【Yue Buqun】:"Is this the Big Bang?!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"This is more than just the power of an immortal, right?"

It was hard for Zhang Sanfeng to imagine whether Lu Xiao, who could easily destroy the stars, could be considered an immortal!

In Zhang Sanfeng's imagination, the immortals in the legends should not be so powerful!

This intuitive explosion made it difficult for Zhang Sanfeng to clearly compare Lu Xiao with an immortal.

【Tsunade】:""Master, take it easy! Don't blow up the Ninja World!"

Tsunade explained the resurrection to her brother Nawase, Kushina, Minato Namikaze, and Rin, and then happily drank in her room.

As a result, now, she was sobered up by Lu Xiao!

Good guy!

You said you were going out to make trouble, and Tsunade thought Lu Xiao was at most going to cause trouble for Obito.

As a result, you ran to the Otsutsuki's nest, and she understood that you cut the planet, but don't blow up the entire universe! If you don't stop and blow up the Ninja World, what will they do?

Looking at the power of the star explosion, Tsunade doesn't have to doubt the damage it can cause!

If it is affected a little bit, the Ninja World will be finished!

By then, I am afraid that even Kaguya Otsutsuki, who is sealed in the moon, will not be spared!!

This is too scary!!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Don't worry, this place is far from you."

If it wasn't far, Lu Xiao wouldn't have done this.

Besides, this destructive power was only part of the one released through the space entrance opened by Lu Xiao.

If he really used the Galaxy Starburst here, it would be hard to say.

【Yue Buqun】:"It is really hard to imagine what the upper limit of group leader’s strength is!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Upper limit? I can destroy the entire universe, does that count?"

"Including any world you are in"

【Yue Buqun】:"hiss!!"

【Tsunade】:"Group leader, please stop messing around! I’m really scared!"

"If you want to explode, go and explode in Teacher Yue’s world!"

【Yue Buqun】:"@"Tsunade, stop talking nonsense! I’m just asking!"

Yue Buqun immediately got anxious!

This is not worth trying!

He finally realized his wish and became an immortal, and he wanted to live longer!

Especially now that he is the only immortal in The Smiling, Proud Wanderer, not only do all the sects in the world respect him, but even the emperor has declared Huashan the best in the world, and even came to ask for the truth in person!

So now is the most glorious time for him, Yue Buqun!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Don't worry, I won't do anything rash. I'll be back soon."

"I'll leave after I deal with the remaining Otsutsuki. I'll turn off the live stream first."

【Tsunade】:"Would you like to say hello to me before you leave? I want to thank you in person!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Okay."

Lu Xiao agreed and turned off the live broadcast.

Then, Lu Xiao's huge mental power instantly swept across the entire universe, looking for other members of the Otsutsuki clan.

After all, there are still many Otsutsuki harvesting chakra on other planets, and keeping them is also a nuisance.

"Oh? There are still quite a few Ten-Tails and ripe Chakra Fruits?"

"Hmm... should we keep the Ten-Tails?"

"Decided, let's keep a few as pets first."

Thinking so, Lu Xiao pulled a few Ten Tails into the exclusive space he created.

There were also four or five mature chakra fruits, which he took away together.

In addition, Lu Xiao, who was separated by countless spaces, also killed those Otsutsuki on the spot.

Lu Xiao, who has the ninth sense, can feel the changes in everything in the world, see the root of the world, understand the laws of operation of all things in the world, and know the past, present, and future.

He is the universe itself, and can control everything in the universe with his own consciousness!

Therefore, Lu Xiao only needs one thought to make all the Otsutsuki in this universe disappear in an instant!!

Even if there are wedges left behind, and the Otsutsuki who want to reincarnate and revive, Lu Xiao can treat them as viruses and completely eliminate them like a computer butler.


"Hmm? Where's the Ten-Tails?"

On the unknown planet, two Otsutsuki clan members were about to plant the sacred tree when they discovered that the Ten-Tails had disappeared out of thin air!!


"What happened to you?!"

One of the Otsutsuki suddenly caught fire and screamed in pain!

This sudden change frightened his companions instantly!

He immediately moved away and wanted to escape, but unfortunately, his body also caught fire!

The two were soon burned to ashes by this unknown fire!


"Haha, the Chakra Fruit is finally ripe!"

Otsutsuki looked at the fruit on the sacred tree and laughed.

Just when he was about to pick it, the fruit suddenly disappeared!!

"what happened!?"

"My Chakra Fruit!!"

"Wait, what is this?! Aa..."


Ninja World.

Isshiki Otsutsuki, who was tasting the wine and had completely controlled Jigen's body, suddenly had flames coming out of his body.



Isshiki, who reacted quickly, ignored the severe pain caused by the burning flames and instantly launched the ninjutsu 'Absorb'!

This is one of the abilities of 'Wedge', which can completely absorb chakra-condensing ninjutsu and convert it into chakra to store in the user's body.

Isshiki can use this technique to absorb the chakra of the Ten-Tails, the Amaterasu released by Sasuke, the Rasengan released by Naruto, etc.

But this time, facing Lu Xiao's attack, he couldn't absorb it!

"how come!?"

"Who is it?!"

Otsutsuki Isshiki screamed, making an unwilling sound


Amado rushed into the room upon hearing the noise, only to see Jigen had been burned to charcoal.

Along with Isshiki's wedge, the data on his reincarnation also disappeared.


In addition to the Ninja World, the same thing happened on many planets, and one after another, Otsutsuki died inexplicably.

Soon, the entire universe was cleared out by Lu Xiao, except for Kaguya Otsutsuki and Toneri Otsutsuki on the moon.


"Just say hello to Tsunade and you can go back."

"I don't know how many points Tsunade can get this time."

Lu Xiao clapped his hands and was about to use his superpower to teleport away, but suddenly stopped.

Because he sensed that a soul had actually come to this universe.

"Weird? Who is this?"

Lu Xiao was very surprised that someone from another dimension had come to this universe.

"Could it be a time traveler?"

"It can't be such a coincidence, someone traveled through time and space and I ran into him?"

When Lu Xiao was wondering, he found that the powerful soul actually came to the area where he was.

The white soul radiated light, illuminating the empty and dark deep space just now.

"Hmm? What's going on here?……"

Otsutsuki Shibaui looked around the place where he landed in confusion.

He remembered that this should be where his Otsutsuki clan lived.

So, where was that planet?

Where were his clan members?!

And who was this person in front of him?!

"Are you Otsutsuki Shibaui?"

Lu Xiao looked at the other person's black robe and the pair of horns on his head that looked like a crown, and guessed his identity.

According to the records in Boruto, Otsutsuki Shibaui had already jumped out of this dimension, but what Lu Xiao didn't expect was that he could actually come back?

It seems that the other party must have sensed that something happened to his people, so he suddenly returned.

"Who are you?"

"This place has become like this, is it you who did it?"

Otsutsuki Shiba looked at Lu Xiao

"Yes, it's me. You're a little late."


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