The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4108: Scramble for eggs

There is one exception.

That is, there are some divine beasts with powerful magical powers.

Coupled with the outside world's nurturing through some special means.

The **** beast in this egg can directly have the strength of the emperor and become the beast directly.

This beast egg is called the egg of the emperor beast.

It's just that such existence is very rare.

An Emperor's Egg may not necessarily appear in one hundred thousand beast eggs.

In ancient times, some of the top forces in the starry sky would use various methods to breed the eggs of the imperial beasts.

When the egg breaks, the **** beast is born.

Then they can become Emperor Beasts directly, enhancing their strength.

Unexpectedly, an egg of the beast appeared in this fifth blood zone today.

This is quite strange.

But this is a good thing for Xiao Yifeng.

If he can control the egg of the imperial beast, then he can have an imperial beast.

Looking at the condition of the Emperor's Egg, I believe it will take a few days.

The beast egg will be broken, and then the Emperor Beast will be born.

And Xiao Yifeng had to take control of the emperor's egg before that, and integrate its essence and blood into the beast's egg.

The Emperor Beast will fuse with his essence and blood, and will automatically recognize him as the master.

"Whether you recognize the same master or not."

"Now please leave here immediately, otherwise don't blame me."

Wantian looked coldly.

The horrible supreme power repressed Xiao Xiaofeng and others.

"I want the eggs of this beast !!!"

Xiao Yifeng directly ignored the supreme coercion of the beast lord, Wantian.

He went straight towards the Emperor's Egg.

"Arrogant !!!"

At this moment, a sage of the nine saints around Wan Tian gave a cold drink.

With a wave of his palm, the horrific Tao force tore the space and blasted towards Xiao Yifeng.

Huh! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng waved his hand and destroyed the attack.

Burning Sky Palm! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng then suppressed it with one palm, and smashed the nine sage saints towards the ground on the spot.

These divine saints are like ants.

Without any resistance, he was smashed into a pit.

Seeing this scene, the look of the Beast Sect was startled.

Their eyes widened, revealing an incredible look.

"who are you?"

Wan Tian looked at Xiao Yifeng with a cold expression.

"Go away if you don't want to die !!!"

"I want to order this Emperor's Egg."

Xiao Yifeng had a strong look and yelled incomparably.

"Boy, this Emperor's Egg is not something you can beat."

A majestic voice sounded in the void.

With a terror of supreme coercion.

A group of saints and supreme superpowers appeared here.

"Three ancestors, four families and five gates, you came fast enough !!!"

At this moment Wantian looked at this group of people coldly.

And they are the top forces in this fifth blood area.

There are three major denominations, four major families, and five majors.

The heads are all superpowers above Wupin Supreme.

More than a dozen and twenty are close to thirty supreme-level strong men, and forty saint-level strong men.

They represent the peak strength of the entire fifth blood.

Now they are all gathered here for the eggs of the beast.

At this moment, all the three ancestors of the four families and five gates are gazing at the egg of the imperial beast with hot eyes.

Their eyes were full of greed.

This is the beast egg that can give birth to Emperor Beast, which naturally makes people extremely hot.

"Ten days, I didn't expect your Beast Sect to be a bit capable."

"Even the eggs of this emperor beast can be made, and it is really amazing. It is indeed a special beast."

One of the Seven Supremes was sneer looking at Wan Tian.

"The egg of the Emperor Beast is my Beast Sect."

"If anyone wants to grab, it is against my Beast Sect !!!"

"As long as there are people of my beast standing here."

"There won't be any permission to take this beast."

Wan Tian looked cold and shouted word by word.

"The egg to defend the Emperor Beast !!!"

At this time all the disciples of the Beast Sect and the strong shouted in unison.

Their eyes were full of unwavering determination.

"Well, I'll see how your beast can resist so many of us."

"Since your Beast Sect refuses to surrender this Emperor's Egg today."

"Then we're welcome, and today you will completely destroy your beasts !!!"

The lords of the ancestors shouted.

"It's not so easy to destroy my Beast Sect."

Wan Tian coldly hummed.

He took out something like the horn and blew it directly.

And the strong men above the other saints of the beast sect came up with one of the horns and blew up.

Waves of strange sounds spread towards the whole mountain.

Roar roar ...

Soon a roar of beasts sounded.

In a blink of an eye, a group of holy beasts suddenly rushed towards the valley.

Among them are many beasts.

They all came here listening to this strange horn sound, exuding a terrible breath.

Seeing this scene, the people of the three ancestors, four families and five gates were all shocked.

"I didn't expect your beasts really had two brushes."

"You can summon so many holy beasts."

"But even so, you don't even want to block us today."

"What nonsense with him ~ ~ grab the Emperor's Egg directly."

The owners of the three families, four families and five gates began to yell.

Then they will rob the Emperor's Egg.

"Did you say you didn't exist?"

Suddenly, Xiao Yifeng, standing in the middle, shouted coldly.

"Boy, where is that cool?"

A second-class supreme strongman looked at Xiao Yi dismissively.

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng blasted out with a punch.

A fist of flames shattered the void like a meteor and fell on the second-class Supreme.

He completely swallowed his body.

The second-class supreme strongman did not respond at all and was killed by Xiao Yifeng's punch.

hiss! !! !!

Watching this Xiao Yifeng easily destroyed a second-class Supreme with a punch.

A group of people in the presence took a breath.

At this moment, the eyes of the masters of the three ancestors, four families, and five doors are all staring at Xiao Yifeng, with a solemn look.

"I said, I want the eggs of the beast."

"If anyone wants, then I can only send him to Hell for a trip."

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.

"I'll see if you have the ability to send us all to hell."

A master of the sect door hummed coldly.


Xiao Yi sang coldly.

boom! !! !!

The side demon shot directly.

Instantly wiped out the master of Zongmen, the supreme strength of Qipin.

At this time, the terror and repression of several supreme strong men from the Sky Demon and the Yan Temple were suppressed on these people.

PS: The two more owed the day before yesterday will be added on the second day of next month

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