The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4086: The arrival of Yao Xuan

This scene happened too quickly.

All the people in the Fang family and Master Lingfeng of the Tianling Palace did not respond.

"The price of pretending to be me is death !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered with a cold killing intention, and he hummed coldly.

"Longer !!!"

At this moment, the owner of the Fang family watched his son was killed and suddenly cried with grief.

"Boy, I want you to die !!!"

The eyes of Fang's homeowner were full of cold-hearted killing gazing at Xiao Yifeng.

He is full of monstrous killings.

"Boy, you have the courage to dare to pretend here !!!"

At this moment the master Lingfeng stepped out.

He looked cold and looked proudly at Xiao Yifeng.


Xiao Yifeng hummed indifferently.

"court death!!!"

The master Lingfeng watched Xiao Yifeng so ignore him.

There was a flash of anger in his eyes.

When he moved, he suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng, like a breeze.

With a wave of his palm, the power of the six sages erupted and beheaded towards Xiao Yifeng.

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng waved a fist, destroying Lingfeng's attack, and attacked the opponent like a bamboo.

At this time, a sudden horror of Emperor Diwei erupted.

There was an outburst of power from him.

Apparently, the Great Emperor left power in his body to protect him.

boom! !! !!

Yaochi on the side waved and destroyed the power of this emperor.

Xiao Yifeng blasted the spirit body with a punch without hindrance.

The peerless genius of Tianling Palace, one of the top powers in Tianzhou, has no ability to resist at all.

Xiao Yifeng was completely wiped out without even saying the last sentence.

Seeing this scene, the Fang family's owner and the rest of the Fang family's look were shocked.

Their eyes widened.

I never thought that the first genius of this heavenly palace, Lingfeng, which is known as one of the top martial arts evil spirits in the spirit world, was killed without such a little resistance.

At this moment, the two top five supreme strong men following the spirit wind saw this scene, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

They were sent to protect the Spirit Wind. Now that the Spirit Wind is killed, they cannot blame them.

Even if they are top five.

I'm afraid they have no choice but to die in the face of the master of the Tianling Palace under the fury.

Now they can only grasp the vitality of Xiao Yifeng in exchange.

The two horrible five-class superpowers broke out in such a horrifying force and grabbed Xiao Yifeng.

Huh! !! !!

At this moment, Yaochi glanced at the two Wupin supreme glances.

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

In the next second, two dull thunders sounded.

The bodies of these two top five supreme strongmen exploded on the spot and turned into a **** rain.

This scene changed the faces of all the people in Fang's family, and their expressions became rigid.

Huh! !! !!

At this time, the figure of five white-haired old men in Fang's house rushed out.

These five are among the top powerhouses in the Fang family.

Three and a half step emperors and two quasi-empires are the foundation of Fang's ranking among the Tianzhou superfamilies.

They haven't appeared for hundreds of thousands of years.

Now they all appear here.

"Meet the five ancestors !!!"

Looking at the five elders, the Fang family owner and the rest of the Fang family cried respectfully.

At this time, the five ancestors of Fang family looked at Yaochi with a solemn and solemn look.


One of the quasi-empire ancestors just watched Yaochi just speak.

"Kneel down !!!"

Yaochi looked cold and transformed into a female emperor of Yaochi.

Suddenly, the three and a half step emperors and the two quasi-emperor strong men kneeled uncontrollably toward the ground.

噗通 ...

All five of Fang's top powerhouses were kneeling in front of Yao Chi at this moment.

As half-step emperors and quasi-empires, they have no resistance.

At this moment, they looked at Yaochi with a strong fear in their eyes.

As for the people in this family, they were all stunned.

This scene is completely beyond their imagination.

The most powerful of the Fang family, five Fang family ancestors who can step into the realm of the emperor in one step.

But because of the other person's words, they all kneeled on the ground, losing the dignity of the strong.

It's incredible.

"You ... are you the emperor?"

The five ancestors of Fang family looked at the shocked expression on Yaochi's face, their eyes widened.


In this regard, Yaochi just snorted.

Although Yaochi did not answer.

But the five ancestors of the Fang family have determined that the other party is a great emperor.

Think of a real emperor who appeared in front of them.

The five ancestors of the Fang family were sweating directly on the forehead.

Although they are both half-step emperors and quasi-empires, it seems that they are only one step away from the realm of the emperor.

But even this line is as huge as natural sound, making it difficult to cross.

The quasi-empire is a ant in front of the real emperor.

"Meet the Great !!!"

The five ancestors of the Fang family cried directly to Yaochi with great respect.

"The Great?"

And heard the words of this ancestor.

The Fang family owner and the rest of the Fang family looked surprised.

They did not expect this woman to be a great emperor.

"Hurry to see the emperor !!!"

An ancestor of the Fang family looked at the Fang family behind him and scolded him directly.

"See the Great !!!"

All the people in the Fang family called out respectfully to Yaochi.

Xiao Yifeng then came to Lan Linger and Si Kong Yuyan.

He unsealed the seals on both men.

"Sorry, I didn't protect you and made you suffer."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the two women and said with guilt.

He hugged the two women tightly.

"I knew Brother Xiao would come to save us."

Lan Linger said with a smile.

"As long as I'm alive, I won't let you be okay."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the two women and said firmly.

Right ~

Si Kong Yuyan gave Xiao Yifeng a kiss.

And Lan Linger kissed Xiao Yifeng's face.

"Can you stop showing like this?"

Yaochi's voice sounded.

Xiao Yifeng then turned around.

"What do they do? Would you kill them all?"

Yaochi said indifferently.

I heard Yao Chi's words.

The hearts of all the Fangs were trembling.

A look of horror in his eyes.

If the emperor were to kill them, they would surely die.

"I also ask the emperor and the son to forgive me. The child had previously offended the two by ignorance, and I apologize for him here."

"Now the child is dead, please let my family go."

The Fang family owner said to Xiao Yifeng, scratching his head ~ ~ Your son touched my woman, and the woman who hurt me was injured. "

"This is not something he can pay back in a single life."

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

"I wonder what Son wants?"

"As long as we can let go of our house, any way !!!!"

A Fang family Zhundi spoke.

at the same time.

Outside the spirit world, a figure suddenly appeared.

This figure is exactly that apprentice Yao Xuan of Yao Chi.

PS: The new book is almost 2 million words, and it is four times a day. After reading the old book, you can support the new book "Best of Demon Sinner".

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