【Yue Buqun】:"Huh? A new member has joined? Welcome newcomer!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Haha, we chat every day, we're so familiar with each other that it's almost boring. Finally there's a newcomer."

【Nami】:"Huh? The new member who joined this time doesn't have a nickname?"

【Huang Rong】:"It's true!"

Everyone was very surprised, but they were also very happy that there were new people joining.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for unlocking all levels of jar rewards. The system has started to upgrade.】

【The estimated upgrade time is 24 hours, please wait patiently】



Before Lu Xiao had time to see who the new members were, he was attracted by the system prompt.

"Because I opened all the jars.-"

"Interesting, I wonder what additional features will be added after the system upgrade!"

Lu Xiao thought expectantly.

At the moment, he opened a top-level template like Saturn from the Supreme Jar, and almost touched the reward limit of the Supreme Jar. It is normal to upgrade.

On the contrary, Lu Xiao is more looking forward to whether the reward limit can be further increased after the upgrade.

Since the system is going to be upgraded, Lu Xiao will focus on the chat group first to see who the new people are who have joined this time.

"Di Yun? Bu Jingyun? Wan Wan?!"Oh my god, the most miserable male protagonist, the god of death who never cries, the saint of the devil cult! They all have great backgrounds!

Wait, Diana? Kido Saori?!

Lu Xiao just wanted to upload content about Marvel, DC and Saint Seiya, and they joined the chat group?!

【Yue Buqun】:"Why is the newcomer not talking? Is he doubting the authenticity? If you don't believe it, you can check the chat history and group files."

【Di Yun】:"Are the seniors... immortals?"

In the snowy valley, Di Yun touched his bald head, looking confused.

He turned to look at the Blood Blade Patriarch who was sitting cross-legged in meditation, and Shui Sheng who was lying on the ground unable to move after being acupunctured. He did not see any strange expressions on their faces.

"Am I the only one who can see this thing?"

Di Yun was extremely puzzled. When he saw Yue Buqun talking, he went to check the chat history.

The more he read, the more shocked he became!

Zhang Sanfeng is a god?!

This Yue Buqun is also?!

And this group leader has just become a god?!

My God, did I really meet a god??

Di Yun was overjoyed!

If they were really gods, would they be able to save him and Miss Shui?!

He didn't want to be trapped in this snowy valley!

There was no food here, and no warm clothes.

Even this Blood Knife Patriarch wanted to defile Miss Shui. It was too dangerous!!

Di Yun immediately asked for help in the chat group.

【Di Yun】:"Dear immortals! I am in trouble now. Can you please help me? Di Yun is willing to repay you with his life!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Oh? Are you in danger? That's easy. I just need to send you a request to go to your world, and you just need to agree."

""Master, can I go?"

Yue Buqun was already invincible in his own world, and wanted to go to another world to show off.

He had previously gone to Zhang Sanfeng, who was also a god, to learn from him, but Zhang Sanfeng had no time for the time being because he had to look for the Black Jade Ointment and Zhou Zhiruo, so he could only make an appointment later.

This time, a new person joined, which gave Yue Buqun an opportunity.

However, he still asked Lu Xiao cautiously, so as not to go to a world where he could not defeat him.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"You can go there, it's a martial arts world, similar to your world"

【Yue Buqun】:"Good! I'll go and help! Di Yun, I've sent an application, please approve it!"

Yue Buqun was delighted to get Lu Xiao's answer.

The martial arts world? Then he would definitely go!!

【Di Yun】:"I saw it!"

Di Yun was about to agree when a prompt suddenly popped up in the chat group.

Ding! Group task released: Di Yun's request for help. Reward points: 10,000. Number of people required: one

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Huh? Is this the new function that was added after the last chat group upgrade?"

【Huang Rong】:"Does that mean we can also issue tasks?"

Ding! Group member Yue Buqun has accepted the task and can go directly to Diyun World

【Tsunade】:"Look at the prompts! After accepting the task, you can go to his world without other people's consent!"

【Yue Buqun】:"It's true! I'll go test it out first!"

After Yue Buqun accepted the task, he started his journey through time.


"Chat group?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Bu Jingyun sat on the roof with a grim expression, his chin supported by his hands, his brows furrowed.

After joining the chat group, he cautiously did not speak, but watched silently.

After looking through some chat records and the files in the group, he slowly accepted this fact.

"It seems like these people are very powerful. I wonder if they can help me get revenge."


【Wanwan】:"Chat group? Interesting! Does this group owner know me too? Is there a copy of me?"

Wanwan is eccentric, bold, but also extremely intelligent.

She competes fiercely with Shi Feixuan, the successor of Cihang Jingzhai.

The two have similar skills, are both peerless beauties, and are the best in mind and martial arts in the contemporary era!

Therefore, she has a great interest in this chat group of all heavens and worlds!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"I know, do you want to know your future fate?"

Lu Xiao joked

【Wanwan】:"I want to know! What price do I have to pay?"

Wan Wan's expression changed.

Through the copies in the group files, it can be seen that the group owner Lu Xiao has great magical powers.

Especially since the other party said that he has become a god, even Zhang Sanfeng and Yue Buqun, two people who have become gods, are still respectful to him, which shows that his strength is unfathomable.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"How about... a dance? It is said that your Tianwu dance can blend the best and the worst into one. I am looking forward to it."

【Wanwan】:""Ah? Dancing? You can see me dancing?"

Wanwan was shocked. This group leader really knew her background!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:���You are so smart, you must know what live broadcast and video mean. I'll wait for you."


【Tsunade】:"Want to see me dancing? I'll show you."

【Huang Rong】:"And me! I can learn!"

【Tsunade】:"Isn't it too late for Sister Rong'er to learn martial arts now?"

【Huang Rong】:"Then doesn't Sister Tsunade also know how to do ninjutsu, drink, and roll dice? And can she dance?"


Tsunade was so anxious!

She was speechless because what she said was the truth!

【Diana】:"Do you know Wonder Woman? What is that character template?"

In an art gallery, Diana stopped what she was doing and began to carefully explore the secrets of the chat group.

Thanks to her powerful mental power, Diana read through the chat records in a very short time.

Then she saw the words Wonder Woman.

"If you open a can and get a different character template, you can get the same abilities as the other party?!"

"So the one called Shizune is now the same as me? She even has the blood of God?!"

"This chat group of the myriad worlds is so powerful?!"

Diana was alert.


【Kido Saori】:"Excuse me, group leader, are you Lord Saturn?!"


I love you: Ý Chí

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