The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 267 This is to violate the rules

Primo gave detailed feedback to Nature Physics that evening, and explained to the editorial department that he would not edit this review paper in the future.

Professor Primo, who is already 76 years old, is ready to dedicate his future years to the laboratory again. The reason why he does not do this is actually some unwillingness.

Primo's team set up the project ten years ago, and it has made no progress for more than ten years. It was given the lead by a group of young people from Xia.

Primo also checked the information of Pangu Technology and Xiao Ming in detail. Xiao Ming is a finance major. Pangu Technology has biological and computer fields, but does not involve physics.

Prinmo was not convinced that such a layman actually defeated the expert! He began to study Pangu's papers in detail, hoping to find some breakthroughs.

The question was before the editorial staff of the journal Nature Physics.

Primo made it very clear in the evaluation report that Pangu's thesis has clear logic and regulations, and there is absolutely no problem.

The C14 micronucleus battery is not the first discovery in the field of human beings, but it must be the first use of human beings in the field of micronucleus, which is the moment that affects the utilization of human energy.

But there is also a key statement in the report, the Cavendish laboratory has no way to repeat the experiments of the paper.

This statement stuck the Nature editorial office.

One condition for Nature to publish a paper is that other laboratories can repeat the experiment according to the expression of the paper, so as to prove the correctness of the other party's experiment.

Repeated experiments can be performed before or after publication of the paper.

However, the Cavendish Laboratory, the world's first physics laboratory, said that there is no way to repeat the experiment, so other laboratories can repeat the experiment?

The inability to repeat the experiment means that there is no general conclusion, which is difficult academically.

This article undoubtedly declares the death penalty for the paper, and the journal Nature can use this conclusion not to accept the paper of Pangu Technology.

What's your opinion? Phil threw the question to the review team and asked for input from other teams.

The team members expressed their opinions.

If the test cannot be repeated,

Then it means that the experiment cannot be proved, which means that the paper is problematic. In order to protect the authority of our journal, I recommend that papers not be published for the time being. Even if it is to be announced, we will wait until a laboratory repeats the experiment.

I agree, although the other party is Pangu Technology, the other party will release a heavyweight life science paper in Cell, but we still have to be cautious about the same thing.

I object to your opinion. Someone said, Professor Primmo said that the experiment could not be repeated. This is a technical problem, not a principle problem. The reason that the experiment cannot be repeated is because the current Cavendish Laboratory technology does not meet the standards of Pangu Technology. , not to say that Pangu's experiments cannot be repeated.

There is no way for our technology to reach Vega, do we just say Vega doesn't exist?

The remarks of the team members made everyone speechless, which seemed to be the reason.

Someone else put forward a rebuttal, This is a paper written by Xia Guoren. Since three years ago, we must review Xia Guoren's papers in detail. Is it possible that their experiments cannot be repeated because their experiments are inherently problematic?

You're using a double standard for the people of Xia. If this paper was written by an oriental person, everyone would have already published it happily. How can they still doubt this one and the other?

The two factions couldn't argue and quarreled.

In the audit team, many members are physics teachers in colleges and universities. From their hearts, they cannot agree with the great progress made by Xia Guo's basic science and technology, nor can they bear the economy, culture, and technology that have been ahead of the West for hundreds of years. country surpasses.

30% of the review team agreed to publish, 40% refused to publish, and the rest remained neutral.

According to the rules, the publication of such controversial papers is risky, and papers with less than 60% of the approval votes of the review team cannot be published.

This rule is to maintain the authority of Nature magazine.

But Phil made up his mind and said: Publish it together with the latest one, and put the title on the cover.


Members of the jury still have many questions.

There is no but. Fehr said, I am worried about the problem. Professor Primo has made it very clear in the report. This may be an experiment to change the use of human energy.

The boss has the final say.

The latest issue of the journal will be published in three days, and all the content has been finalized. Now Fair will put the paper in the latest issue, either by adding a page or changing the manuscript.

Fehr said: Change the manuscript, and cancel the paper on the mixed state of solid and liquid written by the South Korean scientific team. What kind of stuff is written, the more I look at it, the more I feel that this is not an innovative exploration, and it's a joke.

The editorial team of Natural Physics began to get busy, and the 200 copies of samples that had been printed were all recycled and reprinted.

Fair is a little nervous. Although Natural Physics is published once a week, such an authoritative journal has not published important papers for two years.

This time is definitely different, and Fair can imagine the buzz that micronuclear batteries have caused in academia and technology.

Nature is bound to once again surpass Science in the United States to become the most authoritative academic journal in the world.

Will there be news from the UK? Xu Limin asked.

Two months later, Xiao Ming finally walked out of the science and technology park for the first time and rubbed a meal with Xu Limin and others in the restaurant.

It doesn't matter whether there is news or not, it has no effect on our exploration. Xiao Ming sandwiched a piece of fat lamb, and the smooth and moderate lamb tasted just right with sesame sauce.

The food in the cafeteria of the Science and Technology Park is too simple, so I need to make a hot pot to improve the food for everyone. Xiao Ming put the fat sheep in his mouth, chewed it, and took another sip of beer.

Xu Limin said: It doesn't matter whether Nature is adopted or not. I just hope they can treat our paper fairly. After all, Xia's academic circles have always been discriminated against in the West.

Xiao Ming took some enoki mushrooms, put them in his mouth and ate them, and said, Is there absolute fairness in this world? No. Of course it's good to publish Nature, we don't care too much if we can't publish it, you and I have So a little confidence.

Xiao Ming put down his chopsticks and said, In the future, the temple of global academia will not be in the West, it must be in the Xia Kingdom. The academic journals we publish are the most authoritative in the world, such as Nature, Science, and Cell.

Xu Limin laughed, Cheers!

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