The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4438: Robbery while fire

Lot 4438

"The debts of that year will also be collected from us in the Temple of Stars."

The sword emperor drank coldly.

"These are the future things. Let's deal with things in the God domain first."

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

"Does the master have to fight against the Divine Realm?"

Dongfang Yanran appeared here and said.

"The Divine Realm is the starting point of my Starry Palace's battle for the starry sky again, and I naturally want to win it."

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

"That is the best time now."

Dongfang Yanran said.

"How to say?"

Looking at the Oriental beauty, Xiao Yifeng curiously said.

"Now that the Emperor Chu of the Chu Dynasty is mysteriously missing, the interior of the Chu Dynasty has begun to be chaotic."

"Just today, the three top dynasties of the starry sky, the star-cutting dynasty, the violent dynasty, and the wind and thunder dynasty sent 1.5 million troops to the gods, trying to take the opportunity to destroy the Chu dynasty.

"Prince Chu has now led Chu's strong men to fight with them outside the realm of virtual gods."

"Both sides have suffered heavy casualties, without the threat of Chu."

"It won't be difficult for the master to win the Divine Realm."

Dongfang Yanran said one by one.

"I have heard of the Chu Dynasty."

"It is said that the Emperor Chu of the Chu Family has not appeared for decades, but has become the strongest player in the Divine Realm today."

"It's the Megatron starry sky, defeated countless starry strongmen, and is known to be the closest you to the owner."

"And the origin of the other party is mysterious. No one knows who he is."

"I didn't expect him to disappear. This is indeed a good opportunity for us."

Wu Shen said.

As for Xiao Yifeng, his eyes kept flashing, I don't know what he was thinking.

"Master, do you want to shoot?"

Sword Emperor looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Not urgent."

Xiao Yifeng said calmly.

Then they left the Temple of Stars.

"the host!!!"

At this moment, Dongfang Xiong quickly came to Xiao Yifeng.

"is there anything?"

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Dongfang Xiong.

"Just got news, Emperor Pavilion went to the headquarters of the Chu dynasty together with the powers of the nine major gods and the nine major gates of China and other gods.

"They want to take advantage of the fact that the Chu dynasty is now fighting with the three dynasties and the interior is weak and weak."

"Take advantage of this opportunity to destroy the Chu family and seize all the cultivation resources in the Chu family."

Dongfang Xiong said.

"It looks like someone can't wait any longer than we do."

Valkyrie coldly.

"This group is really despicable."

"No matter what the Chu dynasty was, it was helping the kingdom of God to resist foreign enemies."

"They don't want to be able to defend the enemy together, and they are doing such a dangerous thing !!!"

Dongfang hummed coldly.

"Go and see."

Xiao Yi said coldly.

The group left here and went to the headquarters of the Chu Dynasty.

Chu dynasty headquarters,

Emperor Pavilion united the nine great gates and other major powers in Shenzhou, and a total of thousands of martial arts powers appeared here.

All are powerful men above the realm of the emperor.

Soon a group of guards in the Chu dynasty gathered and confronted thousands of people.

"Come out after Chu, don't hide !!!!"

At this moment the emperor's pavilion stepped into the void and looked at the Chu's hall, drinking coldly.

A horrible atheism broke out on him.

This Emperor Pavilion is a Supreme Emperor.

Huh! !! !!

Soon after, Chu Hou came out of the Chu's main hall.

Behind him were several cold-faced middle-aged men and old men, and Chu Mo also followed.

"Who is barking here?"

Chu later came to the crowd, drinking coldly and majesticly.

"After Chu, it's time to stop talking about me here."

"The end of the Chu family has arrived, obediently hand over all the martial art resources in your Chu family, I can spare you my life !!!"

Emperor Pavilion looked at Chu Hou with a strong and domineering hum.

"Just because you deserve to talk to me?"

Chu Hou looked at the Emperor Pavilion King coldly.

boom! !! !!

Suddenly, a horrible flame in the void blasted directly towards the emperor's pavilion.

Watching this crimson flame blast down.

The emperor's look changed, and he felt a deep crisis.

He tried to resist, but an invisible coercion shrouded him.

Directly prevented him, the mighty emperor from the early days of immortality, from moving.

He could only watch as the flames blasted out.

A feeling of coming to death **** swept the Emperor's body.

"My ancestors saved me !!!"

Shouted the Emperor directly.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Just at this moment.

Above the sky, five deafening roaring explosions were heard.

Five huge swirls are born.

Five white robe elders came out of this vortex.

The old man in the middle waved his hand, and an invisible force blasted down.

Destroyed the red flame on the spot.

"Thank you for your help !!"

The Emperor Pavilion called the respected faces of the five old men in the void.

These five old men are the five founders of Emperor Pavilion.

The one in the middle is also the great emperor in the star list a million years ago.

This time, the imperial court united the major forces to prepare for the Chu dynasty ~ ~ directly invited these five imperial founders.

It is to completely win over the Chu dynasty and to seize the precious and rare martial art resources in the Chu dynasty.

"I did not expect that after the Emperor Chu in the Chu dynasty, the Queen of Chu was also a strong man who did not show up !!!"

The founder of the imperial palace looked at Chu Hou indifferently.

The terrifying Immortal Emperor was exuded directly from him.

"Everyone is thinking about robbery while fire, but you also have the ability to robbery while fire !!!"

Chu Hou said with contempt.

"Well, your Chu dynasty has no Emperor Chu, what strength is there?"

One of the five old men hummed disdainfully.

And he also released a half-step immortal Emperor.

"Is there any strength, you can try it !!!"

After Chu said indifferently.

"Chu Dynasty, today is your last day !!!"

Then a loud and overbearing voice came out of the void.

It sounded like a thunder and a thunderous sound, which spread loudly throughout the virtual **** world.

Soon a group of strong men came.

Headed by a man with a pair of hammers, a tall and muscular body, muscles all over his body, and a beard with a beard on his face.

There was a thunderous thunderous power on him.

Next to him were a dozen Great Emperors.

"who are you?"

Chu Hou looked coldly at this group of people.

"I'm Yuwenba, the general of the Star-Cut Dynasty, and came to the demise of your Chu dynasty on the orders of my emperor!

Yu Wenba shouted directly.

"It's up to you?"

Hou Leng hummed.

"Of course, there are the elders and guardians from the Holy Land of Chopping Stars behind me !!!"

Yu Wenba said coldly.

PS: A little Cavern, two more updates during the day

(End of this chapter)

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