【Bu Jingyun】:""Master, I have made up my mind. I want to buy the template of General Fei Peng from the God Realm!"

After a long while, Bu Jingyun finally made up his mind.

He chose the character template of Fei Peng, the strongest person in the God Realm, which was worth two million points.

Fei Peng came from the game Fairy Sword series. In his first life, he fought against the Demon Lord Chonglou, which resulted in the Well of Gods and Demons being left unguarded.

Seeing that the guardian Fei Peng was not there, the Demon Realm took this opportunity to invade the God Realm.

Since then, the God Realm knew about Fei Peng's private fight and did not fulfill his responsibility to guard the Well of Gods and Demons, so they sent Shui Bi and other heavenly soldiers and generals to capture Fei Peng.

When the divine soldiers and generals found Fei Peng, Fei Peng was distracted and lost the fight. His sword also fell to the human world and became the Shushan Demon-Suppressing Sword.

After Fei Peng was brought back to the God Realm, the Emperor of Heaven punished him by sending him to the lower world and into reincarnation.

In Fei Peng's reincarnation, he was Long Yang, the prince of Jiang State, and Jing Tian.

So this template is very good.

And Fei Peng also uses a sword, which is very suitable for Bu"Six One Three" Jingyun

【Yue Buqun】:"This Fei Peng is so powerful!"

"If I had the points, I would buy this too!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Indeed! I am also envious"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Just make your choice."

After receiving two million points, Lu Xiao sent the jar to Bu Jingyun in a red envelope.

With Fei Peng's template, Bu Jingyun will find it easy even if he experiences a great catastrophe in the future.

However, it is hard to say whether there will be a great catastrophe in the future, because Lu Xiao lost a meteorite to Japan.

After receiving the red envelope, Bu Jingyun opened the jar directly and received Fei Peng's character template.

At this time, he has far surpassed the martial arts legend Wuming!

【Bu Jingyun】:"Thank you, group leader!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"You're welcome."

With the one million points he earned from Bu Jingyun this time, Lu Xiao now has a total of 1,388,500 points.

Lu Xiao plans to buy either Chronos's template or OAA's template after accumulating 5 million points.

He even bought the Silver Superman template. He wants to strengthen his strength in all aspects!

Anyway, if he has points, Lu Xiao doesn't mind buying all the powerful templates!

"Now there is also Saori's world where you can earn a lot of points, and Diana's DC world is also good"

"Well, my own Marvel world is also OK, but there is no need to rush for the time being"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Yue Buqun, Master Yue, would you like to have a gathering with me?"

【Yue Buqun】:"Okay, I have time."

Yue Buqun and Zhang Sanfeng are in similar worlds. If they want to change the world, they can discuss it together.

Private chat channel

【Huang Rong】:"Brother Lu Xiao, can I come to your world to play?"

【Tsunade】:"Want to come see me?"


Lu Xiao looked at the two messages in silence.

Are you sure you didn't discuss it?!

After thinking about it, Lu Xiao decided to reply to Huang Rong first.

After all, Huang Rong said she wanted to treat him to a meal last time, but he didn't go.

After all, she was his future little wife, so he couldn't ignore her.

【Huang Rong】

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"I'll give you permanent access, you can come here now"

【Huang Rong】:"OK!"

Offline, Huang Rong saw Lu Xiao's reply and immediately looked in the mirror and combed her hair.


【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"I'll see you tomorrow. I have something to do today."

【Tsunade】:"OK, I'll go watch the show."

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Watch a show?"

【Tsunade】:"Yes, watch the drama of Obito, Kakashi, and Rin"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"As long as you are happy...By the way, didn't you become Hokage? Not busy?"

【Tsunade】:"Oh, with Minato here, I don't have to work so hard."

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"As long as you are happy."

Namikaze Minato: I am the former Fourth Hokage, and now the Fifth Hokage.

""Brother Lu Xiao!"

Huang Rong's voice full of surprise appeared in Lu Xiao's ears.

Huang Rong was still sunny, wearing a white dress, standing tall and graceful. Compared with Gwen's enthusiasm, Huang Rong was like a snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain and a lotus in the clear water. She was really beautiful to Lu Xiao's heart.

"Rong'er, you are here"

"Hmm! Brother Lu Xiao, is this your home?

Huang Rong looked around and nodded silently.

She thought to herself, fortunately, she had watched Superman and Justice League several times, and was familiar with many modern facilities.

"Since you're here, shall I take you out to eat?"


Huang Rong nodded happily.

"But isn't this inappropriate for me?"

Huang Rong was a little worried that her clothes were out of tune with the modern world.

"It doesn't matter, let's start with shopping? Come on, I'll take you to buy clothes!"

Lu Xiao said, pulling Huang Rong's hand and teleporting to a corner of the bustling commercial street.

"Let’s go and look at each family one by one."


Huang Rong was a little nervous. She looked at this prosperous and unfamiliar world and felt uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Lu Xiao was by her side!


"Is it too revealing?……"

"That long sleeves?.........."


Lu Xiao took Huang Rong into a high-end clothing store.

"Help my girlfriend pick out some clothes"

"Yes, sir!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It was not surprising for the waiter to see Huang Rong's clothes. In New York, what can't you see?

They even saw a monster a few days ago!

Therefore, the salesperson introduced Huang Rong with a normal face and a smile.

Thanks to the chat group, Huang Rong had no communication barriers, and all languages were automatically translated.

After selecting a few sets of clothes, Lu Xiao took Huang Rong to buy shoes.

Then, Lu Xiao took Huang Rong to stop outside a lingerie store.

""Brother Lu Xiao, what are we doing here?"

Huang Rong asked in a low voice.

"Buy underwear"

"No... no need……"

Huang Rong blushed.

These underwear seem so exaggerated!!

"Rong'er, you've bought a whole set of clothes. If you don't change into something underneath, won't it be uncomfortable to wear?"


"This is called"When in Rome, do as the Romans do"."


"Let's go."

Lu Xiao took Huang Rong into the store.

"Help my girlfriend pick out some suitable underwear"

"Yes, sir! Madam, please follow me!"[]

"Brother Lu Xiao……"

Huang Rong was so shy that she almost cried

"……Okay, okay, I'll buy it for you and you can choose it yourself?"

"May I?"

"Of course."

Lu Xiao snapped his fingers and took Huang Rong away to a 5.4-square-meter villa.

""Huh? Aren't you going back to your home?"

Huang Rong was a little confused.

"Now this is your home."

Lu Xiao only needs to think about it, and he can legally own a villa in the most expensive place in New York.

"My home?"

"Yes, this place belongs to you from now on, you can stay here as long as you want"

"Thank you! Brother Lu Xiao!!"

Huang Rong threw herself into Lu Xiao's arms excitedly, her heart full of emotion!

"Okay, okay, go change your clothes first, then we'll go eat."


Huang Rong walked into a cloakroom, which was full of clothes that fit her size.

Huang Rong stayed in there for a while, and finally called out to Lu Xiao.

"Brother Lu Xiao... I can't wear this……"


"Could you... come in and help me?……"

Huang Rong's voice was as soft as a mosquito's.

But Lu Xiao heard it.

"Hey, let me help!"


This is my name: Deimoslucifer1

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