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"Xiangyun Investment! ?"

"What the hell! ? It was the company that acquired Star Coffee, and then used Star Coffee's stock to make hundreds of billions of dollars in cloud investment in the U stock market! ?

"What the hell!?...Could it be the big boss of Xiangyun Company?"

"This shouldn't be the case! Isn't this person too young?!"

"Yes! Wow! At such a young age, he can own a company with such terrifying assets, and he has also defeated many financial giants on Elwa Street head-on!...This is impossible! ?"

"Yes! I don’t believe that the boss of Xiangyun Investment is so young! At least... at least he should be an entrepreneur in his thirties or forties, right?"

After hearing what PDD said, Sima, Wei Xiao, Xiao Xiao, Xiao Lou and others all looked incredulous! The boss of Xiangyun Investment, which owns hundreds of billions of gold assets and has defeated many financial giants such as Ushuihun and Erhua Street, is actually such a handsome and kind-looking young man!? This!

No one would believe this!

"really...This Luo Sheng is a bit young, but..."

PDD scratched his head, full of doubts:

"Xiangyun Investment was originally an investment company that had emerged a while ago. No one had ever heard of this name before, and the boss of this company was also very mysterious!....It really is Mr. Luo in front of us!"

Although PDD said this, everyone still looked unconvinced!

A young man in his twenties, with a fortune of hundreds of billions of M gold!

This is a little unbelievable!

""Forget it! Forget about that for now. Mr. Luo must be here to bid for a spot in the LPL, and I heard that there are several powerful bosses who want to participate in the auction! It’s going to be fun this time!"

PDD shook his head and walked into the stadium.

The others followed him.

After all, this auction for the spot in the LPL team is the top priority now!......

"Boss, that's the RNG team area, but it is said that UZI did not appear this time."

In the VIP seat in the clubhouse, Zhong Jiawei reported his achievements in the past few days to Luo Yun in high spirits:

"I have already negotiated with Lingbei, the mid laner. For the support position, I have also brought in a top support player with over 1,000 points in the Korean server! His name is Cla! As for the ADC that you are most concerned about,..UZI...There should be no hope!"


Luo Yun frowned immediately:

"What's going on? Didn't they say that UZI was not going to play in RNG in the summer season? Why is it gone? Is it because of the money issue?"

"Boss, it is like this. Before this, LNG's top laner Saint Gun was about to transfer to RNG."

"But just a few days ago, LNG suddenly raised the price unilaterally, and the original transfer fee of 15 million was directly raised to 30 million!"

"RNG didn’t accept this at all, and the contract between the two sides collapsed!"

"RNG can only start the new young player in the top lane. UZI, who was originally going to compete for the S10 world championship in the summer season, was disappointed after seeing the current state of RNG and wanted to leave RNG!"

"I heard that Wang Xueyuan's I had already negotiated with UZI, but at this time RNG started again! Blocking UZI's contract and not allowing him to go to IG!"

"Logically speaking, UZI's contract with RNG has actually expired! But RNG is such a thief that in addition to the live broadcast contract, they also made UZI sign a live broadcast contract with Huya Live! And this live broadcast contract was signed in the name of the ADC of the RNG team!"

"In other words, RNG now has blocked UZI's live broadcast contract. Unless the live broadcast contract is terminated, he will not be able to join other teams! This situation is the same as MLXG's!"

"Alas! So RNG and LN, no matter who, are almost the same! It's a pity for my great Uzi! It is said that Uzi is ready to retire!

Zhong Jiawei's words can be regarded as Luo Yun's explanation of what he had heard in the past few days.


Luo Yun was stunned:

"So the question now is, UZI is currently stuck with a live broadcast contract with Huya. As long as this contract is not terminated, he will not be able to leave RNG and sign with other teams?"

"In theory, yes! Unless...We give RNG a price that satisfies them, but...This number must be quite a lot!"

Zhong Jiawei nodded helplessly.

"Money is not a problem. But I don't want to give it!"

Luo Yun showed a sneer.

He still likes the RNG team.

Especially the RNG composed of top laner Ltme, jungler Mala Xiangguo, mid laner Xiaohu, and bottom laners UZI and Ming.

Although they lost to G2 in the world championship and stopped in the quarterfinals.

However, that year also brought a lot of touching moments to many LPL fans.

But Luo Yun has no good feelings for the RNG club.

This club is notorious for its contract-breaking and over-marketing of players. It is their own fault that it has come to this point.

So Luo Yun does not intend to give money to the RNG club for nothing.

However, through what Zhong Jiawei just said to him, Luo Yun has thought of a better way.

"Hello? Chen Bin, do something for me right now!"

Soon, Luo Yun called the omnipotent Chen Bin again.

"Boss, please give me your orders!"

"Acquire Huya Live for me as soon as possible!"

""Okay, boss!"

Chen Bin's style was still straightforward and he would not ask any more questions. As long as Luo Yun ordered him to do something, he would do it immediately.

Zhong Jiawei on the side was stunned.

"Old, Boss...What are you doing!? Acquire Huya Live!?"


Luo Yun shrugged, as if it was a matter of course:

"Since RNG is holding UZI's live broadcast contract, why don't we just acquire Huya Live? The purpose of these live broadcast platforms is to make money. If we acquire them now, they will definitely be very happy!"

"Me, what the hell! ? Is this how rich people do things? Just buy out someone else's live streaming platform when there's a disagreement! ? Oh my god!"

Zhong Jiawei was convinced.

However, Luo Yun's approach is indeed the most direct and effective method.

Since you RNG want to block the contract, then I will just buy out the live streaming platform!

Then, I will modify UZI's live streaming contract from the live streaming platform, isn't that enough?

If you still have questions and refuse to modify UZI's contract!

Then I will just dissolve Huya Live!

I don't believe I can't cure you!

Of course, disbanding Huya Live is only the last resort.

But if things really come to this, Luo Yun can really do such a thing.

As for how much money will be lost for this? As the saying goes

, money can’t buy happiness. For Luo Yun, this little money is really not worth his attention! Anyway, the acquisition of the live broadcast platform also costs investment funds.

And now, he will receive 30 billion investment funds every week.

For him, this amount of money is just a drop in the bucket.

And then again, if Huya Live is really acquired and then dissolved.

At the same time, Luo Yun can still reorganize it.

In other words, with the original assets of Huya Live, a new live broadcast platform will be established.

As long as it is operated properly, there won’t be much loss.


【The countdown to releasing the task is over!】

【The current host status has been detected!】

【Release Task 1: Get a spot on the LPL team and build a galaxy battleship around UZI!】

【Mission Rewards: 1. Increase the individual strength of the players in the team by 10%!】

【2S-level team coach 1!】

【2Please ask the host to create the largest live broadcast platform!】

【Tip: At this stage, Penguin is preparing to guide the merger of leading live streaming platforms such as Douyu, Penguin Esports, and Huya. Hosts can refer to this measure!】

【Mission reward: 1. Random skill book x 1!】

【2 Turnaround Card x 1!】

【Turn defeat into victory card: When the host team is at a 10,000 economic disadvantage in the game, use this card to turn defeat into victory!】


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