The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4560: Where the Ghost Grass is

"Jiuyou Realm is divided into Jiuyou Realm and Eighteen Realms, and Jiuyou Realm is the first world."

"There is where the ruler of Jiuyou, the ruler of Jiuyou, is countless."

"Besides, there are eighteen other worlds."

"Our heaven and the world of death are one of them. Among these 18 worlds, they are one of the two most powerful worlds."

"Jiuyou Realm except Jiuyou Realm because the existence of the Jiuyou Dynasty is very peaceful."

"The remaining eighteen worlds often fight for resources or to occupy other worlds."

"The Emperor Youhai of the Dead Uterus has always wanted to capture the rich veins of the God Crystal in the Heaven Uterus.

Silver Moon said.

"This kind of thing, does the Jiuyou dynasty as the ruler of Jiuyou Realm?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"Jiuyou Dynasty will not intervene in these things."

"There are nineteen Youfu Houses in eighteen worlds, and there are strong men in the Nineyou Dynasty."

"As long as these eighteen worlds regularly pay certain apocalypse and other cultivation resources to Jiuyou Mansion."

"Nothing else in the Nine You Dynasty."

"Of course endangering the entire battle of Jiuyou Realm, people of the Jiuyou dynasty will intervene."

Yinyue spoke.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered and said: "Look at the momentum of Yinyue Girl and your father and the power of this Yinyue Mansion, presumably in a very high status on this day !!!"

"Tianyoujie is mainly ruled by three provinces, namely Jiuyoufu of the Jiuyou dynasty, and then my Yintianfu and Chengfufu."

"The city's main government is responsible for managing the people in the major cities and towns throughout the sky and the world."

"Yintianfu is the army that governs the entire Tianyou Realm and is responsible for resisting the invasion of other worlds !!!"

Silver Moon said.

"One master inside, one master outside, and one in the middle to keep balance, interesting !!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled.

"Well, this is basically the case in other worlds."

"And the uncle of this government of the Umbra is my uncle, so the relationship between our two cities is closer !!!!"

Yinyue said lightly.

"By the way, Silvermoon, do you know Ghost Grass?"

Xiao Yifeng asked the purpose of his visit.

Although Xiao Yifeng speculated that there might be a ghost grass in Jiuyou Realm, he was not sure.

Moreover, Jiuyou Realm is so large that it is not easy for him to find the nether grass.

He can only search for the nether grass through the people in the nine you domain.

"Nether grass, I seem to have heard from my father, it is a strange grass, very rare and rare !!!"

Yinyue spoke.

"You know Ghost Grass?"

"Where is this ghost grass?"

Xiao Yifeng said quickly.

"According to my father, it seems that Queen Nine You possesses Nether Grass !!!"

Silver Moon said.

"Queen of Nine You? Woman of the Lord of Nine You Dynasty?"

Xiao Yifeng was surprised.

"No, Queen Nine You is now the owner of the Nine You Dynasty !!!"

Yinyue vomited.

"Now the dynasty is a woman?"

Xiao Yifeng said helplessly.

"Jiuyou King of the Jiuyou Dynasty suddenly died of practicing exercises twenty years ago."

"But his children are still young and cannot inherit the position of King Jiuyou."

"Finally, Queen Nine You's wife, Queen Nine You, became the master of Nine You Dynasty and became the first Queen of Nine You Dynasty !!!"

Yinyue explained.

"Isn't this the empress in Chinese history?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled.

"Gong Xiao, did you come to Jiuyou Realm in order to find the Nether Grass?"

Yinyue spoke.


Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"Nethergrass is in the hands of Queen Nine-You, you're probably going to have a hard time getting it."

Silver Moon said.

"It's okay. I'll go to the Nine You Dynasty at that time."

"See Queen Nine You and see if you can let her give me the nether grass."

Xiao Yifeng said casually.

Yinyue said, "Queen Nine You will not see any outsiders."

"And the Jiuyou dynasty is strong, and there are more than a dozen great emperors, not including the hidden strong."

"It is said that Queen Nine You has stepped into a godless state with all her strength, and you cannot rob it."

"But it's the day when the classics organized by the Nine-Yu Dynasty begin."

"If this elite game can become the first place, you can see Queen Nine You and get the Queen's reward."

Silver Moon said.

"You want me to participate in this classic and then become first place."

"At that time, you can let the Queen Nine You reward me the nether grass?"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

"Well, this elite competition was organized by the Jiuyou Dynasty in order to select a group of young martial elites to be loyal to the Jiuyou Dynasty."

"Through Xiao Xiaozi, the strength you showed before."

"If you participate, it shouldn't be a problem to be number one."

Yinyue said watching Xiao Yifeng.

"Thanks for reminding me, I understand."

Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"Then Xiao Xiao rests, and I will take you to the banquet in the evening."

Yinyue said he left here.

"Master, do you plan to participate in the Classic?"

Xiao Xiu Xiu looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"If you don't participate, you can only rob it, because some of us don't have this ability yet."

"Unless my deity leads other stars of the Star Hall and the Star Army to come to compete with the Nine You Dynasty ~ ~ and I don't know if the Nine You Emperor is dead or not."

"This guy is a top powerhouse in ancient times. He is stronger than the old man in Xutian."

"If he didn't die, it would not be easy to deal with him !!!"

Xiao Yifeng swaggered.

"If you can come soft now, come soft first. If it doesn't work, you can only come hard."

Xiao Yi said coldly.


Minxiu nodded.

In an instant, night fell.

At this time, Yintian Fuzhong was very lively.

Today the battle was won. The Emperor Yintian directly hosted a banquet to reward the entire army.

In the main hall of Yintianfu, there are also tables.

Here are the strong men above the saints.

Soon Xiao Yifeng and his team came here following Yinyue.

"Song Xiao is here, get in quickly !!!"

The Emperor Yintian looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

Xiao Yifeng and his team sat in the front row.

The eyes of the other powerhouses in Yintianfu present at this moment were all looking at Xiao Yifeng and the thief of Tian Xuan who was beside him.

Each one was full of shock.

From the mouths of the most powerful men before, they have learned about Xiao Yifeng's record of killing one hundred thousand dead Umbra army.

He also knew that the two around him were the great emperors and powerful men.

That's why there is such a look.

"Xiaogong Xiao, victory in this battle depends on you Xiaogong."

"Toast you today on behalf of Yintianfu and Tianyoujie !!!"

The Emperor Yintian raised his glass and looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"You're welcome."

Xiao Yifeng lifted the wine glass and smiled, and went straight.

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