The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4076: To Tianzhou

Now that Lan Linger and Si Kong Yuyan are in danger, Xiao Yifeng naturally cannot sit still.

He immediately went to Tianzhou and went to the Fang family to save people.

After arranging everything in Dizhou.

Xiao Yifeng and his party set off directly to Tianzhou.

Yaochi naturally followed her all the time.

Yaochi originally intended to leave this world and restore strength to other worlds.

But Xiao Yifeng stayed.

He now lacks a master sitting around.

With the existence of an emperor like Yaochi, he could save a lot of trouble.


In the thunder city, a horrifying strong breath suddenly descended on the city.

"Xiao Yifeng, get out of me !!!"

A cold roar exploded above the main city of Tianlei City.

This Tianying came here with a group of spirit swordsmen strongmen.

Jiang Tian and Jiang Ruolan sisters appeared here.

They saw the scene before them, their faces were all changed, and their expressions were constantly changing.

"Tian Ying, what are you doing?"

Jiang Tian looked at Zhang Tianying and said helplessly.

"Hum, what are you doing?"

"I naturally want the **** kid who hurt me and grabbed my woman to die !!!"

Zhang Tianying shouted with amused expression.

Then they stared at the two sisters, Ruo Jiang, coldly.

"And you two, dare to hook up with other men."

"I want to make you two my slaves, and I am beaten every day."

Hearing Zhang Tianying's words, the looks of Jiang Ruolan and Jiang Ruoqing looked extremely ugly.

"Tian Yingnai is the disciple of my Sword Master, and dares to hit him."

"Just hit the face of my spirit sword sect, and let the killer come out immediately for punishment."

At this time, Ling Jianzong was a super strong with quasi-strength.

He chuckled coldly, exuding a monstrous breath.

"What about the face of your spirit sword sect?"

Suddenly, a cold, disdainful voice sounded directly.

Xiao Yifeng's Thunder's avatar went straight out of the air.

Behind him are two super strong Lei Yue and Xuan Tian Xuan Di.

"It's him. Take it down for me. I need to torture this **** boy."

Seeing Xiao Yifeng, Zhang Tianying's eyes shot a sharp killing intention, and his expression was cold.

boom! !! !!

A half-step saint strong around Zhang Tianying shot directly towards Xiao Yifeng.

At this time Lei Yue rushed up, erupting in his body.

The huge dragon body swept out.

The horrifying thunder force erupted.

boom! !! !!

Suddenly, the half-step saintly strong man was smashed by Thunder.

His body exploded on the spot, blood dripping down the sky.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianying and Ling Jianzong's other strong men looked different.

"Thunder !!!!"

The quasi-strength Ling Jian Zong strong stared at Lei Yue.

A dip of light flashed in his eyes.

He directly waved a long sword of Jiupin Supreme Artifact level, and then gathered and bombed out towards this thunderbird.

boom! !! !!

At this moment Xiao Yifeng waved his hand, and the eight-pin Holy Thunder burst out.

Instantly split on the quasi-holy strongman.

The strong man's body and the weapons in his hands were all smashed and smashed into a pile of dregs.

This scene completely stunned Zhang Tianying.

His eyes widened, looking at Xiao Yifeng with a look of fear in his eyes.

"I spared you a terrible life last night, why did you come to die?"

Xiao Yifeng came to Zhang Tianying and shook his head coldly.

"You ... My Master is the Sovereign of the Sword Sovereign. He is a Supreme Supreme. If you ..."

boom! !! !!

Zhang Tianying looked at the expression of fear in Xiao Yifeng's eyes, and he said directly.

But this guy's words haven't finished yet.

This holy thunder split on him, splitting it into powder, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

At the same time, the master of the Sword Sect found his disciple Zhang Tianying was killed.

His face changed, his eyes filled with anger.

"Somebody dared to kill my disciple, so brave !!!"

The spirit master of the spirit sword ancestor was thundered with thunder, and his body burst into a terrifying atmosphere.

"Sovereign, a half-step saint who left with Tian Ying and a deacons elder with quasi-strength power were all killed."

At this moment, an elder Lingjian Zong appeared in front of Lingxiong and said.

"What are they going to do?"

Lingxiong shouted coldly.

"It is said that Tianying returned to Tianlei City yesterday and was beaten."

"As a result, he called someone to take revenge when he returned, but they were all killed."

"I don't know if this is related to the Lord of the Thunder City?"

The elder said in a deep voice.

"Tianlei City ~ Jiang Tian has the courage to challenge my spirit sword sect?"

Lingxiong said coldly.

"Will I go to Tianlei City myself?"

The elder Sword Sect spoke.

"Well, you go there for yourself."

"Anyway, bring me the killer who killed Tianying, and I will execute him myself."

"If this matter is related to Tianlei Chengjiangtian, then all killed."

"Let the law enforcement officials go with you."

Lingxiong yelled directly.

"Yes, lord."

The elder Ling Jianzong nodded and left here.

Boom boom! !! !!

At the same time, there was a loud roar in the mountains below Xuanjie.

Immediately afterwards, a terrible light rose into the sky ~ ~ A cave house suddenly appeared in this mountain.

A breath of horror was released from this cave.

The coercion of a half-step emperor directly swept across the lower realm.

For a while, the people in Xuanjie were shocked.

"Half-step emperor Dongfu appeared?"

The powerful forces in the lower xuan world saw this vision.

They all looked startled and said in succession.

Apparently, this vision represented the emergence of a half-step Emperor Dongfu.

And this half-step Great Emperor Dongfu represents countless treasures and opportunities.

Then the strong men in the lower Xuanjie went towards the mountain pulse where the Great Emperor Dongfu was located.

The eight strongest ancestors of the Lower Xuan Realm, the Lord of the Four Great Cities, and a group of powerful men all went to this mountain.

"Gong Xiao, there is a half-step Great Emperor's Dongfu. Are we going to see it?"

In Tianlei City, Jiang Tian looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"It's okay anyway, just go and see."

Xiao Yifeng swaggered and said.


"You stay here, that kind of place is dangerous."

"You are not strong enough, and there will be danger if you go."

As soon as Jiang Ruoqing spoke, he was rejected by Jiang Tian.

Xiao Yifeng left Tianlei City with Jiang Tian and Xuan Tian Xuan Di.

However, Xiao Yifeng left Lei Yi to accompany the two women.

In this half step the mountain where the Great Emperor Cave is located.

Thousands of warriors are gathered here at this moment.

They are all powerful men above the kingdom of God.

Many of them did not know that the half-step Emperor Dongfu was born here.

Just seeing a vision, and then came to find out.

ps was my birthday yesterday, and I ate with my family to celebrate. I did n’t have time to write four chapters.


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