At this time, his level progress was already: Level 10 (168680/200000) and he would be able to upgrade soon!!

All the way to the end of the road.

Ye Chuyun finally encountered the first king-level beast in the Swamp King Cemetery.

This was a huge werewolf.

It had silver-white fur and a pair of black claws.

A translucent liquid kept flowing out of its open mouth.

The liquid immediately turned black and emitted green smoke when it fell on the ground, showing signs of corrosion.

Obviously, the saliva of this werewolf was corrosive.

【Name: Werewolf King (King Level)

【Level: 10

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 9000

【Features: bloodthirsty, murderous, territorial

【Skills]: Death Gaze LV5, Roar LV5,

【Talent: D-level strength enhancement

【[Explosion Rate]: 20%

"Hehehe, it's actually a human, it smells so good."

When the Werewolf King saw Ye Chuyun, more and more saliva flowed from his mouth

"Weak human, die!"

Suddenly, the werewolf king moved, and his swollen chest began to move upwards, passing through his neck and then to his mouth.

He was about to use his skill, [Roar]!!

At this time, the werewolf king's mouth had already bulged.

It looked like he was about to release a skill.

Ye Chuyun was indifferent to this, just waving his hand.

"Flying fire meteor!"

"Aquaman is angry!"

"Quicksand vortex!"

"Die for me!!"

In just a moment, countless meteors and meteorites fell, countless water tornadoes swept over, and sand pit whirlpools continued to emerge on the ground.

The three elemental skills have become extremely terrifying after the addition of [Heavenly Laws of Nature].

The Werewolf King was submerged in it before he could react.

Werewolf King: ???!

Can we still play?

This damn human.

Can we wait for its skills to be released!!


The Werewolf King roared in despair, and before he could even use his skills, he watched his body sink into the quicksand.

Then he was hit by countless meteorites, and then he was sucked into the waterspout.

The Werewolf King felt that the time around him seemed to have been slowed down countless times.

This made him extremely painful.

At the same time, he also sensed the breath coming from Ye Chuyun.

This made him widen his eyes, as if he had thought of something.

"You... You are God"

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Before the werewolf king could finish his words, the water tornado destroyed his body.

【Kill the Level 10 King Werewolf King and gain +10,000 energy points】

【100% explosion rate triggered, the item has been automatically placed in the storage space, please check it. 】

After the werewolf beast died, a silver-white treasure chest appeared at the end of the road

"I wonder what good stuff the Werewolf King will reveal next."

Ye Chuyun quickly opened the storage space to check.

【Werewolf King's Spirit: Strength +20, Agility +20 after taking】

【Blood Armor: Defense +50, Constitution +50, Strength +20. After wearing it, you will automatically absorb the enemy's blood when killing them. After reaching a certain level, you can release a strengthening skill to improve your own attributes by 10% for 1 minute. You need to reach level 10, strength, constitution 500 and above. One of the third-level best suits】

【Two-piece set effect: Defense +100, Strength +100, Constitution +100】

【Four-piece set effect: Damage reduction 30%, all attributes +80】

【Six-piece set effect: Activate the skill Blood Rage, each time you take damage, your strength and agility will increase by 10%, can be stacked up to five times, and lasts for one minute】

""Level 3 Blood Suit!!"

Ye Chuyun's eyes lit up.

The most famous item in the Swamp King Cemetery is this level 3 premium suit, the Blood Suit.

The Blood Suit has six pieces in total.

It combines defense, attack, and treatment.

It is considered the best level 3 suit among level 10 suits.

Even at level 20, some people are reluctant to replace this suit.

Now the Blood Suit is much better than the Iron Turtle Suit he is wearing.

Unfortunately, there is only one piece.

Ye Chuyun plans to replace his equipment after collecting six pieces.

Before the Heavenly Sin Suit is manufactured, the Blood Suit is Ye Chuyun's best choice.

In addition to the Blood Armor, the Werewolf Beast also exploded a D-level strength-enhancing talent imprint.

At this time, Ye Chuyun also noticed the silver treasure chest.

It seems that this is the reward for the fifteenth path.

Ye Chuyun did not open it, but put it in the storage space.

See if there is a chance to synthesize another gold treasure chest.

Another hour passed.

During this time, Ye Chuyun had confirmed that the 18th road was the way out.

However, he did not choose to walk out of the forest.

Instead, he chose to continue walking the remaining 12 roads.

On the 30th road, Ye Chuyun encountered a giant king-level bat.

He easily defeated it in a few seconds.

He also obtained a third-level top-quality suit, the blood-colored helmet.

【Bloody Helmet: Defense +40, Spirit +30, Constitution +30, Damage Reduction 15%, Wearing Requirement Level 10, Spirit, Constitution 500 and above, one of the three-level top-quality suits. 】

In addition, there are God and Demon Coins, Essence, Skill Stones, Strengthening Stones and other items.

At the end of the road, another silver treasure chest was obtained.

So far, all thirty roads have been explored.

During this period, the fierce beasts that Ye Chuyun encountered were almost solved with one move, without exception.

This place is too weak compared to those messengers in the Origin Realm.

His level is about to break through: Level 10 (199820/200000)

So far, the hidden achievement has been achieved.

This time Ye Chuyun returned to the eighteenth road and walked in again.

This time he finally passed through the forest and came to the ruins.

Inside the ruins is a hall that looks very empty.

There is a door at the end of the hall, and there is nothing else.

Because the building was so dilapidated, there were huge cracks in many places. The moonlight shining in made it look gloomy.

Ye Chuyun walked slowly through the corridor.

There were many patterns and words engraved on both sides of the corridor.

The patterns were various creatures.

Among them were the familiar green claw beast, stone ape beast, eyeless snake, purple poison frog, ghost wolf, iron turtle beast, etc.

These were the patterns of the fierce beasts that appeared in the poisonous fog swamp.

"The Way of Heaven descends, summoning all races, bringing destruction and disasterThe race abandoned by the heaven will become"

Ye Chuyun watched silently.

This passage was nothing more than an introduction to the origin of this poisonous swamp.

This was also a secret that shocked people when they came here in the previous life.

It turned out that whether it was the Green Claw Beast, the Stone Ape Beast, or the Iron Turtle Beast, they were once summoned by the Heavenly Dao and descended into the world of gods and demons.

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