The birth of the Hong Kong Island family

Chapter 574 [Kidnapping the richest man]


At the pier in Western District, Hong Kong, Ye Jihuan and his two brothers prepared to disembark from a speedboat. They brought a lot of arms with them and prepared to conspire with Zhang Ziqiang and his gang.

A gangster asked curiously: "Brother Huan, I heard that Brother Qiang plans to do something bigger this time. Is he going to rob a cash transport truck or a jewelry store in Central?"

Seeing no one around, Ye Jihuan spat out a mouthful of phlegm, and then shouted: "Who the hell knows his goal? Every time he does something, he is mysterious. I only know that this time it is the one with the most votes. I heard him say that it is the best in our history." The biggest vote asked us to prepare the most powerful weapons, I even brought Soviet-made submachine guns."

One of his gangsters said: "Sooner or later, we will be able to do something big! Brother Qiang will get 30 to 40% each time, and the rest will be divided among us!"

Although Ye Jihuan was considered the boss of the party, he admired Zhang Ziqiang very much. He laughed and scolded: "Others have that kind of brain, but you do!"

Another tough gangster said: "Brother Qiang does have a brain. He was arrested a few years ago and was sent out obediently by the police. In the end, the police even paid him 8 million to accompany him. He's so fucking awesome!"

Ye Jihuan patted his brother on the shoulder and said, "Stop talking and get ready to go ashore. This time I will also kill everyone!"

Since resourcefulness is insufficient, courage is more than enough!

After all, he has been famous in the Hong Kong media and was photographed in majestic photos.

"Let's go ashore!"

As soon as the three people landed, they suddenly panicked and happened to encounter three patrolling policemen.

For ruthless bandits like them, they would not place their safety on unknown factors, so they were already prepared to draw weapons.

The three patrolling policemen immediately noticed the abnormality and immediately drew their guns.

"What are you doing? Get checked immediately!"

Ye Jihuan, who had a hot temper, immediately pulled out his gun and shouted: "Pick you up!"

A fight begins!

This time, because the patrol policemen drew their weapons first, the three immediately gained the upper hand.


Ye Jihuan was the first to be shot!

The other two gangsters saw that the place was empty and Brother Huan had been shot, so they immediately suppressed it with firepower.


The three policemen hurriedly looked for a bunker, secretly saying that these gangsters were really fucking powerful.

"Brother Huan was shot"

"I can't control it anymore, get on the boat!"

Subsequently, the two gangsters cooperated, one suppressed the police on the shore with fire, and the other urged the speedboat to leave.

As for Ye Jihuan, who was lying on the ground, he was already handcuffed by a policeman.

"It's Ye Jihuan!"

"Really, TMD caught a big fish!"

"A Biao, how are you?"

"Fortunately, he was shot in the arm!"

The next day.

Lin Zhichao learned from the media that "Ye Jihuan was arrested" and immediately understood that Zhang Ziqiang's gang was already preparing to kidnap his family! He immediately summoned his five sons and Li Junxia for a meeting at Villa No. 79, Deep Water Bay.

"Jun Xia, I got a piece of news - Ye Jihuan and his party came to Hong Kong with arms and planned to join forces with Zhang Ziqiang and his gang to kidnap my family."

Li Junxia was stunned for a moment, and then said in disbelief: "Lin Sheng, these two gangs have only been involved in jewelry stores and cash transport cases, but they are so bold this time!"

Lin Zhichao nodded and said: "Any one of my family members is my priceless treasure. So, you now strengthen the security level of all my family members. Although Ye Jihuan was arrested, Zhang Ziqiang's gang will not easily withdraw the plan of tracking them in advance, and Ye Jihuan It may take about ten days for the two men to escape, and then they will take action!"

The implication is that the robbers robbed jewelry and cash transport trucks, but how could they make money quickly by kidnapping his family.

Li Junxia also understood that Lin Zhichao was not the kind of person who was stingy with money, but he did not want his family to be put into unknown risks.

What surprised him even more was that Lin Zhichao seemed to be a prophet and knew Zhang Ziqiang's team well.

He thought for a moment and then said: "If this is the case, it means that they are already familiar with the routes that several young masters take to work. The most likely ones are Mr. Rui Huan and Mr. Rui Hai. They both live in Deep Water Bay and usually work in the headquarters building."

Lin Zhichao said: "Well, it should be the two of them, Rui Huan is more likely."

Lin Ruihai is too low-key. The companies of his other three sons have not been listed and they rarely come forward.

Li Junxia said: "The cars of the five young men are already fully bulletproof and are difficult to open from the outside, so they only need to be closed when commuting recently. In addition, I will seek the help of old friends in the police force and arrange for plainclothes police to follow the five young men to and from get off work. For a while, just treat it as a patrol."

It’s basically foolproof!

The reason why Zhang Ziqiang succeeded in kidnapping in his previous life was that the Regal Group was caught off guard - it did not pay much attention to security forces.

Lin Zhichao continued: "We need to arrange for some armed police to be stationed here on Deep Water Bay Road. They can provide support at any time. It only takes half a month. No matter if it happens or not, we won't bother the police!"

Li Junxia said: "It is the responsibility of the Hong Kong police to protect Hong Kong citizens. No one will find it troublesome!"

Lin Zhichao waved his hand and said: "It's not good after all, so it will be limited to half a month. Once the time passes, it may be that my source of information is inaccurate!"

Li Junxia nodded. From beginning to end, he never asked - Lin Sheng, have you planted spies on the other side?

Since he took over Lin Zhichao's security team, he discovered that Lin Zhichao's family's security system is very good, half of them are Gurkha veterans, and they have undergone rigorous training.

After Li Junxia went to make arrangements, Lin Zhichao and his five sons continued to sit together.

He said: "Don't worry about anything, just go to work as normal! Even if our careful protection measures fail, there is nothing to worry about. If they fall into the hands of kidnappers, they are just asking for money. Make a call and I will give them the money." That’s fine. The reason why we need to take careful measures is just because we don’t want our reputation to be affected at all. It’s not a matter of money at all!”

The five sons nodded one after another, and everyone relaxed immediately. It was not that they were afraid just now, but that their father was exaggerating a little seriously. If they were afraid, they would suggest that we take shelter from the limelight.

Lin Ruihuan said: "I understand, father, don't worry, we can just go to work as normal."

As for other family members, they also have bulletproof vehicles to transport their children to school, and the security is almost the same level.

Some time later, the police received news about Li Junxia and took it very seriously.

Some top police officials even hoped to add more police personnel or allow Lin Zhichao's family to live in seclusion for the time being, but Lin Zhichao vetoed it and demanded that everything be normal.

Since the top police officers were Li Junxia's old department, they followed Li Junxia's wishes and lured people into a trap rather than alerting them.

Everything is waiting for Zhang Ziqiang's gang to take the bait.

With Lin Zhichao's unpredictable situation, can Zhang Ziqiang's gang escape safely this time?

Ten days later.

In the evening, Lin Ruihuan took a bulletproof presidential RV home from get off work.

After getting into the car, two Gurkha bodyguards sat on both sides of him, because his father said that there was a greater possibility of action today. Lin Ruihuan even wore a bulletproof vest.

On the surface, there are two cars in the convoy, but there is a distance of 200 meters between the two cars, and there is another car in front and behind to protect them.

After the vehicle reached a deep water bend, the security personnel immediately became more vigilant.

"There is a suspicious vehicle, a white van." Soon, a voice came from the intercom.

A van and a small bridge suddenly accelerated, and Lin's security and police secret agents began to get excited, and the fish finally took the bait!

In the van, there were two gangsters who were with Ye Jihuan last time. After their boss was arrested, they still contacted Zhang Ziqiang and asked to join the team. And Zhang Ziqiang saw that both of them were good players, so he naturally accepted it happily.

"MD, we are finally getting this big fish. Let us two brothers shoot twice to scare him. This way we won't suffer any loss, and he will open the door obediently."

"You two, don't hurt Lin Ruihuan, he is our treasure!"

"Don't worry! Just scare him, otherwise why would he open the door obediently!"

As the small bridge car in front said goodbye to Lin Ruihuan's car, all four cars stopped immediately.

Seven kidnappers walked down one after another wearing black cloths and holding firearms!

"Bang bang"

Several kidnappers came to the president's RV, slapped the car and waved their guns!

Lin Ruihuan said in English to the bodyguards on both sides: "It doesn't matter, let me take a look at these people!"

It turned out that the two bodyguards wanted Lin Ruihuan to lie down, but Lin Ruihuan refused!

The reason why Lin Ruihuan refused was because he had inherited his father's pride in his heart, and it was impossible for him to bow his head like this, not to mention that a fully bulletproof car was a joke.

Seeing that the people inside were unmoved, one of the kidnappers shot directly at the car body.

"Bang bang"

"Damn, it's a bulletproof car!"

"Stand away, I can't force you out!"

Just as the seven robbers were preparing to continue shooting, they soon discovered that they were being outflanked!

"It's a note"

For a moment, there was a chaos of gunfire!

In the end, all seven robbers were caught and killed because they were very well prepared today.

"Seven robbers tried to kidnap Lin Ruihuan, but they were beaten by the patrolling police"

The next day, media outlets across Hong Kong reported a major news, causing an uproar in Hong Kong society.

Compared to when Wang Dehui was kidnapped and killed, the kidnapping of Lin Ruihuan obviously had much greater influence.

Who is Lin Ruihuan?

That was the prince of the Lin family in Hong Kong, the heir to the Cheung Kong line; and the influence of the Lin family in Hong Kong was actually quite large!

More importantly, none of the seven armed robbers escaped, which is the most puzzling thing.

After all, according to media descriptions, the seven robbers were all armed with heavy weapons. However, they failed to kidnap successfully and were instead arrested by the police.

On that day, Lin Ruihuan went to work as usual and asked the reporters on guard to take pictures, but he was not interviewed.

"Is the security around Lin Ruihuan so strong?"

"Not only is he strong, he is simply miraculous. Seven armed robbers were not successful, and all of them were arrested."

"It doesn't make sense. Why did the police arrive so quickly?"

"Does Lin's security still have guns?"

For a while, because the police only made vague statements, the media had no clear idea of ​​what happened.

Villa No. 79, Deep Water Bay.

"You mean, Zhang Ziqiang was also arrested?" Lin Zhichao was a little surprised.

He thought Zhang Ziqiang was commanding from a distance, but he did not expect to be involved in a front-line kidnapping case.

But in this case, Lin Zhichao was worried that Zhang Ziqiang's methods of excusing the crime were to beat the snake to death and cause trouble again after being released from prison.

Li Junxia nodded happily and said: "He was caught and injured. There is no chance for him to escape the crime this time. After all, the evidence is very sufficient. Illegal possession of firearms and shooting to resist arrest, these two crimes can be given to him." Convicted for 30 to 40 years.”

Lin Zhichao was a little distracted. Zhang Ziqiang, who was so awesome, managed it like this, which made him a little surprised.

Originally, according to his idea, Zhang Ziqiang did not personally participate in the kidnapping case (at the scene), but then he stepped back and found someone else to kidnap Guo Bingxiang, and then sentenced him to death in the mainland in the future.

But unexpectedly, Zhang Ziqiang was "completely vulnerable" in front of Lin Zhichao and was caught on the scene.

After all, Zhang Ziqiang's ability to predict the unknown left him defenseless.

Lin Ruihuan went to and from get off work normally, and there were still two presidential cars in the motorcade. Everything was very normal. The police also specifically explained that it was only a normal protection period of half a month. It was not until the 23rd that Li Junxia suddenly asked for more police force.

"It's good, but I can solve a problem for other rich people!"

It was Li Junxia's turn to be stunned, and then he said: "Lin Sheng said that if Zhang Ziqiang is not caught, he will change the target!"

Lin Zhichao smiled and said: "Of course it will be like this! But after this incident, everyone will probably strengthen their security issues. After all, Zhang Ziqiang's gang is probably more than just these seven people."

We can't say that rich people like them are safe. After all, this is a new direction for the thief dynasty!

The other side.

Luo Yanfang urgently found an old acquaintance, Lawyer Zhou, and said: "Lawyer Zhou, please help me again, here is 200,000 Hong Kong dollars!"

Lawyers in Hong Kong only care about money and not morality, especially Lawyer Zhou.

However, this time he said awkwardly: "Mrs. Zhang, this time Zhang Ziqiang is charged with armed weapons, arrest, etc. No matter how powerful I am, I can't possibly 'exonerate' him."

Luo Yanfang said: "Even if the sentence is reduced by a few years, it will be fine. Lawyer Zhou, please excuse me!"

Seeing this, Lawyer Zhou readily accepted the money and said, "Then I'll go find out the situation first and apply to the court for visitation."

Later, Lawyer Zhou said in confusion: "This is indeed strange!"

Luo Yanfang nodded and said, "It's really strange. Seven people were planning to kidnap Lin Ruihuan, but the police were able to arrive at the scene as soon as possible."

Lawyer Zhou seemed to have made a mistake and said: "I'm afraid there is a traitor!"

Luo Yanfang was surprised, and then said: "This is impossible! It is impossible for those people to cooperate with the police!"

Lawyer Zhou said: "I will not cooperate with the police, but I may not cooperate with Lin. Of course, I still want to find out the specific situation first!"

After some time, the kidnapping of Lin Ruihuan by Zhang Ziqiang's gang came to light.

First of all, former Police Commissioner Li Junxia served as the security consultant of the Lin family. This was disclosed by the media for the first time;

Secondly, the cars of the Lin family are almost all fully bulletproof, which is a great contribution to the kidnapping. Otherwise, the kidnappers might have opened the car door and fled immediately;

In the end, this incident was more like a premeditated arrest by the police, but the police denied it and said they were performing other tasks.

This time, due to the solid evidence, Zhang Ziqiang's gang will almost always be sentenced to more than 30 years in prison, and the court will not be able to give a traffic light.

Shortly after.

Lin Zhichao attended an event and was questioned by reporters during the event.

"Mr. Lin, your eldest son was almost kidnapped some time ago. What do you think?"

Lin Zhichao looked at the reporter and said generously: "We will not make too low-level mistakes. We are so well-known in Hong Kong. If we are not prepared at all, we should really review it."

"Then why were the police nearby?"

"The police have already announced the answer!"

After giving a simple answer, Lin Zhichao stopped accepting interviews. This is also the first time the Lin family has answered such a question two months after the incident occurred. (End of chapter)

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