U country, Shui Hun Agency!

Stephen Sam, the boss of Shui Hun Agency, stood in front of a huge screen with a relaxed look on his face. What was displayed on this screen was the U country stock market!

At this moment, Stephen Sam was holding a glass of golden champagne in one hand, waiting for the moment when the stock market opened with a smile on his face!

Behind him were the other shareholders of Shui Hun Agency.

They were just like Stephen Sam.

There was a light of excitement in their eyes, just waiting for the stock market to open today, and then continue to make a lot of money!

"Hahahaha! This ** company called Xiangyun Investment is really not afraid of death! If it were just us, we might not have enough funds to fight them, but our U.S. financial community has always been very united when it comes to dealing with the outside world! Once Elwa Street makes a move, this Xiangyun Investment will only be beaten!"

"Hahaha! That's right! And we just need to sit back and wait for the money to come in!"

Suddenly, the whole Shuihun organization was filled with laughter.

And it wasn't just them.

On Erhua Street, in the homes of individual investors in the U country, there was also laughter.

All of them were waiting for the opening of the U country stock market today.

Waiting to make a fortune and then put the money firmly into their pockets.

As for the life and death of Xingrui Coffee? As for the life and death of Xiangyun Investment? Ha, they are just two **rubbish companies!

Why bother with them!

? And time passed by every second.

Ten minutes until the opening of the U country stock market!

Nine minutes!

Eight minutes!


Three minutes!

Two minutes!

One minute!

The U.S. stock market opened!

The stock price of Starry Coffee, which countless people were paying attention to, opened at 0.09M gold!

Compared with yesterday's closing price, it fell by 0.01M gold!

Although the price of 0.01M gold was not much, it was like sending a signal!

A signal of falling!

A signal of continuing to fall!


"Alas! It is still falling!"

"It’s falling again! Xiangyun Investment is going to be ruined!"

"Damn the U.S. guys! Another domestic financial company is going to fail!"

"Alas! It's a pity for Xiangyun Investment. It obviously has enough capital, but it still can't compete with the financial giants on Erhua Street!"

For a moment, domestic netizens began to lament.

Even those netizens who had cursed fiercely before stopped cursing at this time and began to comfort Xiangyun Investment.

At this moment, most domestic netizens united together.

They spoke up and began to curse Shuihun Organization and Erhua Street.

"still...Is it falling? Xiangyun Investment, Xingrui Coffee, what are your backup plans! ? Don’t let me down!"

Hu Yunyun was also concentrating on the stock price of Xingrui Coffee.

At this moment, she still believed in her own judgment deep in her heart.

In her heart, she always believed that Xiangyun Investment would never be so simple!

They definitely have a backup plan!......

"Hurry up! Buy as much as you can! Keep adding positions! Keep adding positions!"

At this time, the atmosphere inside Xiangyun Investment was completely different from the lamenting atmosphere of the entire network!

Everyone was still as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood, under the command of Chen Bin.

Keep adding positions!

Buy up!

Because Chen Bin knew that Luo Yun's backhand had already begun!

If you don't take advantage of the remaining time to add positions, you will have no chance in a while!

And the traders under his command, each of them had just completed one or two orders of adding positions.

Suddenly, the stock price of Xingrui Coffee, which had been falling all the way, suddenly began to rebound!

0.09M gold!

0.11M gold!

0.15M gold!

0.5M gold!

0.8M gold!

1.2M gold!

1.5M gold!

2M gold! Crazy rise! Crazy rise!

Crazy rise!

In just five minutes, the stock price of Xingrui Coffee rose directly from the lowest point of 0.09M gold per share to the previous highest point of 2M gold per share!

"How is this possible?"

Steven Sam's eyes were dazed, and even the wine in his hand was smashed to the ground unconsciously!


The expensive crystal glass, along with the wine inside, came into close contact with the floor and shattered directly.

Along with it, Steve Sam and his team's delusional hearts that wanted to get rich were also shattered.

"Adjustment! This must be a normal adjustment! This is impossible!"

The shareholders of Shuihun Institution also had the same feelings as those financial giants on Elwah Street who personally participated in the game, as well as those retail investors in the United States.

However, most of them still did not give up!

"Yes! Adjustment! This must be a normal short-term adjustment! This is an opportunity for us to continue to increase our positions! While the stock price of Xingrui Coffee is rising briefly, we must continue to increase our positions! Continue to buy the dip!"

"That’s right! Buy the dip! Keep buying the dip! I don’t believe that with so much money coming in to buy the dip, this Xingrui Coffee stock can still create any waves!"

"Buy, buy, buy! Keep investing to buy stocks!"

For a while, the funds on Erhua Street were operating frantically.

More than a billion M gold funds entered the stock market at the same time!

Keep buying Star Coffee stocks!


Will things really turn out as they expected?

The answer is, of course.... cannot!


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