The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4085: I'm the one you can't mess with

"Master Lingfeng can come to our house, but it is the blessing of our tenth generation."

The Fang family owner looked at the young man with a charming expression.

"Well, I don't like to listen to nonsense."

"I came here this time for a simple purpose."

"Just let your family return to my heavenly palace."

The young man looked indifferent and sneered with a proud look.

"Master Lingfeng, this matter matters."

"I wonder if you can allow me to discuss it."

The Fang family owner looked slightly changed, and could not help but say.

"Give you half a day."

Youth cold.

"Thank you."

The Fang family owner thanked.

Tianling Palace is one of the top forces in Tianzhou, guarded by the great emperor.

Strength is not comparable at all.

"Master Lingfeng, I heard you like amazing women."

"It just happened that I just found two beauties recently."

"I don't know if Master Lingfeng will like it."

Fang Long came to the young man and smiled.

"Beauty? Let me see."

Lingfeng cold road.


Fang Long nodded.

Soon Lan Linger and Si Kong Yuyan were brought up.

All their strengths have been sealed.

Huh! !! !!

The strong spirit of this identity background saw the two women.

Suddenly his gaze was condensed, and his eyes burst into excitement.

He stared directly at the two women.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Fang Long's mouth.

"Yes, yes, it's a rare sight !!!"

Lingfeng said with a smile.

His eyes did not leave from Lan Linger and Si Kong Yuyan at all.

At this time, Lan Linger looked at Fang Long and drank directly:

"Fang Long, you quickly let me go."

"Otherwise, when Brother Xiao arrives, you will be dead?"

"Brother Xiao? Who is he?"

Lingfeng frowned, looking at this Fanglong.

"It should be their companion, but Master Lingfeng doesn't care."

"If you like these two chicks."

"It would be better to enjoy their delicious food in our house first."

Fang Long looked at Lingfeng with a smile.

"You have a good idea."

Lingfeng nodded, he said to Fang Long:

"Fang Long, you are doing a good job."

"I will definitely take care of your family in the future."

"With the support of my Tianling Palace, there is no problem in your family becoming the top power in this state.

"Thank you Master Lingfeng, I'll arrange the room."

"Let Master Lingfeng enjoy these two beauties."

Fang Long spoke.

"Fang Long, get out of me !!!"

Suddenly, a cold, loud voice outside the Fang's home passed straight in.

The voice instantly spread throughout the Fang family.

The entire Fang family was alarmed.

"It's Brother Xiao, Brother Xiao has come to save us."

At this time Lan Linger shouted with excitement.

Then he looked at Fang Long coldly and hummed:

"I said Brother Xiao will come. Now he's here. You're dead."

"If you let go of both of us now, we might still beg you in the presence of Brother Xiao."

"Oh, ridiculous !!!"

Fang Long smiled slightly, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

"Please plead for me, little beauty, are you afraid of dreaming?"

"This huge Tianzhou has few people who can let our dragons fear it."

"What's more, a so-called Brother Xiao, now there is Master Lingfeng here."

"Even if I come, I can't treat me like that."

"And no one can save you two."

Fang Long hummed coldly, with a look of contempt.

"Let's go and see. I want to see who this Brother Xiao is?"

Lingfeng said coldly.

He walked straight out.

Boom boom! !! !!

Outside this Fang family, Xiao Yifeng and others appeared here.

With Xiao Yifeng roaring, attracted a lot of Fangjia strong.

"Who is pretending to be on our site !!!"

A three-sage sage strongman stepped out of the air, watching Xiao Yi sneer.

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng waved with one punch.

Kill the Fang family saint strong in an instant.

Including the sage strong behind all the Fangjia strong fell to the power of Xiao Yifeng's fist.

Huh! !! !!

A crowd of strong families appeared here.

The Fang family owners and a number of Fang family strong all appeared.

A breath of horror was released.

"Who are you?"

"Dare dare to run to our house to scatter and kill the people in our house."

"Who gives you so much courage?"

The Fang family owner looked at Xiao Yifeng with a cold face and shouted.

"Let Fang Long get out and hand over my woman."

"Otherwise I would annihilate Fang's house today !!!"

Xiao Yifeng furiously rushed to the crown with red face, exuding a monstrous murderous body.

"Arrogant !!!"

"Did your family say that they were flattened to the ground?"

An old Fang parent who possessed the power of the Five Sages scorned his face with scorn.

He stepped out and waved with one palm.

The power of the saints erupted,

The terrible sage power broke out and blasted towards Xiao Yifeng.


Xiao Yifeng looked cold and shouted, he shot out with a single finger.

The devil's finger was displayed by him, and the void was torn open directly.

boom! !! !!

In the next second, the old Fang parents who had lost the strength of the five saints were destroyed by Xiao Yifeng.

His body exploded and turned into a pile of minced meat.

Watching Xiao Yifeng wipe out a saint of five calamities.

The people in the Fang family were all surprised.

Fang Long came here with the spirit wind.

They stared at Xiao Yifeng.

Fang Long directly yelled, "Is that you looking for me? What do you want?"

"Give up Linger and Yuyan, I will leave you with a whole body."

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.

His eyes were full of killing, releasing a terrible and depressing killing.

"Boy, are you daydreaming?"

"I've heard a lot of bragging, but I've seen it for the first time as big as you."

"Leave me all dead?"

"who do you think You Are?"

Fang Long disdain.

"I'm someone you can't mess with !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said coldly, the atmosphere of the void became extremely depressed.

"Come, bring me someone."

Fang Long then gave a cold drink.

Lan Linger and Si Kong Yuyan were brought here.

"Brother Xiao !!!"


Lan Linger and Si Kong Yuyan looked at Xiao Yifeng ~ ~, and they looked very excited and shouted.

"People are here. I just don't let go. I want to see how you can help me?"

Fang Long looked at Xiao Yifeng defiantly at this moment.

He didn't look at him at all.

boom! !! !!

Immediately Xiao Yifeng's eyes narrowed.

A flying knife appeared in the pupil of his left eye.

Xiao Yifeng directly stimulated the power of space.

Instantly the space where the square dragon was distorted and exploded.

His body turned into powder, and there was no dead body.

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