoqian were still dazed, and they could only let Luo Yun pull them and let him do whatever he wanted.

"Boss, you're awake."

Seeing Luo Yun getting off the plane, Liu Tian and Liu Yubai hurriedly greeted him:

"Mr. Chen has already prepared the car. Should we go straight back to the hotel or go somewhere else?"


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