The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4895: Devour the flames

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The Lord of the Refining Fire grabbed the blue water and locked it here,

Has been helping her cultivate, letting her control the real water spirit,

Help it to excite the power of the water spirit body, and let the water completely control the power of the water spirit body.

At that time, he will be able to perform special secrets and his fusion of weekends,

Neutralize the power of fire in the body with the help of clear water.

The integration of water and fire can make him realize the true meaning of the Tao and impact the Tao! !! !!


"Somebody dared to break into my place, so brave !!!"

The Sovereign Fire Lord suddenly stared, a flash of cold mang flashed in his eyes.

Suddenly, the body of the Lord Fire Refiner disappeared in place.

"You have the courage to break into this residence without permission !!!"

Suddenly, a cold thunder rang through the whole villa.

A supreme power descended from the sky, and suppressed toward Xiao Yifeng and others.

Immediately Xiao Yifeng waited for a look.

They were backed up by this terror.

The Supreme Master of Fire Refining stepped out of the air, exuding the supreme fierce power on his body, covering the entire villa.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng and others just felt a hot wave coming towards them,

As if stepping into a magma flame hole.

For a while, Xiao Yifeng and others successively operated the exercises to resist.

The strength of this sacred fire lord is indeed very scary.

As soon as he appeared,

The entire village is surrounded by the power of the avenue of fire,

As if they were in the ocean on the Avenue of Fire.

"Refining Fire Lord !!!"

Long Ming shouted involuntarily while watching His Holiness the Fire.

"It's you?"

"Holy Patriarch?"

"You brought someone into my apartment today and killed me, what do you mean?"

"Sacred King wants to go to war with me?"

The Lord of Fire Refining looked at Long Ming's expression and sank, drinking directly.

A more horrifying atmosphere of flames emanated from his body.

The terrible puppet state of oppression continued to sweep out, turning into layers of heat waves to suppress.

"Reigner of Fire Refinement, the woman you took away from my sacrament before."

"Hope you can hand it over, or else it will annoy my master, and you're in trouble."

Long Ming looked at the Lord of Fire Refining and said.

"Your master?"

"Aren't you the Patriarch?"

"When did you still have a master?"

His Holiness the Fire is surprised.

"His master is me !!!"

Xiao Yifeng stepped out,

He stood in front of His Holiness the Fire and yelled coldly.


"who are you?"

His Holiness the Fire looked at Xiao Yifeng coldly.

"The dead don't need to know who I am."

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.


"Are you talking about me? Or yourself?"

His Holiness the Fire disdain smiled.

"The woman who dares to touch me, no matter who it is, will die !!!"

"including you!!!"

Xiao Yifeng watched the sacred fire and sang directly.

His seeing eye has found the existence of clear water.

Therefore, he intends to directly kill the Exalted Fire Lord.

"Hahaha !!!"

"From the era of floods to ancient times, and now to the present."

"You are the first person to dare to say this !!!"

"kill me?"

"It's up to you?"

His Holiness Fire glanced at Xiao Yifeng with a contempt.

"Master, give it to me !!!"

Ge Henxi said directly.

"No, he moved my woman, and I'll get rid of him myself !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

He is wearing a Star Warrior and is holding a Star Sword,

The starry sky chart and the starry sky secret book are all suspended.

The powers of its major avatars are all ready.

Sovereign Fire Lord looked at Xiao Yifeng, his eyes flashed with cold mang.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you !!!"

The Exalted Fire Lord shouted.

He waved his hands.

boom! boom! boom!


Suddenly, the endless roar came from this villa.

Then colorful flames burst out of the ground of this villa.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds and thousands of flames flooded this villa,

Xiao Yifeng's location was directly transformed into a sea of ​​fire.

These flames are all kinds of extremely powerful flames such as sky fire, holy fire, **** fire, and different fire.

These flames add up to tens of thousands,

All of them are controlled by the refiner.

It is truly a supreme power who can refine the fire of heaven and earth.

"The realm of fire, burned !!!"

The Lord of Fire Refined drank directly.

Instantly, these flames turned into the realm of fire under his control.

Xiao Yifeng They are completely in a world of flames.

There is nothing else in this world, except endless flames and Xiao Yifeng.

These flames raged towards Xiao Yifeng and they swept away and burned them, to burn them completely.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng and his party were like Sun Monkey being put into the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun.

To be incinerated by living refining.

Xiao Yifeng was about to urge Star Soul to summon the stars to destroy the realm of fire.

The golden flame inside his body rushed out of him again, suspended in the realm of fire.

With this golden flame.

Suddenly all the flames in the fire realm rushed wildly towards the golden flame, and was directly consumed by it.

Even the thousands of various heaven and earth flames summoned by the Sovereign Fire Lord all swarmed towards the golden flames, and all of them were consumed.

The golden flame at this moment is like a child constantly eating,

The various flames refined by the Lord of Fire Refining are the food in his eyes,

Consumed by the golden flame.

"how is this possible?"

At this time, the face of Lord Fire Refiner changed.

There was an incredible look in his eyes.

In an instant, all the flames erupted from the Lord of Fire Refining were devoured by the golden flame.

Even all the flame energy in this fire realm was absorbed by it.

With the flame energy completely disappeared.

The Realm of Fire Sovereign has collapsed.

He was even bitten back, and a blood spurted out.

And the golden flame was still inexhaustible.

Immediately, a golden flame appeared a human face, and then returned to Xiao Yifeng's body.


Seeing this scene ~ ~ Xiao Yifeng froze.

The people around him were also stunned.

This Lord of Fire Refining has accumulated so many terrible flames of heaven and earth that have been refined for so long,

In a blink of an eye, all was consumed by a golden flame.

This is really incredible.

And this flame turned into a human face,

It's like it's as if it had given birth to the intellect, very incredible! !! !!

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng felt that the golden flame seemed to be devouring other flames to prepare for recovery.

His gut tells him that he will immediately know the true origin of the golden flame.

This golden flame may surprise him by then! !! !!

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