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""Master, it's bad! Our support personnel outside have been stopped by someone!"

Amidst the flashing of swords and sabers, a guard of the Chen family, covered in blood, hurried over and shouted loudly!

"What!? Who stopped our supporters?!"

Mr. Chen's face changed!

He originally wanted to get the sea ganoderma as soon as possible and then run away.

With the support of the outside personnel, he wanted to leave this troubled place as soon as possible.

However, he did not expect that Sha Kui, Fu Cheng and Zhou Meng, although they had different goals, united together to besiege him and Luo Yun.

And the support personnel he arranged outside were also intercepted!

"Whose people are they?"

Mr. Chen gritted his teeth and asked fiercely.

"It seemed like someone was arranged by Yihetang in advance!"

"Yihetang! Fu Cheng!! They really can't be underestimated!"

Old Master Chen also showed some uneasiness in his eyes.

Although Chen Juer is leading the way now, he seems to be able to fight against a hundred people alone!

But if this goes on for a long time, even Chen Juer will be exhausted!

If he doesn't find a chance to fight his way out, he may be trapped here to death!?

"Mr. Luo, what should we do?"

At this critical moment, Mr. Chen subconsciously looked at Luo Yun who was standing aside.

He really had no better solution now, and he only hoped that Luo Yun could come up with a good idea!

"No hurry!"

However, Luo Yun shook his head, looked at the enemy who was still trying to kill him, smiled slightly, and took out his mobile phone:

"It’s almost time to take action!"

""Yes, boss!"

Xue De nodded seriously on the other end of the phone!

The next second, a burst of fierce gunfire came from the left!

Suddenly, Fu Cheng's men who were closest to the periphery were thrown to the ground!

"What the hell! ?"

"what's the situation!?"

"Someone pulled out a gun!?"

"What the hell!? Or a submachine gun!?"

""What the hell!? Armed men are coming!!!"

All of a sudden, everyone in the hall was shocked!

To be honest, they did have guns!

But at most, they only had a small pistol or a shotgun.

What the hell, what is a submachine gun!?

Moreover, the person using the submachine gun was fully armed and wearing a professional combat uniform!

Where did this person come from?

""What the hell!? Retreat! Retreat quickly!"Fu Cheng was completely dumbfounded!

Although his brothers were brave and good at fighting, they could not fight against a group of people holding submachine guns!

The gap in strength was too great!

However, it was too late to retreat at this time!

Under the leadership of Xue De, the Umbrella Team showed very high combat skills.

After all, in the movie, these were the first group of soldiers to fight zombies.

Although almost everyone died in the end, the biggest reason was that the battlefield was in a beehive.

The terrain was very narrow.

It was too unfavorable for Xue De and others.

And now, on this vast beach.

Xue De and others were equipped with infrared night detection equipment.

It was just like shooting at a target, one bullet killed one kid.

"Mr. Luo, there are gunshots!"

Beside Luo Yun, Mr. Chen also looked nervous:

"And judging from the sound, it's most likely a combat submachine gun! Who on earth has the guts to mobilize such powerful firepower?"

"Don't panic, we are one."

"Luo Yun smiled and shook his head, then said to Liu Yubai beside him:

"Xue De and the others are out. I guess the opponent is now only thinking about escaping. You go and help Chen Juer and quickly eliminate the opponent!"

"Yes! Boss!"

Liu Yubai nodded, and jumped directly into the crowd in an instant!

The iron fan in his hand flipped up and down, and people and horses were thrown to the ground in an instant!

Liu Yubai directly knocked over six or seven people!

"Is this the Liu family's ancestral iron fan kung fu! ? I didn't expect that I would be able to broaden my horizons in my lifetime!"

Old man Chen was also surprised!

In terms of kung fu, the Dongguan Liu family is the best among the local families!

However, due to the disappearance of Liu Yubai more than a hundred years ago, the Liu family's iron fan was lost. In addition, although Liu Yubai's father married a stepmother and had a son.

But because Liu Yubai's father was old at that time, when the youngest son was a little older, Liu Yubai's father was already very old.

It was impossible to pass on the essence of ancestral kung fu.

Therefore, the Dongguan Liu family, although better than the original trajectory of family destruction, at least it was passed down.

However, only 30% of the ancestral kung fu was passed down.

It is also a pity.

""Boss! I have asked the team members to fight separately! Pursue the enemy!"

At this time, Xue De, who was armed with murderous intent, came directly to Luo Yun's side!

Liu Yubai personally went to fight, so the task of protecting Luo Yun naturally fell on Xue De!

While arranging the other four members of the Umbrella Team to fight separately and annihilate the enemy.

Xue De came to Luo Yun's side at the fastest speed!

"This, this is also Mr. Luo's guard! ?"

And Mr. Chen on the side was stunned!

Combat uniform, submachine gun, and professional combat qualities emanating from his body!

Who is this Luo Yun who can have such subordinates!?


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