The Boss Is So Fierce

Chapter 324: Seeing Cloud Island for the first time

He Chen was amused by her look of death as if at home, and laughed out loud, his eyes were playful: "You chased?"

Tang Zhi simply broke the jar, slumped his shoulders, and his voice was weak: "Isn't it?"

He Chen raised his eyebrows, he wasn't obvious enough?

However, this issue is pointless to argue.

The two simply finished their meal on the plane, and Tang Zhi's original tension dissipated a lot.

Although Yundao has this name, it is not really just an island.

Through the plane window, Tang Zhi could see a vast archipelago below through a layer of cloud and mist.

The cloud island is very large, and the area of ​​a single round can even catch up with some small countries with a population of tens of millions.

The islands, large and small, were scattered like a star, and surrounded the largest one in a guard-like manner, like a devout guard loyal to their leader.

Tang Zhi retracted his gaze and said thoughtfully, "Is there its own weapon defense system here?"

"Of course!" Yun Hai didn't know when he appeared in this cabin, and said proudly: "Miss Tang, you don't know, Yun Dao's weapon defense system was researched by the He family, but the supervision power was later assigned. , Now Yundao's weapon defense is jointly supervised by the family where Yundao's nine surnames belong, outsiders who want to forcefully break in will be blocked immediately, and even if they show hostility, we have the right to attack."

"The defense system of Yundao has never failed, so no one dared to provoke Yundao over the years."

Tang Zhi also became somewhat interested when he listened to Yun Hai's chattering and somewhat excited explanation.

With its own unique defense system, Yundao is really special.

If she remembered correctly, the country to which this archipelago belongs has a very average strength and is not well-known in the world, let alone what a high-end weapon defense system has been developed.


Yun Hai pretended to be mature, and suddenly sighed greatly.

"But what?" Tang Zhi asked following his words.

"Sigh, more and more things have happened on the island in recent years, and even the family is not quiet. Where was it so troublesome before. Miss Tang, do you still remember the Bai family you dealt with last time?"

Tang Zhi thought of Xiaobai and nodded, "Remember."

"They haven't been at peace recently. They've been beaten to death. Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with you."

"It's about me?"

"Of course, if you help them find their only little eldest grandson, doesn't that mean that you stabbed a hornet's nest?"

This description... Tang Zhi was a little speechless.

Yun Hai continued: "Old Master Bai saw his young grandson who was still alive, but he completely ignored it and wanted to avenge his eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law who was killed outside. Now the entire Bai family has been beaten to death, but The result should be out soon.”

Tang Zhi looked at He Chen: "The Bai family has a big problem?"

She had also heard Yun Hai mention the Bai family before, and because of Xiao Bai's relationship, she naturally hoped that Mr. Bai would win.

He Chen simply and powerfully gave eight words: "The ants and insects gnaw, and the accumulation is hard to return."

In a word, it pointed out the existing problems of the Bai family very sharply.

Back then, because of the benevolence of the old man Bai's thoughts, he let the Bai family intervene in some matters, but now it is easy to ask God to send him off.

"It's hard to get back..." Tang Zhi dragged his chin and said, "That's really a big problem."

Usually in this case, you can only raise the knife and drop it, seek to break it, and then stand up.

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