The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4608: Mysterious face

Roar! !! !!

Just then, there was a roar in the blood pool where the Lord of Hell was.

Then the helllord flew up,

A dazzling light burst out from this blood pool, blasting directly towards Xiao Yifeng.

boom! !! !!

Soul Eater hurriedly shot back, radiating this light.

"Starry beast?"

Xiao Yifeng stared at a maroon beast transformed by this light.

There was a look of wonder in his eyes.

This strange beast is called a starry beast, but it is a strange beast with strange powers born in this universe and the sky.

Starry Beasts are very powerful,

And has all kinds of strange functions.

Some starry beasts can control the fire of heaven and earth,

Some starry beasts can travel through space,

Even some starry beasts can control human deities and souls.

In short, the starry beast is very powerful and mysterious.

In the ancient times, many of the top powerhouses would go and catch the starry beasts.

Then find a way to devour it and get the ability it has.

But this starry beast is extremely mysterious and possesses great strength.

It's not easy to catch them.

The Star Emperor has also dealt with several powerful Star Beasts.

But in the end he was won by him.

I did not expect to encounter a starry beast here.

The starry beast in front of him looks like a starry beast that devours the blood of others.

Most of the blood power of the Lord of Hell was devoured by him.

As a result, the strength of this starry beast is very strong.

Roar! !! !!

The starry beast yelled at Xiao Yifeng and others, and his eyes were blood red.

However, the starry beast did not continue to attack, but turned to escape.

"Stop him !!!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted.

He knew the preciousness of the starry beast.

Now when we encounter one, we must not let it escape.

Soul Eater shot violently, and a gray light shone from his body, covering the starry beast.

Enveloped by this gray light, this starry beast cannot escape if it wants to escape.

Then the starry beast arrived in Xiao Yifeng's hands.

"Are you going to devour this starry beast?"

Soul Eater looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly, and put away the starry beast.

Next, he wielded the thunderbolt for nine days and directly cut off the chains that bound Hell's hands.

Then they began to help the Lord of Hell break the seal power in his body.

However, the seal power in the subject of Hell is stronger than the seal power of the Quartet.

Even if Xiao Yifeng and their team together only helped the Lord of Hell break half of the seal power.

"Thank you Star Emperor, I will break the remaining seals."

Hell Lord looked at Xiao Yifeng and said directly.

"you are welcome."

Xiao Yifeng smiled.

"What are you going to do next?"

Xiao Yifeng then looked at the Lord of Hell and asked.

"I need to return to Hell as soon as possible and regain control of the Three Realms of Hell."

"I'm worried that people on the mainland will not stop there."

The Lord of Hell sank.

"You haven't recovered your strength now, so you can't control the three realms of **** when you go back."

"I'll take someone to **** with you."

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Are you going to **** too?"

The Lord of Hell looked at Xiao Yifeng in amazement.

"I need to rescue two friends."

Xiao Yifeng said immediately.

And the two he said are naturally his good brother Qian Duo and his daughter Yuan Yuanmo.

Both men died because of him, and he must save them.

The only way to save them is to go to hell.

"Xingkong Emperor, you saved me once today, it's my reward to you."

"As long as you help me regain control of the Three Realms of Hell, I will help you rescue your two friends."

"But I can only save two at most, after all, this is a change cause and effect."

"If I do too much, I will be condemned."

The Lord of Hell looked at Xiao Yifeng and vomited.

"Thank you !!!"

Xiao Yifeng nodded with a smile.

There is this Lord of Hell to help.

The rescue of Yuan Jianmo and Qian Duoduo was basically a matter of nails.

Next, they left Jiuyou Purgatory.

Rumble! !! !!

Just then, the sky of Jiuyoujie suddenly roared! !! !!

Even the major worlds in the entire Nine-Yu Domain trembled.

The energy of the starry sky where Jiuyou Realm is located is directly disordered,

It seems as if there is something very terrible coming to Jiuyu Realm.

A supreme coercion erupted from the sky above Jiuyoujie, suppressing the whole Jiuyoujie.

Suddenly, hundreds of millions of warriors in the entire Nine Umbrella Realm were kneeled on the ground by this terrible repression.

Whether it is a saint, a supreme, the great or the great, the immortal,

Even the eternal emperor was directly kneeled on the ground by this repression.

Each of them trembled, with a look of horror and shock in their eyes, watching the sky of Jiuyoujie.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng and his party all felt an extremely heavy oppression.

Their looks were all changed, and among them only Xiao Fan looked indifferent, without being affected by this coercion.

Even the Lord of Hell, the Soul Eater, including the Quartet's beast, had a different look.

They looked very ugly ~ ~ with a dignified look in their eyes.

"Good coercion."

"This is at least the coercion of the High Order Emperor !!!"

Hell Lord said solemnly.

Boom boom! !! !!

There was a roar from the sky of Jiuyoujie.

The sky's energy converges to form a huge face.

This face covered the sky, as if covering the entire sky of Jiuyou Realm.

The warriors of the entire Nine Umare Realm looked at this face.

They were all shivering inwardly, with a deep sense of fear and palpitations.

"Where is the Great Star Emperor?"

This huge face screamed as soon as the lips moved.

Huh! !! !!

Thunder's clone stepped into the air and stood in the void.

He stared at the big face in front of him coldly: "Why are you looking for your grandpa?"

"Are you the Great Emperor?"

"Why don't you have the breath of stars?"

This face looked at Lei Zhi's clone coldly.

"This has something to do with you, you have something to say, you have to fart !!!"

Lei Zhi hummed with an impolite look.


The face snorted immediately.

The terrifying coercion repressed towards Thunder's clone, as if to crush it and destroy it.

Huh! !! !!

Lei Zhi's blood spurted out, and his body retreated.

At this time, Xiao Fan's immature face sank and her eyes were full of anger, so she had to start.

The Quartet Beasts on the side are all ready to shoot at this face.

boom! !! !!

Just then, a dazzling star Jianmang suddenly fell from the sky.

Carrying endless star energy blasted towards this huge and terrible face.

Immediately, a deafening explosion sounded.

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