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"Ahhh! So handsome! Is this Luo Yun?! So handsome!"

"Is this the 2019 champion mid laner Doinb? That's ridiculous!"

"Luo Yun's Yasuo is so elegant! I love him so much!"

"Ahhhh, why is it that such a handsome boy, who plays the piano beautifully and plays games well, was beaten to the spot by this bitch Zhao Xiaoqian?"

"Ahhh, I'm so jealous of Qian Gou!!! How great it would be if Luo Yun was my boyfriend!"

Watching the replay of Luo Yun killing Doib, the fan girls in the live broadcast room almost went crazy!

All of them showed crazy looks.

Including Gugu on the commentary seat, with a pair of big sparkling eyes, not satisfied with looking at Yasuo on the square meter, seeing that no one was paying attention to him anyway, he stood up and stuck his head out to look directly from the commentary seat to see Luo Yun's figure in the competition seat


Wang Duoduo was helpless and could only use his eyes to remind her to pay attention to her image............

"Teacher Piao, I'm here to catch him!"

When the live broadcast room was replaying the video, the game was still going on.

As a former professional jungler, Xigua is now a jungler at the Korean server king level.

He got his best jungle hero, Gragas.

He still has a good rhythm.

After countering Spider's upper jungle area, he went straight to the top lane, wanting to help PDD catch Saint Spear's Quinn!

If it was the previous Saint Spear, he might have been caught and killed!

After all, Saint Spear's playing style is similar to Theshy's, and is also very aggressive!

In other words, if you dare to catch me, I dare to die!

However, after joining XG, enjoying the bonus of the team's Buff, Saint Spear's personal strength has also increased by 10%!

And this 10% of personal strength is not all in terms of operation!

He 's overall view and awareness of defending against Gak have also been greatly improved!

So he observed the situation on the field.

On their side, the bottom lane crossed the opposite tower, and Kalista got a double kill.

Doinb in the middle lane was killed by his own boss.

And Xigua is nowhere to be seen, so the biggest possibility is that he is here to catch me!

There is a saying that as long as Brother Saint Spear doesn't make a mistake in his brain, he will definitely be the number one domestic top laner! And now, with the bonus of the team's Buff, Brother Saint Spear finally has his IQ online! He actually realized the danger in advance before the barrel came to gank, and retreated directly!

Let Xigua return empty-handed, and can only return to his upper jungle area to brush the jungle!

At this time, Luo Yun has also returned home to replenish his status, purchased equipment, and went online again!

"Luo Yun...He actually has a Doran's Blade! ? He is determined to fight Doinb head-on to gain an early advantage!"

Wang Duoduo was very careful and sharp-eyed, and he saw the equipment Luo Yun bought when he went home.

Doran's Blade!

Two Doran's Blades, just for the advantage in the early game!

""Brother Silver Coin, the other side wants to kill you like a dog!"

After seeing Luo Yun's equipment, the hacker immediately said with a joking look on his face. Although Doinb was killed once by Luo Yun, the hacker's tone did not sound very nervous.

After all, he was still confident in Doinb's performance. If he was killed once, he would just kill back.

"I'll go to the middle lane to gank!"

Hacker also knew that his half of the jungle area was probably cleared by Gragas.

Besides, Spider was not born to be a jungler.

He simply killed the three wolves in the lower half of the jungle, and with the experience gained from assists, he reached level 3 and went straight to the middle lane, ready to help Doinb recover the situation!

"Okay! Wait until I reach level 3!"

Doib also nodded with confidence!

This time, with the help of the hacker, he will definitely be able to regain the advantage!

"Brother Luo Yun, be careful! I have to go home this time! I can help you after I come out!"

As for Luo Yun, Xigua had already cleared three jungle areas, plus a river crab.

His level had reached the highest level four in the game!

However, because he had cleared too many wild monsters, his condition was very unhealthy!

Even though the hero Gragas had a passive ability to restore health, he still had less than half of his health left.

In addition, he had too much money on him, so he could only choose to go home for supplies and then come out again!

So in the next half minute, the rhythm will return to the hacker's hands!

"It's okay. I'll play it safer and let the spider catch me. Isn't it safer for the little dog?"

However, Luo Yun was not afraid at all. He used a forward slash and E to move the minions forward!

Then he used another forward slash and continued to slide forward!

Then he used another one.....


After hearing what Luo Yun said, Xigua was speechless.

He even typed three question marks in the middle.

However, because Luo Yun slid too fast, all three question marks fell behind Luo Yun.

He couldn't catch up with him at all!


"boss...If you say that, I think it makes sense! I support you! Just charge and it's over!"

UZI's eyes lit up and he instantly realized that what Luo Yun said made sense!

As long as the opponent's spider didn't come to the bottom lane to catch him, and let him survive for more than 20 minutes, plus the assistance of the cat, he even had the confidence to fight five alone!

"Boss, please give me more!"


What the hell are these teammates! ?

He originally thought that he had developed well in the early stage of this game!

And Luo Yun also got a kill by accident!

As long as he plays steadily, it may not be impossible for the mid-jungle to fight 2v2 or something!

As long as he gets more kills, in the mid-game.

His nuclear barrel with Yasuo's ultimate is not a cover!


What does it mean that the mid laner should give up a few more times to ensure the bottom lane development?

Could it be that RNG has never played this game before, so Xiaohu often gives up randomly? ? ?........

"Oh, just press forward and it’s over!!"

Luo Yun also looked fearless, as if he was really ready to do it!

""Shit! Hacker, come here! This Yasuo is too pretentious! How can you play the game like this! Come and catch him!"

After Doinb saw this, he also started calling for the hacker!

""Here we go! Fight him! Fight him!"

The hacker saw this and rushed over without stopping!

"I’m going! I’m going!"

Doib also started with a WEQ, wanting to deplete Yasuo’s health first!

""Here it comes!"

When Luo Yun saw the skills that Doinb's Jie used, he instantly knew that the opponent's jungler must be nearby!

Suddenly, Luo Yun put away his previous playful smile!

With his right hand within reach, he turned around and moved a little!

Instantly dodged all of Jie's exhausting skills!

"What the hell!? This is missing!?"

Doib was dumbfounded, but the hacker had already rushed out!

The arrow was on the string and had to be shot!

Doib gritted his teeth and followed up with the second stage of W!



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