"Dad! No!"

Huang Rong saw Huang Yaoshi was about to take action, and immediately subconsciously blocked Lu Xiao.


Huang Yaoshi's blood pressure soared immediately after seeing this!

His good cotton-padded jacket has a lover, so she doesn't want him as a father anymore!? She's still turning her elbow outward!?

Huang Yaoshi felt very painful!

At this moment, he seemed to see the scene of his daughter getting married in red clothes!

Especially, according to the time it took Huang Rong to sneak out of the island and come back, it has only been a month!

In just one month, his daughter has been fascinated by this guy!!

"Lu Xiao, right?! If you can’t beat me, don’t even think about marrying my daughter!!"

Huang Yaoshi got angry!

He decided to teach this pretty boy a lesson!

If he wanted to marry his precious daughter, he had to beat him!

Huang Yaoshi had calculated that, looking at the other party’s age, even if he practiced for another ten years, he might not be his opponent!

You know, he has been one of the Five Great Masters for more than a decade!

Huang Yaoshi was determined to make this Lu Xiao give up!

"Dad! What nonsense are you talking about?���!"

Huang Rong's face immediately turned red when she heard what Huang Yaoshi said! What do you mean by marrying her?

She and Lu Xiao are not in that kind of relationship!! What if Big Brother Lu Xiao misunderstands her?! 20 Huang Rong was extremely lucky that she had not started the live broadcast yet, otherwise this scene would definitely become her black history! And then she would be laughed at by Yue Buqun all the time! But she remembered that Yue Buqun had been looking for an opportunity to retaliate against the group members' attack on him!

""Ah? This... Rong'er, am I winning or losing?"

Lu Xiao scratched his cheek, quite surprised.

So why did Huang Yaoshi misunderstand their relationship?

He and Huang Rong were not very close.

Could it be that this kind of thinking is the passive aura of an old father with a daughter?

""Brother Lu Xiao! Don't talk nonsense!"

Huang Rong was so anxious! She was so anxious that she was angry!

Don't add fuel to the fire at this time!

"I'm just afraid that you'll misunderstand me. If I win, your father will say he wants you to marry me. If I lose, that would be too fake. I'm afraid your father will think I look down on him."

"Brother Lu Xiao!!"

"You bastard! Watch out!!"

Huang Rong was anxious to explain, but Lu Xiao still had the time to joke.

But Huang Yaoshi couldn't stand it anymore!

Especially when he saw Lu Xiao affectionately calling his daughter Rong'er, he was even more furious!

Rong'er is my exclusive name! What right do you have, you pretty boy!

Huang Yaoshi was so angry that he took action directly!!

"Rong'er, step back."

Lu Xiao waved his hand gently, sent Huang Rong aside, and raised his hand to deal with Huang Yaoshi.


Huang Yaoshi was moved when he saw this scene.

This kid is actually worried about Rong'er. Is he afraid that he will hurt Rong'er?

But how is it possible!

I will not hurt my daughter!

This kid must be acting!

"Boy! Let me see how capable you are!!"

Huang Yaoshi stepped on the Ling Ao Step, used his hands to move the Luoying Divine Sword Palm, and attacked Lu Xiao fiercely!

Judging from his momentum, he didn't hold back at all!!

""Brother Lu Xiao! Be careful!"

Huang Rong shouted from the side.


Huang Yaoshi was so angry that he vomited blood. He actually cared about this kid!!

Just as he was about to use his strength again to teach Lu Xiao a lesson, Huang Rong's voice rang out again.

"Be careful not to hurt my dad!!"


Huang Yaoshi was about to vomit blood!

Rong'er, Rong'er, not only are you so disloyal, but you even look down on your father's strength?!

"Rong'er, don't worry, I will hold back, but if you open your mouth again, I'm afraid your father will not be able to bear it first and will be so angry that he will get internal injuries."

Lu Xiao reminded silently

"……"(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

When Huang Rong saw her father's expression, she immediately covered her mouth with both hands and stopped talking.

"Boy, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Huang Yaoshi's face turned red, well, he was angry!

"What's the point of just dodging? Fight back if you have the guts!"

"That's what you said, so I fought back?"[]

Lu Xiao immediately returned his palm.


A burst of energy suddenly erupted from the two of them, and Huang Yaoshi was forced to take a few steps back. Then he looked at Lu Xiao, who seemed to be fine, and was shocked!

This kid, there was no internal force fluctuation in his body, but his body was as hard as cold iron!

Could he be a Buddhist disciple, practicing the way of horizontal training?

But why didn't his moves have any Buddhist martial arts?

Each move was relaxed and freehand, as if he had returned to his original nature and was in harmony with the world?!

Where did this kid come from! ?

Huang Yaoshi stood there with a frown on his face, staring at Lu Xiao vigilantly.

But what he didn't know was that the reason why Lu Xiao's moves didn't show any martial arts was because Lu Xiao relied on his speed and physical fitness to deal with it casually.

In order not to hit too hard and prevent Huang Yaoshi from being injured, Lu Xiao repeatedly suppressed his strength and reluctantly made a move.

Otherwise, even the Saint Seiya's lowest speed punch would be enough to kill Huang Yaoshi, a so-called Five Supreme Master, on the spot.

"Boy, where do you come from?"

"I have no sect or school. I came here at Rong'er's invitation to revive her mother, your wife."

"Humph! Nonsense! How can such a thing happen in this world? Unless you are the reincarnation of an immortal!"

Huang Yaoshi snorted coldly.

"Dad! It's true, Brother Lu Xiao is even more powerful than an immortal! Just let Brother Lu Xiao have a try!"

Huang Rong stepped forward and pulled Huang Yaoshi to persuade him.

"I don't agree! Your mother has been buried for many years, how can you let this unknown person disturb her peace!"

"Brother Lu Xiao is not a person of unknown origin!"

"Then who do you think he is? Where is he from?!"


Huang Rong paused.

If she said at this moment that Lu Xiao came from another world and could even cut the moon in half with one blow, wouldn't her father think she was talking nonsense?

"Brother Lu Xiao……"

In desperation, Huang Rong had to turn around and look at Lu Xiao pleadingly.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it"

"Anyway, whether it works or not, let the facts speak for themselves."

Lu Xiao said as he walked towards Feng Heng's grave.

""Stop... wuwu?!"

Huang Yaoshi was about to speak, but the next second he was shocked to find that he could not speak!

Even his body was suddenly trapped in the same place, unable to move!

At this moment, Huang Yaoshi was a little terrified!

What kind of method is this!?

Is he really as Rong'er said, more powerful than the immortal!?

"Dad! Please wait patiently, I won't hurt mom! I just hope mom can be resurrected, and you can have a companion!"

Huang Rong stood beside Huang Yaoshi and explained seriously.

On Lu Xiao's side, he activated the thirty-six heavenly magic spells - resurrection.

Huang Yaoshi looked at his wife's coffin being dug out, and tears flowed down his face!

"Dad, it's okay! Believe in Rong'er, okay!"

Huang Rong was also very nervous!

But fortunately, there was the example of Tsunade resurrecting her brother Nawase, and she believed that Brother Lu Xiao could also successfully resurrect her mother!

Suddenly, a white light fell from the sky! It completely enveloped Feng Heng's remains!

The resurrection technique began to work!


Huang Yaoshi was incredulous, watching the dead body and bones in the white light, and was extremely shocked!!

Soon, Feng Heng's body was repaired and his soul merged into one.

"here it is……"



Don't worry: Kỳ this is this

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