The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3983: Defeated

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"Rest assured, the three saints of the Eight Calamities cannot hurt him."

"If he can't handle even this role, then he doesn't deserve to be called the Star Emperor."

Yaochi froze indifferently.

"The host will not lose."

Mo Ji Ji said forcefully.

At this point, the entire capital.

Even most people in the state saw the pictures of Xiao Yifeng fighting the three saints.

Their battle shocked countless powerhouses.

"Sun Moon God Eyes !!!"

"Sura eyes !!!"

"Binghuo eyes !!!!"

Xiao Yifeng directly urged the three terrible pupils.

The strongest power of these three pupils was inspired by Xiao Yifeng, and then he was blasted towards these three statues.

The horrible real fire of the sun erupted from the sun and moon pupils, a **** light burst out of Shura's eyes, and the true fire of ice and fire broke out with the fusion of ice and fire forces.

Watching Xiao Yifeng's three major pupils erupted.

The three looks changed, and they shot.

The three major pupils were destroyed.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yifeng exploded the astral power in the nine big points in his body.

As these nine astral forces were motivated by them.

There was a burst of thunder in Xiao Yifeng's body.

Rumble! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng erupted a terror like a volcano.

The next second, Xiao Yifeng's strength soared like a rocket.

"Ba Boxing !!!"

Xiao Yifeng burst into a slam and punched out with a punch.

Boom boom! !! !!

Combines the power of the nine astral realms.

Xiao Yifeng's strength directly reached an extremely terrifying situation.

He made a strong punch towards these three deities.

All the power in his body erupted without reservation.

Xiao Yifeng blasted out.

The void in front of him exploded.

The monstrous boxing power envelops all three of them.

A series of deafening explosions sounded.

The entire void was completely exploded.

The monstrous energy spread.

The space exploded, and the space black hole appeared, devouring everything around.

And these three respected felt the horror of Xiao Yifeng's fist.

They dared not care, they exerted their strongest force to resist.

The aftermath of energy that is enough to destroy one side continues to spread.

The ripples of terror are sweeping towards the Han Palace below and the entire Han City.

"not good!!!"

Seeing this, the look of King Han's and the rest of them changed.

They all shot to resist this terrible aftermath of energy.

Puff puff! !! !!

The energy that erupted from this blow was terrifying.

The King Han and all other lords of the Zongmen family shot, but were all wounded by this terrible aftermath of energy.

They were spitting blood in their mouths, their faces were ugly, and their eyes were horrified.

Soon an old man in the Han family rushed out.

They are all powerful men in the sage realm, and they are all sage ancestors hidden in the Han Dynasty.

Xiao Yifeng's blow shocked all of them.

See this scene in the void.

They all looked at each other and shot.

Resisted the energy aftermath of Xiao Yifeng's blow.

If they do n’t, the entire capital of the Han Dynasty will be destroyed by the energy aftermath of their blow.

Now in this void.

The three saints who broke out of these three halls were powerfully destroyed by Xiao Yifeng's fist.

At this moment Xiao Yifeng was so dazzling and utterly invincible.

The strength of its overlord body and the power of the stars plus the power of the astral realm, the three forces are combined into one.

The power that erupted, even the saints of Jiuzai, couldn't resist it.

These three strong men are all just saints.

The fist Xiao Yifeng couldn't resist.

The three bodies were smashed by Xiao Yifeng in a flash and smashed to the ground.

Smashed into this Han's palace, shattered half of the palace floor.

The entire imperial vein collapsed directly.

A huge deep pit emerged.

The three deities fell into this pit.

People across the Han capital were startled,

They all backed up again and again to avoid catching pond fish.

Seeing this scene, the first class of King Han was stunned.

Their faces were dull, with an incredible look in their eyes.

One person fiercely battled the three saviors of the Eight Calamities, and finally punched them severely.

This kind of strength is so wicked that it is hard to imagine! !! !!

Meng Xuanlang, who had been burned by Xing Yan half of his body, saw this scene.

The last glimmer of hope in her heart was completely shattered, and her eyes looked desperate.

He can only continue to endure the torture of this life.

Xiao Yifeng's body fell on the ground, exuding a cold and terrible breath.

His eyes were frosty.

The domineering power emanating from him.

The momentum as if dominated by the stars scared the top powers in this group of people present.

Even the saints and ancestors of the Han Dynasty looked at Xiao Yifeng with a shocking and solemn look.

Facing Xiao Yifeng.

Even if they have cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years, they have a feeling of palpitations.

Hehehehe !! !!

There was a coughing sound from this deep hole.

Immediately, the three statues emerged from this huge pothole.

At this time, all three of them looked like a shawl.

His face was pale, with blood on the corners of his mouth.

They were severely wounded, and blood was constantly coughing in their mouths.

Had it not been for the strength of their saints, they would have been obliterated under Xiao Yifeng's fist.

Even so, at this moment, their fighting power is basically low, and the internal organs of the body are beaten and moved.

"What about the sages of Baalai?"

"Make me fight like this !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the three humming coldly, with a look of contempt in his eyes.

"You ... who the **** are you?"

Tianzun said with an ugly expression looking at Xiao Yifeng.

His eyes flickered constantly, and his shock was beyond description.

They did not expect that the three sages of their horror would be beaten like this by a younger generation.

It was a slap in their faces.

"I'm your grandpa !!!"

Xiao Yifeng sneered ~ ~ How can this be true, and fight with him. "

"Judges are indestructible, and the power of the saint cannot be insulted !!!"

At this time, the respect and the respect of the people respected one another.

"You can't shame the return of a soldier? Hehe, do you have anything to humiliate me?"

"It's just a group of defeated men."

There was a look of disdain in Xiao Yifeng's eyes, looking at the three.


Then Tianzun made a decision.

He gave a cold drink.

Suddenly all three of them took out an elixir and then forced some kind of forbidden operation. (Best CEO of Beauty CEO: 7878608)-(Best CEO of Beauty CEO)

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