The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4583: Rescue the 4-party beast

"Cang Hao was born to our dragon race."

"Everyone thinks that the Dragons can be ashamed this time."

"Although Cang Hao is dead now, Long Qing and Lei Chen are there."

"It won't be a problem to take the first place in the beast battle."

The elder said directly.

"Then the two of you will join in and fight for the dragons"

Xiao Yifeng said watching Long Qing and Lei Chen.


The two nodded.

"Master, I want to go too."

Then Xiao Baixue said suddenly.

"You are going too"

Xiao Yifeng looked surprised at Xiao Baixue.

"Well, I don't know why I heard Hegemony and Beast Hall."

"A voice in my heart told me that I must go."

"I do not know why either."

Xiao Baixue frowned.

Hearing Xiao Baixue's words, Xiao Yifeng's gaze was continually blinking.

The origin of this little white snow is not simple. The previous breakthrough even caused the coming of the punishment.

Now that it says so, it proves that there is a certain relationship between the beasts competing for hegemony or the beast temple.

"Okay, I'll take you with me, so I'll see how this beast fights."

"Look at what this beast hall is about."

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

"When will the Beast Fight begin?"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"After a month."

Said the elder.

"Where is it held?"

Xiao Yifeng asked.

"In the realm of all beasts, that place is a very strange place."

"No one can step into it at any other time unless the Beast Race begins."

Said the elder Shen Shen.


Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"Many beasts don't know what is going on with the Quartet"

"Jiuyou Purgatory, isn't it in the border of Jiuyou?"

"It looks like it's time to rescue them."

"I'd like to see who is so brave enough to dare to imprison the Quartet of the Star Hall"

Listening to the beasts fighting for hegemony, Xiao Yifeng remembered the four-squared beast of the Star Hall in his mind.

Prior to Suzaku Fairy, they got the inheritance of the Quartet God Beasts. They learned that all the Quartet God Beasts were imprisoned by a mysterious strongman in Jiuyou Purgatory and suffered endless torture.

The mysterious strongman wanted to obey the Quartet God Beast, but the Quartet God Beast refused, and was tortured by extreme fire and thunder day and night.

Before Xiao Yifeng was not strong enough to rescue the Quartet,

Now there are strong men around him, as well as the Star Corps.

It's also time to rescue the Quartet.

And the Nine You Purgatory is in the realm of Nine You Realm.

It belongs to a fierce forbidden area in Jiuyou Realm,

Even the immortal Emperor dares not dare to get involved easily

Today, the avatar of Lei Zhi happens to be in Jiuyou Realm,

Xiao Yifeng intends to rescue the Quartet.

However, to save the Quartet beast, it is obviously impossible for them to rely on the avatar of Thunder alone.

"War God, Sword Emperor, and Emperor Ling, you and other powerful men will immediately go to Jiuyou Realm and meet with my avatar."

Xiao Yifeng looked directly at Wu Shen and they said directly.

"Master you are this"

Wu Shen wondered.

"Sifang God Beast is trapped in Jiuyou Purgatory of Jiuyou Realm, I am going to rescue it"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.


Valkyrie nodded.

As for why Xiao Yifeng did not send the beast god.

It is because he feels that following the power of the beast **** to follow him to the beasts to fight for hegemony may have a powerful effect.

He faintly felt that this so-called battle of beasts and beast palace was not simple.

So he has to keep a hand.

"Nine of you will go with them."

At this moment Xiao Yifeng looked at the nine ancient Canglongs and said.


Said the nine ancient dragons.

Xiao Yifeng then contacted the commander of the 7th and 8th Star Corps.

Ask them to contact other legions, and send three star clans to Nine Umbrellas.

Apparently Xiao Yifeng intends to completely rescue the Quartet this time.

Of course, he did this to prevent him from getting ghost grass from Queen Nine You.

At that time, he can directly mobilize the Star Army and the Jiuyou Dynasty to fight for the Nethergrass.

"Dad, I want to go to Jiuyu Realm too"

At this time, Xiao Fan, who followed Xiao Yifeng to the Dragon, came to Xiao Yifeng and said.

"You are going to Jiuyou Realm"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Xiao Fan wondering.

"I want to help my father divide his worries and solve the Quartet"

Xiao Fan said directly.

"Well, then you go with the Valkyrie."

Xiao Yifeng said.

This Xiao Fan is stronger than the Valkyrie.

With him, perhaps more sure.


Xiao Fan nodded.

"Xiaofeng, you have such a small child to follow, what if something happens?"

Long Gan looked at Xiao Yifeng and said helplessly.

"Master Dragon King, you can rest assured."

"Young Master is more powerful than us."

Valkyrie said with a smile.

"Yeah, Young Master is a demon"

Others looked at Xiao Fan and sighed.

"He's only a few years old. How could he be stronger than you?"

Long Gan and Long Qing both looked shocked.

Even the other dragon celebrities who were present were shocked ~ ~ My son, even if he is a few years old, can still be against the sky

Xiao Yifeng said confidently and strongly.

Xiao Fan followed Wu Shen and they left here.

In an instant, the day passed.

In the night, in a room of the Dragons.

Xiao Yifeng just sat down and knocked on the door.

He opened the door directly,

Long Qing stood here wearing a plain white dress, with a bit of unique temperament.

"How did you come"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Long Qing and said softly.

"I miss you"

Long Qing stared at Xiao Yifeng.

She immediately pinched Xiao Yifeng's neck and kissed each other.

Long Qing now looks more bold than in the ancient world.

Xiao Yifeng also closed the door and came to bed holding Long Qing.

"I want a child too"

Long Qing looked at Xiao Yifeng with affection and said.

"You want kids too"

Xiao Yifeng was surprised.

"I want to see if the descendants of the blood of the Dragons and the Emperor of the Starry Sky are also very bad."

Long Qing looked at Xiao Yifeng and smiled.

"As long as I am Xiao Yifeng's child, all are against the sky"

Xiao Yifeng smiled evilly.

He overwhelmed Long Qing directly.

Next, fight overnight.

The next day.

All members of the Dragon clan gather in Dragon Valley.

In this Dragon Valley, members of the thousands of dragons stand here in an orderly manner.

Today is the day when the new Dragon King ascended the throne

"A month ago, my dragon race suffered a misfortune, and the incumbent Dragon Emperor fell unfortunately."

"But my dragon clan will not fall away because my dragon clan has a more powerful dragon emperor."

"He will lead our dragons to a more brilliant moment"

The elders of the Dragon race walked to the high platform, watching all the people of the dragon race presenting with passion.


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