The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3989: Powerful time flow

This man's holy spirit is urging the prohibition to burn the holy crystal.

In this way, you can recover the injuries in your body and gain powerful strength.

He is now dozens of times stronger than before.

The horrific destruction of destruction was released from him.

The sky-thunders all converged towards him.

Makes his breath more and more terrifying.

The flash of thunder on him was getting denser.

"go to hell!!!"

Saint Saint roared.

He shot straight towards Xiao Yifeng.

Obviously it is going to desperately with Xiao Yifeng.

Galaxy map! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng waved his hands.

The two galaxies he got earlier appeared abruptly.

Xiao Yifeng directly summoned the two galaxies in this galaxy map.

Suddenly above this man's state, two galaxies running through the sky emerged.

For the refinement of Xinghe in this Xinghe map, Xiao Yifeng has not stopped.

Now he is basically in charge of refining these two galaxies.

Can motivate part of these two galaxies to attack.

Although it can only motivate part of the two galaxies.

But this galaxy is the most mysterious existence in the sky.

The power it contains is unimaginable.

Even though it is only part of its power, its power is horrible.

Bang Bang Bang ...

In an instant, Xiao Yifeng controlled the power of these two galaxies towards the holy people.

The forces of both sides collided again.

The void within a thousand miles of it exploded.

All those who were on the lookout were affected.

One by one, Zhenfei flew out, spitting blood in her mouth.

This terrible aftermath of energy spreads out, covering most of the individual states.

Countless mountains, forests, and peaks were all destroyed by this energy into ashes.

People throughout the state are watching this battle, and their hearts are shocking.

And under the bombardment of these two galaxy forces.

The holy man's body burst directly.

Its flesh turned into loquat powder, completely annihilated.

Its holy spirit fell into this galaxy.

Only one holy crystal that has been burned with half of its energy remains.

It was stolen by Xiao Yifeng.

At this point, the state's first saint saint completely fell.

The burial was in Xiao Yifeng's hands.

Above the void of Renzhou, a shower of blood fell.

There was a wailing sound in the void, as if mourning the fall of this man.

At this moment, hundreds of millions of warriors in the whole state were stunned by the blood rain in the void.

Those who have watched this battle, the state powerhouses, are even more shocked inside.

The first holy state of this state, which has been in existence for more than 100,000 years, has fallen today.

He died in the hands of a young boy.

This is simply a miracle.

"The sky is so proud, the town is so scared !!!"

The King Han and the King Xiang admire one after another.

The rest of the people's nine major gates and the four major families have stiff faces, and I don't know how to describe them.

"So handsome !!!"

Xiang Shishi's eyes were now full of little stars, full of worship.

"Xinghe is really powerful, comparable to the stars and stars."

At this moment Xiao Yifeng looked at the two galaxies in front of him, his eyes flashed with brilliance.

During his First Star Emperor, he also wanted to control the stars and rivers in the sky.

The power of this galaxy is not worse than the nine stars with the strongest starry sky he had controlled.

It was just that he didn't control the galaxy for some reasons.

I did not expect that he would have the opportunity to touch this galaxy in this life.

But this galaxy was originally hidden in the cosmic starry sky.

Now it has become a block galaxy map.

This makes Xiao Yifeng very curious, all this seems artificial.

But if it is artificial, and who has the ability, it can change all the stars and rivers hidden in the cosmic starry sky into a galaxy map scattered all over the sky.

With these skills, this person's strength is probably not worse than that of the Star Emperor.

Xiao Yifeng couldn't figure out who this person was.

What is the purpose of this?

Regardless, Xiao Yifeng now has two galaxies.

He must find a way to find all of the remaining 79 galaxies.

Then refine this galaxy thoroughly.

By that time he would rely on the stars, the galaxy, the overlord and the mysterious astral power within him.

He was enough to be invincible to the stars again.

Maybe even break through the last step.

By that time he can fully achieve his goals.

Xiao Yifeng put away this galaxy map.

His gaze swept towards the deep pit that had been smashed by Ren Sheng before.

He rushed straight into the pit.

Into the deep pit, Xiao Yifeng kept falling.

He ended up in a cave.

There is a huge pool in this cave.

In this pool, numerous thunders full of destruction are like shuttles.

This is a thunder pool, which contains the terrifying power of thunder.

"This should be the place for that man's holy practice."

Xiao Yifeng looked at it, guessing in his heart.

Xiao Yifeng then called out Lei Zhi's clone.

He directly let Lei Zhi's clone enter this thunder pool.

Now the strength of Lei Zhi's avatar has reached the imperial realm.

If he absorbs all the energy in the thunder pool, perhaps his strength can be taken one step closer.

Next, Thunder's avatar runs the exercises, frantically absorbing the energy in this thunder pool.

Xiao Yifeng entered the ancient seal of the starry sky.

Now the ancient seal of the starry sky has inspired the sixth power.

The time flow from one to one hundred has become one to one thousand directly, spanning a huge level.

And his physical presence is completely unlimited.

One to one thousand, this time flow is terrifying,

In other words, a thousand days of cultivation in the ancient seal of the starry sky, only one day passed outside.

The time gap is terrible.

With this time flow.

Xiao Yifeng is enough to make his strength reach a very high level in the shortest time.

One day of practice is equivalent to three years of practice.

This is simply an open hang in open hang.

But after the memory was restored.

Xiao Yifeng knew that this time flow was not the limit of the ancient seal of the starry sky.

At the peak of the ancient seal in the starry sky.

Ten thousand days of cultivation in it is equivalent to the passing of a day.

And 10,000 days is almost 30 years ~ ~ one day for 30 years, this incident is even more terrifying.

In ancient times, the Great Star Emperor practiced 100,000 years inside, and only decades passed outside.

This is one of the reasons why the starry sky emperor can rise quickly and become the starry sky emperor.

Among them, the ancient seal of the starry sky also has great credit.

And this starry sky ancient India power is all excited.

Xiao Yifeng can also bring outsiders directly into the ancient seal of the sky to practice.

Not only can he quickly improve his strength.

Others can also use this huge time flow to quickly improve their strength.

If Xiao Yifeng sent all his men into the ancient seal of the sky.

Then their strength can be quickly improved. (Best CEO of Beauty CEO: 7878608)-(Best CEO of Beauty CEO)

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