The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4473: Floating Tower Repression

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"Unless what?"

Xiao Yifeng inquired about Yuanling, a floating slaughter tower.

"Unless you use the mystery of the floating slaughter and force the force of the floating slaughter tower."

"But it will cause great load and damage to your body. Can you bear it?"

"Master, once you can't bear the load of the floating slaughter tower, you will explode and die !!!"

Yuanling Lingyuan said.

Immediately Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered, his heart was thinking and hesitating.

Rumble! !! !!

There was a roar of noise.

Sword Emperor, Spirit Emperor, Xu Fan, and all nine elders of Xu Tian Dian were beaten by this lunatic guy.

They hit the ground one by one and were seriously injured.

Only the Emperor Xutian and the Beast God remain, and there are several ancient emperors and beasts fighting hard.

But they were also completely suppressed by this guy.

Now this guy's strength has reached an extremely terrible level in this universe.

Even if his strength is in the nine higher worlds or in the flood and wasteland, it is a top-level existence outside the starry sky.

"Spell it, just do it !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

"it is good!!!"

Yuanling Tower vomited.

Xiao Yifeng's mind then added a floating slaughter secret.

He directly urged the floating butchery.

Boom boom! !! !!

Suddenly, the floating slaughter tower shone brightly.

Thunders came from the floating slaughter tower, shaking one side.

A horrible breath erupted in the floating slaughter tower.

The whole tower turned wildly in the void.

The next second, a terror of energy in this floating slaughter tower burst into Xiao Yifeng's body.

Xiao Yifeng suddenly felt like he was going to be exploded.

He quickly ran the Jiuxingbajuju, forcibly resisting this horrible energy.

Swipe! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng waved his hands again and again.

He drew mysterious Yinjue into the floating slaughter tower with both hands.

With a loud bang, the floating slaughter tower skyrocketed hundreds of times.

Turned into a huge black tower, suspended above the head of this crazy man.

"Heaven and earth floating slaughter, everything is summarized !!!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted coldly and solemnly.

Followed by a mark into the floating slaughter tower.

The power of the floating slaughter tower was directly inspired by him.

Rumble! !! !!

With a series of roars.

The floating slaughter tower repressed towards the man.

Roar! !! !!

The man growled.

He directly gathered the strength of the whole body and blasted towards the floating slaughter tower.

This power is enough to destroy the world, and the horror is extreme.

But the horror force that the floating slaughter tower erupted in the face of this man was still suppressed.

The floating slaughter tower completely ignored the other transcendent power that was enough to destroy one star field.


As a roar came out.

The floating slaughter tower was completely suppressed, and there was a roar falling on the ground, and the whole ground was shaking.

The self-proclaimed Demon King was put directly into the floating slaughter tower.

Boom boom! !! !!

There were also roars in the floating slaughter tower, apparently this guy was breaking the tower.

However, the floating slaughter tower is as stable as Mount Tai and does not move.

With this guy being suppressed.

Xiao Yifeng took a deep breath.

Emperor Xutian and others were relieved.

"This is the Imperial Soldiers Tower?"

At this moment, Emperor Xutian said intently at the black tower in front of him.


Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"I didn't expect you could even get the No. 4 floating slaughter tower in the Imperial Order."

"Fortunately, there is this floating slaughter tower today, otherwise my old life will have to die in the hands of that guy !!!"

Emperor Xutian said solemnly.

"I'll go first, you guys wait for me outside !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said in a deep voice.

He stepped directly into the floating slaughter tower.

As soon as he stepped into the floating slaughter tower, Xiao Yifeng began to refine the power that the floating slaughter tower had just poured into him.

Just now he urged the secret method to force the full power of the floating slaughter tower.

As a result, the floating slaughter tower released a lot of power into his master.

Overloaded his body completely.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yifeng's tactics to practice the Jiuxing Ba, he has a powerful Ba.

I'm afraid he's dead now.

So he must refine this terrible energy as soon as possible.

In an instant, ten days passed.

In these ten days, Xiao Yifeng has been staying in the floating slaughter tower.

Emperor Xutian, while they were recuperating, waited for Xiao Yifeng to appear.

As for the outside world, the virtual **** world started to be lively, because the heavenly arrogance of the **** domain was about to begin.

The star field arrogance list is held in every star field.

This list will list the strongest Tianjiao in the entire star field.

Eventually represented this side of the star domain to participate in the final star sky arrogance.

The starry sky proud list, in this starry sky, for countless Tianjiao is the list with the highest honor.

Anyone who can be ranked in the starry sky,

They are the most powerful and wicked geniuses carefully selected from the entire starry sky, starry sky, hundreds of races, and countless forces.

None of them will be over five thousand years old.

But one by one, it is comparable to the old monster who practiced for hundreds of thousands of years or even longer. UU reading books

This is the real starry sky! !! !!

In addition, being in the starry sky list can get mysterious and powerful rewards.

This also made countless Tianjiao want to compete for the starry sky, and hoped that they could be among them.

Once in the ranks, you can majestic starry sky.

Become the true pride of all worlds.

Tomorrow is the day when the heavenly list of God's Land opens.

At that time, Tianjiao selected by Shenzhou Wuzhou will gather together to participate in the competition of Shenyang Tianjiao.

There are only ten people on the list.

So in the end, only ten people can be placed on the list of heavenly gods, and then represent the battle of starry heavens and gods.

Fight against the arrogance of the sky in the sky! !! !!

Because there are only ten people.

Therefore, the competition for the God of Heaven ’s Ranking List will become more intense.

Oriental people.

"The emperor hasn't returned yet, will he be okay?"

Dongfang Xiong could not help saying.

"How can something be wrong with the master?"

Both Beigun and Tianshi glanced at Dongfang Xiong fiercely, the latter quickly shut up and stopped talking.

"Tomorrow is the day when the Celestial Rankings of the Kingdom of God opens. Should we go and see?"

"By the way, Yan Ran, you can go to participate with your strength !!!"

Dongfang Xiong turned to look at Dongfang Yanran and said.

"Means nothing!!!"

Dongfang said quietly.

"It is said that the rewards of the God of Heaven's Sky Ranking are very rich."

"" And only participated in the Shenzhou Tianjiao list, among them. "

"Only have the opportunity and qualification to participate in the starry sky !!!!!"

"Don't you want to participate in the starry sky?"

Dongfang Xiong looked at Dongfang Yanran and said directly.

"Everyone who is eligible to participate in the trial !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's voice suddenly sounded.

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