The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4432: Can't help but hit


Looking at this scene of God.

Everyone present was shocked beyond words.

Even Xiao Yifeng looked at this scene with a shocked expression.

He was deeply shocked inside.

Although he knew his daughter was not easy.

But Xiao Yifeng did not expect Xiao Xiao to be so powerful.

The people in this mysterious coffin are so powerful that Xiao Yifeng has seen it with his own eyes.

Even the Eternal Emperor is a doll-like presence in front of him.

But now Xiao Xiao is scrambling around.

This coffin is like a toy in Xiao Xiao's hands.

The huge gap before and after this makes people unimaginable! !! !!

boom! !! !!

With a roar.

This coffin was blown out by Xiao Xiao and smashed the ground into a bottomless pit again.

"What kind of coffin is too hard, Xiao Xiao's fight hurts !!!"

Xiao Xiao touched his fist and said with a small mouth.

"Daughter's hand hurts, Dad blows to you !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said to Xiao Xiao.

He held Xiao Xiao's small hand and said.

"Xiao Xiao doesn't hurt anymore!"

Xiao Xiao said with a smile.

"What kind of power are you?"

"You can't even see me through?"

The coffin rushed out again and said to Xiao Xiao.

"If you have this power for me ..."

The man in this coffin muttered to himself.

Rumble! !! !!

Suddenly, there was a roar of noise in the coffin.

Black rays burst out from the coffin.

A suffocating breath of terror burst from the coffin.

The lines on the wall of this coffin began to shine brightly.

A force transcending the eternal imperial realm erupted.

In the void turned into a huge black claw, grabbed directly towards Xiao Xiao.

This claw repressed, as if Cangtian shot.

All the strong men present were unable to move by this terrible breath, and had to wait for death.

The power of this claw is too strong, completely exceeding the attacking power that the Eternal Emperor can explode, and has reached another level.

"This breath is so annoying !!!"

Xiao Xiao frowned and said.

"Xiao Xiao, can you cope?"

"If not, just let Dad come."

Xiao Yifeng watched the huge black claws suppress, and said coldly.

He has already started to communicate the star map, and is ready to show his strongest hole cards,

"Hey, don't worry, he can't hurt Xiao Xiao !!!"

Xiao Xiao said directly.

The next second, Xiao Xiao rushed up with a small fist.

She smashed into the black claw with one punch.

boom! !! !!

The world is roaring! !! !!

This path was so terrible that it surpassed the claw of the eternal emperor and was smashed directly.

It seems like a native chicken tile dog collapses instantly.

Being so easily smashed, one cannot believe that this claw contains the power to transcend eternal emperor realm.

"Xiao Xiao beat you up today !!!"

Xiao Xiao yelled at the coffin.

One pair of eyes flashed with purple light.

A dazzling purple halo erupted from her and rushed towards the coffin.

Rumble ...

Instantly, Xiao Xiao lingered in a purple halo.

With one punch, a mysterious force gathered on the coffin.

A deafening explosion sounded.

The purple light shone directly over Xiao Xiao and the black coffin.

At the same time, the primitive world.

The world roars, everything trembles! !! !!

At this moment, the heaven and earth aura in the primitive world was instantly disordered.

Countless mountains and rivers collapsed and shattered.

There was a roar above the void, like the end of the world.

Everyone in the entire primitive world felt a horror from their hearts.

They all kneeled on the ground.

Among them, Xiao Yifeng's mother, Honghuang Our Lady Yang Xueqing, looked indifferent.

She stood in the void and whispered: "Xiao Xiao actually used the power of the source. Is this little girl in danger?"

"But the people who can hurt her in this universe are probably only those old monsters."

Madam Hong Huang smiled slightly.

"If those old guys knew that I had such a granddaughter, they would be jealous of envy !!!"

Our Lady of Honghuang whispered softly.

"Apocalypse reincarnation, this time, can it really succeed?"

"What kind of scenery would it be outside of the universe?"

Madam Hong Huang muttered to herself, saying something that others did not understand.

And in this state of virtual gods.

In the sky above the Simon family.

Xiao Xiao and this coffin were shrouded in purple light.

The eyes of all the strong men who looked around were staring at the purple light.

They all want to know how this ends.


A roar soon sounded again.

The purple light dispersed.

Xiao Xiao's figure appeared in front of everyone.

The bronze black coffin disappeared.

Replaced by a black ball of energy.

This black ball of energy is obviously in this coffin.

Then the ball of energy rushed directly into the body of the **** beside.

Boom boom! !! !!

There was a roar of noise at the spot.

A mysterious and ancient flood of wild air erupted from the body of this god.

Huh! !! !!

The corpse's eyes opened, and there was a bloodthirsty and cruel look in his eyes.

"I didn't expect your daughter to control the power of the source."

"Star Emperor, you really opened my eyes !!!"

"But today this account ~ ~ I took it down."

"The other day, the ancient Emperor Honghuang will come to you for restitution !!!"

The corpse of the **** corpse made a cold, hoarse voice, staring at Xiao Yifeng and Xiao Xiao sternly.

In an instant, the corpse of the **** disappeared in front of him, like a teleportation of space and time.

"Honghuang Ancient Emperor !!!"

Hearing these four words, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered.

From this name, Xiao Yifeng knew that this man was a strong man in the flood and waste period.

And listening to this name, the other party is still the top powerhouse in the flood era.

This corpse is the body that the other party is looking for.

"Honghuang Ancient Corpse, Honghuang Ancient Emperor ~"

Xiao Yi muttered in his mouth, his eyes flickered.

"This guy runs so fast, it's not fun !!!"

Xiao Xiao then came to Xiao Yifeng, mumbling in his arms.

"That was the bad guy Xiao Xiao gave you away."

Xiao Yifeng said touching Xiao Xiao's head.

"This bad guy can't help but fight !!!"

"Xiao Xiao didn't play enough."

Xiao Xiao muttered.

Everyone at the scene heard Xiao Xiao's words, and his face was black.

They looked at Xiao Xiao, a little girl, with jerks in the corners of her mouth.

This little girl is so annoying! !! !!

The erupted strength of the man in that coffin just now can kill everyone present.

But Xiao Xiao said that the other party couldn't help but fight.

This makes these strong men in Shenzhou feel a sense of shame and selflessness.

These old guys who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years can't even compare with a few years old children. !! !!

PS: Many book friends complained that they did n’t want to update separately.

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