"200,000 points, I can get 100,000 points, so I can open the diamond jar!"

Lu Xiao was also very happy!

If he had known that he could get a lot of points this way, he should have taken the big treasure when he went to Nami's pirate world that day.

But fortunately, the function of traveling through the world is now enabled, and he can go there at any time.

【Tsunade】:"I'm in Konoha! Wait until I become the Hokage! Wait for my good news!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"come on!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"come on!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Come on! @Group leader: Lu Xiao, group leader, please wait a moment. I have something to do here and cannot leave for the time being. Wait until I return to Huashan!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"No hurry, just do your own thing first."


Offline, Konoha

"Finally back!"

Shizune looked at the gate of Konoha, which had not changed for many years, and was very excited!

Tsunade also stopped and felt infinite emotion in her heart.

Who would have thought that she would come back on her own initiative one day?

"Destiny has changed after all"

"Let's go, Shizune, let's go in."

Tsunade walked towards the gate of Konoha with determination.

"Yes! Lady Tsunade!"


"Wait, register your identity!"

The ninja at the door stopped Tsunade and the others. The ones guarding the door now were not the later Shenyue Izumo and Gangzi Tie

"Do I need to register when I go home?"

"Don't you know Lady Tsunade?!"

""Master Tsunade!? You're back?!"

The two ninjas guarding the gate looked at him carefully and were shocked!

No wonder they always felt that the man in front of them looked familiar!

"Lady Tsunade please!!"


Hokage Building

"Hokage-sama, Tsunade-sama is back!"

An Anbu got the news and immediately came to inform the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"What?! Tsunade is back?! Where is she?!"

After hearing this, the third generation stood up immediately, surprised and happy.

"On the way"

"Good! Good! She is finally back!"


Root Base

"Lord Danzo, we have received news that Lady Tsunade is back!"

"Tsunade? Why did she come back suddenly?"

Shimura Danzo was also puzzled.

"Did she change her mind and want to come back to be Hokage? Impossible."

Danzo couldn't sit still anymore and immediately set off to the Hokage Building!

He had waited for so many years, not just for Tsunade to come back and be Hokage!

In addition, all the major families in Konoha Village received the news of Tsunade's return to the village sooner or later. Some were happy, and some were worried.

Especially Danzo, who had ulterior motives, and the Uchiha clan

""Old man! I'm back!"

Before the third generation saw anyone, he heard Tsunade's loud voice.


The door of the Hokage was kicked open.

The third generation was speechless. In the whole Konoha, only Tsunade dared to come in like this.

It can only be said that after not seeing each other for many years, Tsunade is still the same Tsunade!

"Haha! Tsunade, you are finally back!"

The Third Hokage was very happy and greeted him eagerly!

Of his three disciples, one defected, one went to find the child of destiny and wandered around the ninja world.

One was tired of the struggles in the village and the pain of losing his relatives, so he also ran away and never came home.

It would be a lie to say that Sarutobi Hiruzen was not tired. If Jiraiya or Tsunade was willing to take over the position of Hokage, it would not be Namikaze Minato who became the Fourth Hokage.

"Tsunade, why did you come back so suddenly? You really surprise me!"

"Old man, you are so old, it is time to retire, let me take over the position of Hokage!"

Tsunade said straight to the point.

"You want to be Hokage? Really?!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was immediately delighted. Has his disciple finally come to his senses?

"But why did you suddenly change your mind?"

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen was happy, he was more confused.

He knew how stubborn Tsunade was.

"I just want to be one, isn't that okay?"

"Okay, okay, but I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it for a few days and run away again."

"Are you kidding me? Am I such a person?!"

Tsunade was instantly dissatisfied, how much do you despise my determination?

"In short, do you agree that I should succeed the position of Hokage?"

"Of course I……"

"I don't agree!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen just opened his mouth, and before he finished speaking, someone walked in from outside.

It was Shimura Danzo

""Danzo, what do you disagree with?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was dissatisfied.

He knew that his old friend wanted to become Hokage.

But you, Danzo, have no reputation, no supporters, what can you use to compete with Tsunade?

You must know that Tsunade is the granddaughter of the first Hokage!

Whether it is identity, strength, or achievements, letting Tsunade become Hokage is what everyone wants!

"What I mean is that Tsunade has just returned to the village, shouldn't we discuss such an important matter first?"

"We need to discuss it, but I don't think it should be a big problem."

The process of becoming a Hokage is quite complicated, and it is indeed not something that Sarutobi Hiruzen can decide alone.

"We agree that Tsunade will become the Hokage!"

Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En got the news when Tsunade entered the Hokage building and rushed over as soon as possible.

Before entering the door, the two heard their conversation and immediately expressed their opinions


Danzo's face darkened.

No one objected!?

""Master Danzo, do you think I'm qualified?"

Tsunade stood aside with her arms folded, and spoke domineeringly.

"Even if they agree, they still need a vote by the jonin and the consent of the Fire Country Daimyo!"

"What's more, you suddenly returned to the village and you don't know the situation in the village yet. You should get familiar with the village first."

Danzo's words were convincing and even Sarutobi Hiruzen could not refute it.

"It's too slow. I have plenty of time to learn about the things in the village. As for voting, let's start as soon as possible."

"Tsunade, what is your purpose in wanting to become Hokage so badly?!"

Shimura Danzo looked at Tsunade suspiciously.

Her behavior was too abnormal.

"You are not a fake, are you?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned to look at Tsunade.

Of course, they did not doubt that Tsunade was a fake, but they were also confused as to why Tsunade was so anxious.

"I have my own ideas, so there's no need to tell you all about them."

Tsunade couldn't say that she was doing it for points or to change the future.

"Humph! If you don't make it clear, how can we feel at ease!"

Danzo thought he had caught Tsunade's handle and planned to continue to delay time.

As long as he continued to delay, Danzo would find a way to ruin Tsunade's chance of becoming Hokage.

"Humph! Shimura Danzo, do you doubt that I will destroy Konoha that my grandfather worked so hard to build? You underestimate me too much!"


Tsunade glared at Danzo!

She had watched the plot of Naruto and already knew what kind of person Danzo was.

Therefore, she directly burst out with the domineering color domineering!

Telling everyone openly that she will definitely be the Hokage!

As Tsunade's domineering color domineering was activated, the entire Hokage building changed color in an instant!

The sky and the earth were dark, and everyone's perspective turned black and white!

Just by being swept by the domineering color domineering, everyone lost consciousness instantly and fell to the ground!

Especially Danzo, Utatane Koharu, Mito Kado En in front of Tsunade, their heads were buzzing, and they lay on the ground with their eyes rolled up.

Only Shizune and Sarutobi Hiruzen were safe under Tsunade's deliberate control.


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