"Who was that adult just now?"

Hilda asked puzzledly.

"He is Lord Lu Xiao"

"Thank you for showing mercy, sir. Otherwise, these warriors of the Asgard would have died tragically because of the conspiracy of the Sea King!"

Hilda was very lucky. Fortunately, Athena came fast enough, and fortunately, this sir named Lu Xiao was strong enough to lift the curse of the Sea King.

Otherwise, Hilda didn't know how serious the damage to the Asgard would have been this time.

"Is this gentleman from the Holy Land?"

"Um, he's not"

"Which god is that?"

"He is not a god, but a powerful being who surpasses the gods!"

The only three super gods in this universe!!

"Beyond God! ?"


Asgard, Asgard.

Odin, holding the Spear of Eternity and sitting on the golden throne, suddenly opened his eyes!

He just sensed that something had happened in his Nordic territory, Asgard, and was about to check it out, but he was not only discovered immediately, but also locked by a powerful microcosm!

The power of his microcosm is comparable to that of Zeus, the king of gods! It is even more unfathomable and powerful!!

He was frightened and woke up instantly!

Then, he saw the owner of this microcosm appeared in front of him

""My Lord!"

Odin quickly stood up and walked down from the throne.

Facing such a powerful existence, Odin did not dare and was not worthy to continue sitting on the throne!

Although he was the father of the Norse gods, the strongest in the Saint Seiya world were the twelve gods of Olympus.

Zeus was the king of the gods and ruled the sky, while Athena ruled the earth.

And Asgard was only a small part of the earth.

"I wonder what brings you here, sir?"

"The affairs of the earth have nothing to do with me! This is a conspiracy of Poseidon, the king of the sea!"

"I never asked Hilda to overthrow the sanctuary and occupy the earth!"

Odin hurriedly explained, fearing that this powerful god who went to Asgard with Athena would misunderstand!!

At the same time, he was also confused.

Zeus disappeared in the heavens and is now guarded by the sun god Apollo.

There is Poseidon in the sea world, Hades in the underworld, and Artemis who lives in the moon temple.

Odin knows each of them, but who is this one?!

"I know it's not you this time, Poseidon, I'll go find him later"

"The reason I came here is because of you."

Lu Xiao said


Odin suddenly felt uneasy.

"As the father of the Norse gods, you must be very powerful."

"I'm not strong at all! Really!"


Lu Xiao was suddenly speechless.

So honest?

"Forget it, I won't say any more. I'm here to kill gods."

""True Eternal Tribulation Rondo."

A sickle shining with dark red light and emitting a powerful aura appeared in Lu Xiao's hand.

Last time, when Lu Xiao obtained the Saturn template, he also obtained the True Eternal Tribulation Rondo.

And this True Eternal Tribulation Rondo is the strongest holy sword completed by the combination of Eternal Tribulation Rondo and the holy swords of the Four Heavenly Kings, and is Saturn's special weapon.

The other four holy swords are: God's Creation Sword, Heaven and Earth Collapse Slash, Martial God's Lightning Sword, Heavy Explosion Thunder Blade Slash

""My Lord!? What did I do wrong?!"

Odin was terrified!

The source of his fear was not Lu Xiao himself, but this powerful holy sword!

Through the aura of the holy sword, Odin felt that his little universe was about to stop spinning!

The other party had the ability to kill him!

"Disappear with Asgard."

Lu Xiao was too lazy to explain. He waved his hand and ignored Odin's frightened expression, unleashing the power of the holy sword. With the True Eternal Rondo, a light wave could chop up the stars in the universe, manipulate the time and space of the entire universe, and possess infinite energy. It could even cut off the logic of time and shatter time and space.

It could also cut through chaos and open up a new universe.

Therefore, in order to prevent his power from causing the collapse of the universe, Lu Xiao had to carefully control the output of power. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But even if there was only a trace of power leaking out, the energy that seemed insignificant to Lu Xiao would completely destroy the entire Asgard and Asgard, turning it into cosmic dust.

Including the gods living in it, such as Odin, Thor, and Loki, no one was spared.

【Ding! You changed the future of the Norse gods and earned 1 million points】

"(cjbh) Eh? Nordic gods? One million points?!"

Saori, who was talking to Hilda, received a message from the chat group.

But this message made her a little confused.

Didn't she and Lu Xiao come here to change the future of Hilda and several God Warriors in advance?

How could they be involved with the Nordic gods?!

"Can we go now?"

Just then, Lu Xiao came back.

"Master Lu Xiao, I received a tip and got 1 million points. What's going on?"

Saori hurriedly stepped forward and asked

"Oh? What does the prompt say?"

"Said I changed the future of the Norse gods"

"Well, I helped them to get more points. It's ok, let's go find Poseidon."

"Is that so? I understand."

Saori nodded.

She could never imagine what Lu Xiao had done during his absence!

Otherwise, she might have stopped Lu Xiao immediately.

She asked Lu Xiao to help her get points, but she didn't think of asking Lu Xiao to kill gods! []

Lu Xiao also considered this point. He didn't say it directly.

Lu Xiao also knew that he didn't have permanent authority in the world of Saint Seiya, which meant that he could be kicked out by Saori at any time.

"I have to find a way to get permanent permissions first."

Lu Xiao thought.

"Master Lu Xiao, thank you for your help!"

Seeing that Athena and the others were about to leave, Hilda hurried forward to thank them!

"I'm glad you're okay. We're going to ask Poseidon for an explanation. We won't stay here long."

"Yes, Hilda, we are leaving first.

"Thanks again, my friend!"


Underwater world.

The area ruled by Poseidon.

Lu Xiao and Saori are walking towards the temple in the center.

"Saori, are we friends?"

"Lord Lu Xiao is naturally my friend"

"Then you can give me permanent permission so that I can come to see you often in the future, how about that?"


Saori did not doubt and gave Lu Xiao permanent permission to travel to the Saint Seiya world.

This permission cannot be turned off even if Saori wants to.

"Someone is coming."

Lu Xiao suddenly stopped and looked at the reef above.

"Athena, you actually came to the sea realm to seek death."

A man in a golden scale coat appeared quietly.


Saori, who had already watched Saint Seiya, recognized the man at a glance.

Even though he was wearing a mask,


Garlon was so shocked that he lost his words.

Did he come out too early?

How could he continue after his identity was exposed so quickly?


Don't worry: Ẩm Nguyệt Quân

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