The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4501: More deadly than popular

Ten streamers burst out from it, suspended directly in the void, and they are the ten gods.

boom! boom! boom!


At this time, thunder burst out suddenly.

A huge thundercloud gathered in the void.

A terrible thunder shone.

Emperor Calamity is Coming! !! !!

These ten deities except Chu Yu, who has broken through to become the emperor.

The rest of the gods did not break into the realm of the emperor,

At this moment they all ushered in the emperor calamity, ready to step into the realm of the emperor.

So many people broke through together to become emperors.

This emperor also gathered together to form a mighty power.

The terrible imperial power of the Emperor made the whole strong in the real world of the gods tremble with a feeling of fright.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes turned to these gods.

Even the battle between Valkyrie and the Star Alliance forces stopped.

All of them glanced at these big gods.

Seeing this group of Tianjiao who were still participating in the competition of God's Tianjiao list.

Now suddenly he will become emperor, and also welcome the emperor calamity together.

The powerful men of the virtual **** world were shocked, and their hearts seemed extremely shocked.

Many people's eyes are full of envy.

They haven't become emperors for hundreds of thousands of years.

The oldest of these people are thousands of years old, but they are about to enter the realm of the emperor.

This person is really annoying! !! !!

Bang Bang Bang ...

Suddenly, the endless Thunder Emperor's power broke out.

Soaring down the sky, blasting towards Lan Linger and others.

The thunder sounded throughout the sky.

Lan Linger and others were directly shrouded in this terrible imperial force.

They were fearless and stood there silently, totally unwilling to resist this emperor's calamity.

Let the horrible Emperor's horror blast on them like this.

Seeing this scene, the great powers of the virtual **** world were shocked.

In the face of Emperor Calamity, they tried their best to resist.

And these young Tianjiao not only ushered in the emperor calamity so quickly.

And in the face of this terrible emperor calamity, there was no resistance at all.

This shocked them.

The terrifying power of the emperor fell on the gods such as Lan Linger.

A sacred and horrifying force broke out in them, and the empire force was directly destroyed.

This is the power of their deities.

This horrible imperial force has no ability to resist in the face of the power of their deities.

Boom boom! !! !!

Suddenly, the original power of these ten gods was completely excited.

Presents an extremely powerful original vision that shocks the world.

In less than half a minute, the power of the emperor's robbers disappeared automatically.

The sky was shining with light, and the aura of auspiciousness filled the air.

The light of heaven and earth entered the bodies of these great gods.

Diwei erupted directly on each of them, and all became emperors.

At this moment, all the ten gods are the great emperors.

Then, the power of the avenue of the sky rushed wildly towards them.

Their eyes were closed tightly, immersed in this strong avenue rule.

These ten gods are directly shrouded in the law of this avenue, and this scene is also shocking to many people.

After entering the realm of the emperor, he began to understand the principles of the avenue.

But it was the first time that they had attracted so many avenue powers like the ten of them.

ten minutes later.

The realm of these ten gods entered the ranks of the middle emperor.

Then more horrific avenue law forces swept wildly towards them.

Yan Hao ’s Law of Fire Avenue, Lu Qingling ’s Law of Wood Avenue,

The Law of the Snowy Avenue of Ice and so on ...

Various avenue powers gathered in the entire void, enveloping the ten gods.

Divine light shone on them.

In the end, all the ten gods entered the ranks of the upper emperors.

They are bathed in the light of God, extremely divine! !! !!

Immediately after becoming an emperor, he became a superior emperor, which directly shocked the world.

And the power emanating from them is not worse than the Supreme King.

Swipe! !! !!

At this moment the power of the avenue law of the sky dispersed.

There was a faint glow in the eyes of the ten gods.

They looked indifferent, standing on both sides of the temple.

As if welcoming the appearance of a king.

The next second, a figure emerged from the temple.

This figure stood on top of the nine days, with great momentum.

And he is Xiao Yifeng.

At this moment Xiao Yifeng was carrying his hands on his back, and his body was filled with an invisible breath.

A terrifying domineering power emanated from him.

boom! boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, a series of thunder sounds came from the sky above the virtual **** world.

The sound of thunder was extremely harsh, one after another.

Not only resounding through the realm of virtual gods, but also the eight realms of the whole gods realm.

At this moment, everyone in Divine Realm heard this terrible voice.

They were all inscrutable inside, with a feeling of depression and unsatisfaction inside.

Especially people in the virtual world,

They even felt a deep depression, and their breathing became rapid, as if it was difficult to breathe.

At this moment, it seemed that something terrible was coming.


A thunderous thunder blast thundered through the sky on a sunny day.

The dazzling thunder came out ~ ~ Blind everyone's eyes.

At this moment, the fighting between Emperor Xutian and the Alliance Leader of Star Alliance was stopped because of this vision.

"Star Emperor !!!"

Star Alliance Alliance's eyes stared at Xiao Yifeng, she said in a deep voice.

In a blink of an eye, most of the virtual **** world was directly shrouded in the terrible thundercloud.

This thundercloud's might is dozens of times more terrible than the thundercloud that the group of gods broke through the emperor just now.

The terrifying thunderclouds are filled with endless thunder.

Each of these thunders can easily kill a great emperor.

With so many thunders coming together, the power emanating from them was terrible.

Even an eternal emperor is easily frustrated in the face of this battle.

Xiao Yifeng faced all this with a light expression.

With the power of God to refine the physical body, Xiao Yifeng finally attracted the seventh physical thunder.

After this physical thunder, Xiao Yifeng's domineering body completely entered the ranks of the emperor.

He will also become the first detached existence in history to rely on pure flesh to become an emperor! !! !!

"Let the storm be more intense !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the thunderous body in the void.

His expression was indifferent, his eyes full of fearlessness, and he growled directly.

This physical thunder robbery is a hundred times more horrifying than ever.

But Xiao Yifeng was fearless.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The next second, this physical thunderstorm seemed to hear Xiao Yifeng's provocation, and blasted down towards him frantically.

The entire void is filled with this terrifying thunder force.

Xiao Yifeng was instantly shrouded in this endless thunder.

He couldn't see his presence at all.

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