The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4935: Corpse 0 million

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest master of beauty president!

"By the way, what about those seven gates?"

Xiao Yifeng glanced around and found no one at the seven gates, and he said helplessly.

"Master, they tried to escape, and we were all wiped out."

Ge Henxi said in a deep voice.

"Good job !!!"

Xiao Yifeng nodded.

Boom boom! !! !!

Just then, the distant starry sky.

The endless roar rang directly, like a mighty army.

In the next second, nearly a thousand star battleships rushed directly towards the Seven Stars.

Such a huge number of star battleships, a huge swarm of black.

There is a feeling of dark clouds over the city, which is extremely spectacular and shocking! !! !!

Nearly a thousand starship battleships directly filled the entire starry sky in the area of ​​Qixingxing.

And these starry battleships are a large group of people standing Wudang.

At least five or six thousand people stood on each battleship.

The number of more than a thousand Star Warships totaled more than five million.

In particular, more than 5 million people are all strong men above the emperor's border.

This lineup is very scary.

And each of these star battleships has the presence of the Great Emperor.

These are nearly a thousand starships, with at least a thousand Great Emperors.

Of course, most of them are from the lower emperor to the superior emperor.

But the number of this emperor is still extremely scary.

How many Zongmen forces in the world can form such a huge team.

Xiao Yifeng and others all looked at them.

There was a strange look in each eye.

"Emperor, they should be the people who invaded the seven star fields that year."

"The seven major gates are their representatives."

"Now they probably know that you are back."

"I'm afraid you'll find them after the fall, so they will take the initiative first."

Then the guardian of the Tianshu Temple said.

"I haven't gone to them yet, they've come to me by myself."

Xiao Yifeng sneered, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

"That being the case, let's clean up together."

"My Qixing Domain is not so bullied."

"Since you dare to challenge the majesty of my star emperor."

"Then be ready to die !!!"

Xiao Yifeng sighed coldly and majesticly.

In a blink of an eye, these thousand star battleships appeared in the Seven Stars domain.

There are more than five hundred martial arts powers above the emperor kingdom.

Such a huge battle is shocking.

And just the martial arts breath of so many martial arts powerfuls is released,

There is an unparalleled coercion.

Even if the emperor respects the strong at the moment in front of these five million martial arts strong people, he has a deep sense of oppression.

"Star Emperor !!!"

"You shouldn't be back."

"This time is no longer yours."

At this moment on one of the star battleships.

An emperor-level strong man looked at Xiao Yifeng and said coldly.

"If you haven't seen it in a million years, you have a lot of courage."

"While I am away, oppress and invade the Seven Stars and insult my people."

"Now that I am back, you dare to gather so many people openly besieging the Qixing Realm."

"Do you want to destroy me?"

Xiao Yifeng said watching this group of people.

These nearly five million people are all martial arts sent by the twenty star domains that have previously dealt with the seven star domains.

Now that the Star Emperor returns to the Seven Stars,

Maybe they will retaliate against their major star domains with their personality.

Therefore, the top powers of these major star fields together,

So it was decided to join the top 20 martial arts powerhouses in more than 20 star fields to win first and win the Star Emperor first.

Otherwise wait until its strength is completely restored.

All of them in the star domain would be dead even if they joined forces again.

As a result, there were nearly a thousand star battleships and the emergence of five or six million martial arts powerhouses.

"Star King, no need to talk nonsense."

"The result today is either we die or you die."

"That being the case, let's have a fight, life and death by the sky !!!"

The strong man on the other Star Wars ship said directly.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you !!!"

"Kill, don't stay one !!!"

"Just use their blood to declare the strong return of the Star Emperor !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.


Ge Henxi and other stars of the Legion, as well as the five demon kings and the dark army forces said.

boom! !! !!

The battle is about to start! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng's side, the Star Corps and the Dark Army, also have a million strong,

In addition, Gohenxi, the Five Demon Kings, the Nether Emperor, the Valkyrie, the Sword Emperor, Cantian, and the Snow Master are among the top powerhouses.

Their momentum is fierce.

Even though the number of Star Forces is five or six times as many as them.

But the Star Corps and the Dark World Army did not counsel at all.

With an enemy of ten, they swept through the army with a momentum like a rainbow.

"People in the Seven Stars Domain, kill !!!"

"Time to prove you !!!"

At this time, a sound of shouting came from the Qixingxing area.

The blood properties of those warriors in the Qixingxing area were inspired by the return of the Star Emperor.

They all rushed out, waving their weapons, and all joined the battle.

The warriors of Qixingxing area vent their anger and resentment to those who have insulted and oppressed them.

Previously, they were afraid to resist because their strengths were vastly different from those of these star powerhouses.

But now their master Star Emperor is back,

They are naturally afraid of nothing.

For a while, more and more Aboriginal people from the Qixingxing domain joined the battle.

The number of people on Xiao Yifeng's side suddenly increased to two or three million.

In this way, nearly two million martial arts powers have fought a battle in this starry sky.

Reappearing the scene where the various star domains joined forces to besiege the Qixing star domain.

However, in this battle, Xiao Yifeng had an absolute advantage.

They did not use Xiao Yifeng's shot, they showed a crushing state.

Although there are a large number of martial arts troops from hundreds of worlds in these twenty star fields.

But facing the sweep of the Star Army and the Dark Army, they couldn't resist.

Although their numbers dominate.

But the two sides are the same as adults and minors, which is not comparable at all. UU Reading Book

And the strongest among them are the emperor strength,

Not even a half-walker.

Not to mention the power of the pseudo-realm level.

How can we compete with the powerful half-way states and pseudo-states of Ge Henxi, Emperor of the Nether, Remnants of the Famine, and the Five Demon Kings?

After half an hour.

More than 20 million star fields, hundreds of worlds, more than 5 million martial arts troops,

In the end, the entire army was overwhelmed, and the piece of armor directly killed by the Star Army and the Dark Army was not left.

Millions of stars in the sky!

Blood stained the stars!

PS: The transition of Qixingxingyu is finished, and the next step is to go to the magic domain. I have to think about the plot of the magic domain, so the next update may be delayed, sorry.

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