The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4859: Supreme Faith

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Starry battlefield, starry battle platform.

With the starry sky emperor Xiao Yifeng appeared.

All over 20,000 stars and sky arrogance present were all shocked.

Their eyes stared at Xiao Yifeng with incredible eyes.

Most of them looked at Xiao Yifeng with a strong color of worship.

The Emperor of the Sky is the object worshipped by countless Tianjiao.

Now they are lucky to see the Star Emperor,

Each one was extremely excited.

Starry Sky Realm is also boiling because of the emergence of Starry King! !! !!

In ancient times, the Star Emperor was a legend.

When the Star Emperor suddenly disappeared, everyone thought he had fallen.

I did not expect that the Starry Emperor is now born again,

And once again set foot on the starry sky.

This reminded them of the rise of the Star Emperor in ancient times.

It seems to start from the starry sky.

Now it seems that the Emperor Xingkong wanted to go the same way.

Through the rise of the starry sky arrogance, once again stood on the top of the starry sky! !! !!

This time, through the starry sky,

The true content of Xiao Yifeng's life was completely exposed to all forces in the starry sky.

Seven Stars Field! !! !!

"The Emperor of the Starry Sky has returned, and the servants of the Seven Stars are waiting for the Emperor to come !!!"

At this time, the seven star fields, the worlds of the seven star fields all sounded loudly.

Countless people who believe in the Star Emperor are all kneeling on the ground.

Looking at the Star Emperor in the overhead screen.

Their eyes were full of longing, expectation and excitement.

The Seven Stars Field was created by the Great Star Emperor in the first hand.

In ancient times, the vast majority of people in the Seven Stars were the believers of the Great Emperor of the Sky,

They worship the Emperor Starry.

Even though the Seven Stars are now occupied by countless other star domains.

Countless people and forces who believe in the Star Emperor have been killed.

Even after millions of years,

There are still countless believers who believe in the Star Emperor in the Qixingxing Domain.

At this moment, the faces of the lords who rule the Seven Stars are very ugly.

Now the Star Emperor is truly back.

If he waits for the Seven Stars, they will be in trouble.

Then the Lords of the Seven Powers who ruled the Qixing Realm all gathered together.

"What should we do now?"

"The Great Star Emperor has returned now."

"If you let it once again take the top spot in the starry sky and restore its previous life strength."

"By the time he is bound to fall into the Seven Stars, then we are done !!!"

A lord of the forces said solemnly.

"What are you afraid of? The one behind us is not weaker than the existence of the great Emperor of the sky."

"Even he is more terrible than the Star King."

"If the Star Emperor returns."

"With him, we don't have to worry about anything."

Another master of the power said Shen.

"I'm afraid he won't do it for us."

The third power master frowned.

"No, he still needs us to control the Seven Stars."

"According to my analysis, Qixingxing Realm still has a role for him."

"So he won't watch us killed by the Star King."

Another Lord of the Powers said Shen Sheng.

"What else is hidden in the Seven Stars?"

The masters of these powers frowned slightly.

"I don't know, this is only clear to the Emperor and the Star King."

Just now the master of the power said solemnly.

"Star Emperor, this **** guy !!!"

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng was invited to watch the sky battle platform.

His eyes flashed with deep hatred and killing.

As for the invitation of Yueyue, Xiao Yifeng watched.

His expression was indifferent, his eyes glowed with light.

"Sister, do you say you can defeat him without a flaw?"

Inviting to look at Inviting Moon said in the sky.

"Destroyed, he is the strongest star."

"If he loses, he is dead !!!"

Inviting Yue said coldly.

And in a world of stars.

A Qianying stood on top of a mountain.

His gaze stared at Xiao Yifeng in the screen above his head.

"You are finally back."

"You in this life are more handsome than in the last."

This Qianying smiled slightly, like a spring breeze,

It makes people feel relaxed.

"Yueyue, it's ridiculous that you have tried to train someone to replace him."

"How can his glorious shore be easily replaced by others."

"That's why you can't be his woman."

This Qianying murmured to himself.

"Top Ten Empresses, I wonder where are the rest of the Empresses?"

"A dream for millions of years, now things are wrong!"

This Qianying sighed slightly.

She is the Reign Dream Empress among the ten ancient empresses.

Good at dealing with soul emperor infants, can manipulate other people's dreams.

People can't extricate themselves in a dream or fantasy! !! !!

Next, there are countless people who talk about the Star Emperor in various circles of the sky.

And in the Star Wars.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng is staring at each other.

The eyes of the two intertwined invisible sparks.

Two invisible momentums permeated the two,

Fighting on the star battle platform.

The warfare on the two men was heightened in constant collisions.

"Star Emperor, I didn't expect you to be here."

"Exactly, today I am in front of all the younger generations in the sky."

"Personally defeat your starry myth, and take the first place in the starry sky."

"To completely replace you as the new star powerhouse !!!"

"I want to let you know how wrong you were to insult my Master."

"I want to tell you that it is not my Master who is not qualified to be your woman."

"But you don't deserve to be my Master !!!"

"You don't even match her shoes !!!"

Looked at Xiao Yifeng chanting word by word.

In his eyes flashed the cold killing intention.

The horrific killings permeated him.

Permeated towards the entire star battle platform.

For a while, the remaining people on the Star Wars stage had a feeling of shortness of breath, and their necks were pinched.

They turned pale ~ ~ very ugly.

Immediately, the remaining sword, the two tigers, the beast, the cold front, the ancient Haotian, and Mo Shi all ran their full strength to resist this horrible power.

"Do you really care about the invitation month?"

"Did you have any plans for her?"

Xiao Yifeng sneered.

For a moment, there was no missing pupil.

"That's right, only invited me to be the only female emperor !!!

There is no lack of cold and overbearing drinking, his eyes are shining brightly.

"Sister, that's all right ..."

Hearing the words that were indispensable in the sky, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes and looked at the side of the moon.

The moonlight flashed in the moon.

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