The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4959: Lord of Destruction

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With the hundreds of people appearing.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly changed.

In battle days, Xiao Fan, Huashen, and his party all swept towards this group of people.

They all focused on the middle-aged man, headed by Russian.

"His death, you are finally here !!!"

At this time, the patriarchs of the ten major races looked at the elegant man in white.

They looked very excited and said quickly.

"The extermination of the world !!!"

Hua Shen and others stared at this person.

"You are the people of the world?"

Zhan Tian looked coldly at the elegant white man.

"Now there is a genocide, you are dead !!!"

The patriarchs of the ten major races said with emotion.

The reason why they dare not fear the Star Emperor and start the Star Wars again,

It is because behind them stands the world-destroying family that once caused the entire starry turmoil in ancient times.

The horrors of the world-destroying people are basically known to everyone in ancient times.

This race aims at destroying the starry sky world and rebuilding a new world.

To destroy everyone in the starry sky, it is called the extinction.

The power of the genocide is terrifying.

In the original starry sky, few people were their opponents.

In the end, it was the Star Emperor who shot down and completely destroyed the annihilated people before they could keep the starry world.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the entire starry sky world will really cease to exist.

I just did n’t expect that after a million years,

The world-destroying family turned up again.

After knowing the identity of this group of people, in the battle sky, their expressions became dignified.

In ancient times, they have all seen the horrors of the extinct race.

It can be said that this family of extinction truly possesses the power of destruction.

If it weren't for Star Emperor's strength,

Hardly anyone can deal with them.

They ca n’t even fight in battle! !! !!

"You are the son of Emperor Xingkong?"

The man in white, known as the exterminator, came to Xiao Fan, his gaze gazing at the other side.

"Yes, you bad guys, all **** it !!!"

Xiao Fan shouted coldly.

"I didn't expect that the starry sky emperor gave birth to such a son of evil."

"You can control such a terrible Thunder at a young age !!!"

"It's really interesting !!!"

The extinct saint looked at Xiao Fan and said with a smile.

"The vitality of your wreckage is really tough."

"It turned out to be spring again."

At this time, Zhan Tian looked at the demise of the exterminator.

"At the time when the Great Star Emperor slaughtered my annihilated people."

"I'm still asleep and I haven't learned his style."

"So I came here today to teach you the style of this man who slaughtered my world !!!!"

"Look at exactly who is sacred who has such ability to destroy my world !!!!"

The exterminator said indifferently.

"It's up to you. If my Master is here, you are dead."

Asked Tian looked at the exterminator shouted coldly.

Huh! !! !!

The annihilated glance glanced at the sky.

There was a flash of black light in his eyes.

boom! !! !!

An invisible force suddenly erupted, and it directly hit Wen Tian.

A golden light erupted in Wentian.

Asked on the spot a blood spurted out.

His body flew backwards and was hit badly.

If it were n’t for the Flood Deity,

At the critical moment, the protector power of the Flood Sacred Body broke out,

I'm afraid he's dead now.

"Ask God !!!"

At this time, the broken bones were trembling, and the embarrassment of Wu Fei changed.

They quickly stepped forward to catch the question.

"I didn't expect to have a famine."

"It seems that the starry sky emperor is indeed not simple."

"Even the disciples are the owners of the famine !!!!"

His Holiness the Devil looked at Wentian and said that he could see through the constitution of Wentian at a glance.

Obviously, his origins are extremely simple, and it is very likely that he was a character in the flood era.

Seeing the performance of His Holiness the Lord, they all frowned in battle days.

"The exterminator, please ask the exterminator to take action."

"Kill all these people and avenge my ten races !!!"

"Especially this kid, he can control the Thunder, it is the most terrifying !!!"

A race patriarch said watching the exterminator.

"Are you ordering me?"

His indifferent glance glanced at the other.

"Do not……"

The ethnic patriarch changed his face and just spoke.

As a result, his body turned directly into a bone.

Its entire body seems to be swallowed up by an invisible force,

There was only one skeleton left, and it was terrifying! !! !!

Patriarch of one of the ten most ancient ancient races

It turned into a skeleton without warning,

This shocking scene is also making the atmosphere more and more heavy.

They all had a solemn expression on the battle day.

As for the remaining nine ethnic patriarchs, they were scared to say anything.

"Immediately inform you of the Emperor, let him come."

"No, today, there will be no one in this side of the planet !!!!"

The sacred-faced exalted saintly man looked cold, and said coldly.

Behind him, the hundred powerful men in a white robe stood in a row, releasing a cold and terrible breath.

The breath released from them gave people a feeling of destruction.

The eyes of these people were empty and indifferent,

It seems that there is only the light of destruction, and no other light can be seen.

At this moment, they seem to have become the world's destroyers.

"It's not so easy to destroy us."

At this time, Huashen stood up and looked at the extinct Lord with a cold face.

"and who are you?"

His Holiness glanced at Hua Shen.

Huh! !! !!

As soon as the flower **** waved, a colorful petal waved toward the extinct lord.

Although it is only a small petal, it contains a powerful strength of the pattern.

As the ancestor of all flowers, although the flower **** has not entered the realm.

But when she shot, she still contained the strength of the dow pattern.

Seeing this, His Holiness's eyes were fixed.

His eyes turned into two black holes ~ ~ From these two black holes, two rays of destruction burst out, directly hitting these colorful petals.

With a bang, the two black rays of destruction and the petals directly turned into ashes, and the starry sky was twisted.

The **** of flowers and the extinct lord shivered slightly.

"Aren't you a strong man of this age?"

"Is it a strong man in the flood era?"

His Holiness looked at the Flower God, his eyes kept flashing.

Hua Shen did not answer each other's words, she shot again.

As she waved her hands, the petals fell across the sky.

Every petal contains terrifying power,

All bombarded towards the extinct lord.

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