The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 4063: Yaochi moved

boom! !! !!

Just then, Xiao Yifeng heard a roar.

Then his body was suspended directly in the air.

A horrific thunder erupted from within him, covering him directly.

This thunder was the last thunder force he had helped Yaochi resist before.

Seeing this scene, Yaochi's eyes flickered.

At this moment, the thunder and thunder force began to wander Xiao Yifeng's body.

Help their flesh undergo transformation and tempering.

The power of this last thunderstorm was so horrible.

Even if the median emperor can't resist it, we can see how terrible it is.

This thunderbolt force is tempering Xiao Yifeng's physical body, allowing his power to increase rapidly.

At the same time that Yaochi broke through and became the emperor.

Far away in the Yao Xuan Holy Land somewhere in the starry sky.

Emperor lights burst out from this holy place, directly covering the whole holy place.

This Emperor Light directly condenses the figure of the Emperor Yaochi in the void.

"This is the empress of Yaochi !!!"

"The Emperor Yaochi became manifest !!!"

For a time, people in the holy place looked at the image of the Empress Yaochi in the void.

They were all stunned.

Each one was full of shock and excitement.

Today, Yao Xuan, the Holy Lord of Yao Xuan, opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes flashing with brilliance.

Huh! !! !!

The next second, Yao Xuan appeared in the void, looking at the image of the emperor Yaochi, her expression seemed extremely ugly.

boom! !! !!

As soon as Yao Xuan waved his hand, the image was destroyed, and that Emperor Guang disappeared.

"Everyone must not mention the word Yaochi anymore, who dares to say this word without killing it !!!"

Yao Xuan yelled coldly.

Her voice passed directly into the ears of everyone in the entire Yaoxuan Holy Land.


The people in the holy place shivered, nodded, and said nothing.

"I didn't expect you to return to the strength of the emperor so quickly."

Yao Xuan muttered to himself.

"It seems that she can no longer be allowed to continue to recover her strength."

"Otherwise, it will be difficult to deal with her until she has recovered her peak strength."

Yao Xuan said coldly.

She had learned that Yaochi had broken into the realm of the emperor.

As Yaochi broke through to the realm of the emperor, Yao Xuan began to panic.

As the only apprentice in Yaochi, Yao Xuan knew the terrible Yaochi empress.

Had it not been for her reincarnation, she would have no chance of becoming the Lord of this Holy Land.

This time has passed, although Yao Xuan has already entered the realm of the emperor.

Even in the realm of the emperor, it is a super existence.

But it is still difficult to compare with the peak Empress Yaochi.

Now Yaochi has returned to the realm of the emperor.

Once she recovered her peak strength, she had no choice but to die.

"It seems I can only do it myself !!!"

Yao Xuan said coldly.

She intends to personally deal with her master.

And in this spiritual realm.

Xiao Yifeng was still suspended in the air.

The power of this thunderbolt is constantly tempering its body.

At this time, the three and a half step emperors of the third largest emperor looked at each other and left here.

Now there is a great emperor born here.

And the relationship between this strong man and Xiao Yifeng is not simple.

Naturally, they cannot stay here, otherwise there is only a dead end.

Yaochi didn't care about the three and a half step emperors fleeing.

At this moment all her mind was on Xiao Yifeng.

After an hour.

With a crackling sound coming from Xiao Yifeng's body.

A terrifying breath erupted in him.

A terrifying overwhelming power burst out from him.

The surrounding void was a shock.

There were terrible ripples.

It can be seen how horrible this might of power is.

boom! !! !!

Then a roar rang from Xiao Yifeng's body.

His body seemed to explode, and his body's physical skin began to fall off, and new skin appeared.

This horrendous thunder force is fully integrated into its physical body.

Let Xiao Yifeng's domineering power reach a new height.

Huh! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng's eyes opened, his eyes flashed with brilliance.

He shook his fists, and there was a sound of trembling in his body.

Rumble! !! !!

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng waved his fist and smashed directly into the void.

There was an explosion suddenly in the void.

A black vortex was born directly.

The space was smashed by his punch.

Every space crack appeared.

A mighty and overbearing prestige was released from him.

After the tempering of this horrific thunderbolt force.

Xiao Yifeng's domineering level finally entered the supreme realm.

Now he is as powerful as the second-class Supreme.

Once Nine Steps is urged, its power will be more terrifying.

I am afraid that even Qipin or even Qipin Supreme is not his opponent.

He even showed that the eighth step of the nine steps of Batian was enough to fight against the Jiupin Supreme.

As for the ninth step of the nine steps of the show, how far will it go.

He's not sure yet.

Huh! !! !!

At this moment Xiao Yifeng converged the power of a domineering body.

His gaze turned towards Yaochi.

He came directly to Yaochi ~ ~ Congratulations on your breakthrough to the realm of the emperor. "

Xiao Yifeng looked at Yao Chi with a smile.

"Why did you help me stop that blow?"

"Do you know you might die?"

Yaochi stared at Xiao Yifeng and said Shen Sheng.

"In ancient times, it was I that made you sad and lived up to your heart."

"That's all I owe you. Naturally I can't watch you die in front of me."

"If one of us chooses to die."

"I hope that person is me, not you !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said affectionately.

Some love words completely touched Yao Chi, who had never been in love.

Yao Chi's eyes were full of moving eyes watching Xiao Yifeng.

"I don't want you to die for me !!!"

After a long time, Yao Chi said solemnly while watching Xiao Yifeng.


"Woohoo ~"

Xiao Yifeng was just about to say something.

As a result, this Yaochi stepped forward directly, holding Xiao Yifeng's neck with both hands.

His lips kissed Xiao Yifeng directly.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes widened, and a whining sound was made in his mouth.

His eyes were full of shock.

This result was completely unexpected to him.

Although he felt that his words might move the empress of Yaochi.

But I didn't expect that the other party was so moved and kissed directly.

And this kiss was the first kiss of the Empress Yaochi.

After half a bang, Yao Chi released Xiao Yifeng.

His face was rosy, and there was a rare shyness in his eyes.

"You rejected me in the last life. I will never let you go in this life."

"You are my Emperor Yaochi in the future."

Yao Chi looked at Xiao Yifeng with a domineering expression.


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