The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4295: kill! !! !!

Night was quiet, and Chen Hao walked in the dusthouse alone.

Drunk, flushed and drunk.

Then Zi Yan passed here alone.

Seeing Chen Hao like this, Zi Yan frowned and was about to leave quickly.

"Yuetong !!!"

Chen Hao shouted at Zi Yan.

He rushed directly in front of each other, grabbing Zi Yan's hand.

"What are you doing? Let me go !!!"

Ziyan screamed quickly.

"Yuetong, why don't you like me?"

"I'm so good to you, but you like the **** who has only appeared for a few days !!!"

Chen Hao clutched Zi Yan and kept talking.

"You let me go !!!"

Zi Yan shouted in dissatisfaction.

She kept struggling.

However, this strength of Chen Hao has reached the point of nine sages.

Zi Yan also struggled for a while.

"Yuetong, since you don't like me, don't blame me."

"I will get you anyway !!!"

Chen Hao shouted directly, leaving Ziyan here.

"Brother Xiao !!!"

Ziyan screamed quickly.

"Let him go !!!"

The next second, a cold voice echoed in this silent night.

Xiao Yifeng's face was cold, and he came over with a frosty frost.

Watching Xiao Yifeng appear, Zi Yan's eyes showed a touch of excitement.

"It's you, **** guy, you're making trouble again !!!"

Chen Hao watched Xiao Yifeng appear, angrily yelled.

Snapped! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng burst out, he slaps it out strongly.

The moment Chen Hao was slapped by Xiao Yifeng, he flew out to the fan.

Huh! !! !!

Chen Hao was slapped to the ground by Xiao Yifeng.

He spit out blood.

The whole person was awake a lot.

"Ziyan, are you okay?"

Xiao Yifeng quickly looked at Zi Yan and said.

"Brother Xiao, I'm fine, thanks to your timely appearance."

Zi Yan looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

Seeing that Zi Yan was fine, Xiao Yifeng relaxed.

He owed too much to Zier in the first life, and the other party died for him! !! !!

This life made him meet the same purple as Zier.

Xiao Yifeng vowed that he would never let the other party be harmed.

Anyone who dares to hurt Zi Yan must die! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng's cold eyes flashed a cold cold killing gazing at Chen Hao.

A cold, piercing frost erupted on his body.

This world has become cold and windy, and the cold is pressing.

There is a feeling of being in the snow and ice.

Chen Hao was frosty and trembling coldly.

"You ... what do you want to do?"

Chen Hao looked at Xiao Yifeng's appearance at this moment, and his heart trembled, and he couldn't help saying.

Although he is known as the martial art genius of Beizhou, his strength has reached the point of nine sages.

Belongs to a super genius throughout the northern state.

However, compared with Xiao Yifeng, there is a wide gap.

Xiao Yifeng's avatar has entered a state of supremacy.

Chen Hao cannot fight at all! !! !!

"kill you!!!"

Xiao Yifeng said decisively.

boom! !! !!

Then Xiao Yifeng waved, and Chen Hao was killed.

"Son Xiao, slow !!!!"

Suddenly, the voice of Deng Ge, the host of Dian Ge Ge, sounded.

He appeared here instantly.

At the same time, the Elder Chen and Yueyue Tong both appeared here, and they were shocked when they saw the scene in front of them.

"Master, save me !!!"

Chen Hao watched as Dust appeared and quickly called.

"Gong Xiao, what happened?"

Chen Yuetong looked at Xiao Yifeng and said helplessly, the latter simply said something just now.

Immediately, Chen Yuetong and Chen Yuetong all looked different, and looked at Chen Hao with anger.

"Chen Hao, how can you do such a thing?"

Chen Tian looked at Chen Hao with an indignation.

"I ... I just mistaken her for ..."

Chen Hao was embarrassed and stammered.

"You treat Ziyan as a dust girl."

Xiao Yifeng hummed coldly.

"Brother Chen, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person, so I misunderstood you !!!

Chen Yuetong looked at Chen Hao with an angry expression.

"Yuetong, I ..."

Chen Hao looked at Chen Yuetong and wanted to explain, but was interrupted directly by Xiao Yifeng.

"Well, stop talking nonsense, let's say, how do you want to die?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Chen Hao and hummed coldly.

"Master, save me !!!"

"I didn't mean it !!!"

Chen Hao screamed while watching Chen Tian.

"Gong Xiao, this is indeed what Chen Hao did wrong."

"I solemnly apologize to you on behalf of him and the entire dusthouse."

"You can mention anything you need, just don't know if you can ..."

"No !!!!"

Chen Tian said.

It was just that he did not say the last few words and was blocked by Xiao Yifeng.

"People who move me, no matter who they are, for whatever reason, must die !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked cold and shouted word by word.

Every word contains horrific killing.

For a while the look of the dust changed, and his brows frowned.

Chen Hao's face was extremely ugly.

"What a big breath, is it my grandson who you want to kill?"

Just then, a thunderous voice in the void exploded directly.

A horrific diwe came down, directly covering the entire dusthouse.

For a moment, all the people in Dust Pavilion shuddered, their eyes swept away towards the void.

I saw a white-haired old man coming out wearing a robe.

Instantly appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng and others, with terrifying Emperor Wei.

His strength has stepped into the upper emperor.

And it belongs to the existence of a footstep into the godless realm.

It is much stronger than the general superior.


Watching this old man appear.

Chen Hao screamed with excitement in his eyes.

"Uncle !!!"

Chen Tian looked at the old man and shouted helplessly, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This old man is Chen Hao's grandfather, Chen Tian's uncle, and another elder Chen Long in Chen Ge.

It's just that the other party went out for a long time.

It hasn't appeared for thousands of years.

I did not expect to suddenly appear here today.

"See you, Master!"

"Meet the elders too !!!"

Chen Tian and Chen Ge's other powerful men bowed to the old man.

"You guys are a bunch of waste, and you have people kill my grandchildren in the dusthouse."

Chen Long watched this group of people from the Dust Pavilion coldly and yelled ~ ~ Dust, before I leave, I will give you Chen Hao and let you be his teacher to teach him. "

"But how did you do it, you let others kill Haoer."

"Do you still think of me as a master?"

Chen Long looked at Chen Tian with a cold drink, his body exuded terror.

puff! !! !!

Suddenly the dusty body shivered with this terrible coercion, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

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