The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4936: Power of faith

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Numerous corpses turned into powder, without leaving any residue,

Only a bunch of damaged Star Warships remained.

Ge Henxi, they really completed Xiao Yifeng's order:

No one stays, all beheaded! !! !!

After killing the army of more than twenty star fields.

All the people in the Seven Stars region completely relaxed with one heart,

The long humiliation they had carried was completely released.

"The Emperor is mighty, and the seven stars are always shining !!!"

"The Emperor is mighty, and the seven stars are always shining !!!"

These Qixingxing people said directly on their knees in front of Xiao Yifeng.

Their eyes are full of worship and faith.

Xiao Yifeng is the pillar of their faith! !! !!

For a time, everyone in the entire Qixingxing domain kneeled on the ground.

They shouted the Emperor's mighty power, the seven words Yongyao.

And their belief in Xiao Yifeng is out of control.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng felt inexplicably a force of nothingness entering his body.

And this is the power of faith in the legend! !! !!

Too many people believe will produce the power of faith.

The power of faith is also a kind of heaven and earth power, and can also have the ability to cultivate and improve.

In ancient times, some strong men would create their own statues in various worlds for worship.

It is to gain the power of this faith.

If there are too many people in the faith, the power of faith will reach an extremely scary level.

Just to this day,

The power of faith is almost non-existent.

Of course Xiao Yifeng is the exception.

These seven star fields were created by him.

All the people in the Seven Stars area took it as their master, and naturally they had a strong belief in it.

Especially this time, Xiao Yifeng returned, destroying those enemies who had once insulted and squeezed the Qixing Realm.

It is even more so that people in Qixingxing area have a fascinating belief in Xiao Yifeng like the surging Yellow River! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng directly harvested the power of faith.

The power of this belief has directly enhanced Xiao Yifeng's strength.

"It seems that we still have to pretend to be more forceful and generate more faith power !!!"

"Maybe this is faster than training and improving your strength !!!"

Xiao Yifeng thought secretly.

"Let's all get up !!!"

"The Seven Stars Domain was created by me. You are all my people."

"I won't let you be oppressed and hurt in any way."

"It was my fault that you were oppressed and bullied because of my reincarnation.

"I, the Star Emperor, swear by this, absolutely will not allow such things to happen again !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at all the people in Qixingxing, and said forcefully.

His words spread throughout the Seven Stars.

His figure appeared in all the worlds of Qixingxing, a tall and mighty shore,

Like a creation god.

Listening to Xiao Yifeng's words, all the people in Qixingxing were excited.

They shouted that the Emperor was mighty, and their belief in Xiao Yifeng was even more endless.

For a while, countless milky rays burst out of the world in the Qixingxing domain, all converging on Xiao Yifeng.

This is the power of faith! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng's body shone with holy light, exuding a sacred breath,

Like a creation god, shock the Quartet! !! !!

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng felt full of strength, and the power of this faith was really great.

This is just the power of faith in the Seven Stars.

If it is to be worshipped by people from all walks of life,

How horrible should the power of faith be upon him then?

Xiao Yifeng is a little hard to imagine! !! !!

I am afraid by the power of this faith alone,

He can become the supreme existence of this universe.

The more he thought, the more Xiao Xiaofeng felt that this method was feasible.

It happened that he had won the God Realm before, as today Wu Xing Realm was also taken down by him.

Plus the flood plains and ancient realms.

At that time, statues can be built in these places, so that everyone can worship.

Let the school campus be a belief in their hearts, and finally gain the power of faith.

With this in mind, Xiao Yifeng, Ge Henxi and others planned for a while, and they both felt feasible.

"Jian Xi, you tell someone to arrange this."

"Every world in the Divine Realm, Tianwu Star Realm, and Floodland must have my statue."

"Everyone must believe in me!"

Xiao Yifeng said in a deep voice while looking at Ge Henxi.

"Yes, master."

Ge Henxi nodded.

"Xiaofeng, I want to visit my former home."

Xueyao then said.


Xiao Yifeng nodded.

He accompanied Xue Yao to Tianquan Xing and came to the family where Xue Yao was before.

Today it has become a ruin.

Xue Yao stood here, feeling a touch of life.

"Don't think about it that much, life has just begun."

Xiao Yifeng patted Xue Yao's shoulder and said.

"You said who was the one who killed the nine emperors and robbed Xingkong Yujian?"

Xue Yao could not help but say.

"I don't know. I thought it was crippled."

"But that person wasn't him. He didn't know about the starry sky."

"There is another man behind the scenes. He asked me to go to Qiankun mainland before."

"When I go to Qiankun mainland, I will definitely find him."

"Revenge for the nine emperors and your family !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.

The man behind the scenes has been staring at the nine starry sky.

He wanted to gather nine starry sky jade to get what he wanted,

Xiao Yifeng naturally cannot let it go.

The secret behind the nine starry sky jade is very big.

Xiao Yifeng will not let anyone gather nine starry sky jade.

Fortunately, there are two starry jade Jane on him.

He believes that it won't take long,

He'll see the guy hiding behind the scenes thinking about wanting the starry sky Jane.

Then he would have to see who this person is?

Only Xingkong Yujian's secret is known to him.

And how did this person know?

This is still a mystery!

Soon, the news of this battle in Qixingxing was deliberately propagated by Xiao Yifeng

Spreading through the starry realm at a speed that can't be covered by thunder.

More than twenty star fields,

Power of nearly a hundred worlds,

More than five million strong martial arts ~ ~ have all been destroyed in the Qixingxing domain,

All of his men led by Star Emperor were beheaded! !! !!

When this news came out,

The starry sky, the world, the big stars, the big worlds, the big powers are all stunned.

They did not expect that the strength of the Star Emperor and his men was so terrible.

More than 20 star fields and more than 5 million martial arts powerfuls were all killed.

This number makes people feel scary.

For a moment, the prestige of the Starry Emperor once again shakes the entire world of the starry sky.

When the powerful men of the major worlds of the starry sky heard the words of the starry sky emperor.

They were trembling with three tremors in their hearts, with deep fear in their eyes.

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