As soon as these words came out, the chat channel was boiling again.

Cai Kun:"Ye Shen is waiting for you to say this. I have dozens of spiritual herbs in my storage space. I'm here to make a fortune!"

Wang Gang:"Ye Shen is waiting for you. No one wants to buy so many of my ores and spiritual fruits. I'm really in pain."

Zhuang Liang:"Captain, I still have some here. Please sell them all for me. I want that shield. Hehe, please buy it for me."

Wang Gang:"Okay, you are waiting for me here?"

Wang Yun:"Captain, I want that skill book. I'm counting on you!!"

Wang Gang:""

Huang Peng:"I'm so confused. I just found a gray treasure chest here, but with my bad luck, I will probably only get God and Demon Coins when I open it. Do you think I can sell this treasure chest?"

Wang Gang:"Is it possible? But if I find a treasure chest, I will probably open it. It's just that my luck is not good. I have opened 4 or 5 treasure chests, but so far they are all God and Demon Coins. I haven't even seen a piece of equipment."

Cai Kun:"Wow, who said it wasn't? I feel like it's a waste to open this treasure chest for me. It would be great if I could sell it."

Lei Chen:"Sell it? Who would buy it? A gray treasure chest should cost at least 100-200 God and Demon Coins, but if only God and Demon Coins are found, wouldn't it be a huge loss?"

Huang Peng:"Well, in that case, I'd better open this treasure chest."

Ye Chuyun:"Hey, wait, why don't you sell this treasure chest to me? I'll buy it."

Huang Peng:"Fuck, Ye Shen, do you want to buy it?""

Ye Chuyun:"Well, just 200 God and Demon coins, sell it to me.""

Huang Peng:"Okay, okay!""Wang

Gang:"Fuck, Ye Shen, you should have told me earlier, I opened so many treasure chests, I might as well sell it to you if I knew it earlier.""

Ye Chuyun:"I forgot about this, if you have treasure chests in the future, if you want to sell them, you can find me, I will buy them all.""

Lei Chen:"Okay, okay.""

Cai Kun:"Okay, okay.""

Wang Yun:"Okay, okay."

Spent 200 God and Demon coins and bought a gray treasure chest from Huang Peng.

A trace of joy flashed in Ye Chuyun's eyes.

Fortunately, Huang Peng reminded him, otherwise he would have really forgotten about it.

He can buy treasure chests from other people and use them to synthesize more advanced treasure chests.

Just after he sent that sentence in the chat channel, several people chatted privately and wanted to sell treasure chests.

Until the end of the transaction, Ye Chuyun now has a total of 8 gray treasure chests and 4 bronze treasure chests.

Ye Chuyun tried to take out 8 gray treasure chests and started to synthesize them.

The next second, 8 gray treasure chests emitted a dazzling light and turned into 2 bronze treasure chests.



8 gray treasure chests are only priced at 1600 God and Demon coins.

But the value of 2 bronze treasure chests can definitely exceed 1600 God and Demon coins!

Even if other people find out that the treasure chests can be synthesized in the future, Ye Chuyun believes that they will choose to sell it to him in the end.

It is precisely because of the ridiculously low explosion rate that they subconsciously give up opening the treasure chest.

Since the treasure chest cannot open equipment props, it is better to sell it to him, and then use the God and Demon coins to buy equipment skill books.

This will be more cost-effective.

Just when Ye Chuyun was secretly excited, Cai Kun suddenly sent a private chat.

Cai Kun:"Ye Shen, go to the regional chat channel and take a look. Those bastards said they want to retaliate against us. We have too few people in Longguo, and there are restrictions on speaking, so we can't scold them."

Ye Chuyun:"What the hell are those bastards doing?"

Ye Chuyun frowned. He really didn't have a good impression of these people who always provoked their Longguo again and again.

He was very angry and opened the regional chat channel to find out.

As soon as he entered the regional chat channel, Ye Chuyun was immediately dazzled by countless messages.

A few hours had passed since the faction war.

Many new people joined the regional chat channel and dozens of districts were added.

Among these dozens of districts, most of them were from the Sakura Country, Eagle Country, Kimchi Country and those small countries.

There were only three areas belonging to the Dragon Country.

When the losers saw the reinforcements coming, they immediately stood up again and wanted to lead other countries to exclude the Dragon Country.

So the two sides started a fierce war of words!

No. 55 Sharma Rafi:"Dear Mr. Wells, it was those areas of Dragon Country that caused us and your compatriots to lose a lot of resources, and even many people died. You must help us avenge this." No. 44 Sam:"

Oh, dear Wells, we are both nobles. You must understand my feelings at this moment. You must avenge us." No. 125

Wells:"Dear Sam, if it is true as you said, that Dragon Country is so despicable and harms our Eagle Country compatriots, then they really deserve to die. We in District 125 will never let them go."

No. 346 Kitahara Sosuke:"And our compatriots in Sakura Country, we are so miserable. Some have lost their resources and some have died. We must avenge them."

No. 752 Miyamoto Naoshi:"Kusuo, Sosuke-san, we will definitely avenge you."

No. 388 Wu Yong:"Hey, No. 346, you little brat, didn’t you say you would commit suicide by disembowelment if you lost? How come you’re not dead yet? Do you want me to be your kaishakunin and help you on your way?"

No. 28 Park Zhengcan:"Look at them, how arrogant they are. We can only be bullied, how dare we bully them."

No. 25 Xiao Yun:"Pretend, keep pretending. You’re playing the victim now, right? I still like your rebellious look before."

No. 336 Jin Shizheng:"Shit, our Kimchi Country is so innocent, but we are bullied by your Dragon Country like this. We must avenge this!"

Northern Bear Country:"Uh, let me stand up and say something fair. Don’t let them lead you by the nose. If a fight really breaks out, you may not be the opponent of the Dragon Country." Motorcycle Country:

"I agree too. Don’t be impulsive."

Australian Rat Country:"I dare not speak, for fear of being hated by the Dragon Country people."

No. 137 Liu Can:"Ah, our Dragon Country is so powerful? We are quite proud of that."

No. 225 Li Zhenhua:"Hehe, who said it wasn’t? It’s great to see that our Dragon Country is so powerful." No. 346

Kitahara Sosuke:"Damn it, just wait, we will take the train to the next destination on the third day, we will definitely find you Dragon people, just wash your necks and wait for us."

No. 55 Sharma Rafi:"Humph, that’s right, maybe the next destination of the train will be your Dragon Country area, and when we find you, we will never let you go!" As soon as these words came out, all the districts of Dragon Country were furious!

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