The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3689: His Royal Highness Design

Within one day, this Lei Zong lost four elders who had the power of the God Emperor, and dozens of them who were powerful.

For Lei Zong, it was completely painful, and the death of a Lei Zong suzerain ’s son was tragic.

If I let the Lord of Lei Zong know, I do n’t know if he will be mad! !! !!

Keke! !! !!

A cough sounded at the moment.

Xiao Yifeng came out of the rubble.

Then the little ice flew out of a pile of ruins into a body of ice monsters.

Fortunately, she is a fifth-order beast, or I'm afraid she's buried in the blow.

At this moment, the Thunder God Beast in the Void turned into a human form and appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng.

"Master, are you okay?"

Thunder God Beast looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"I'm okay. Thanks to you, it didn't disappoint me !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Thunder God Beast and said with a smile.

"Thanks to the master, otherwise I would not be able to break through to the sixth-order **** beast so quickly."

The Thunder Beast chuckled.

"Well, let's go back !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

Then they left Thunder Cloud Valley and returned to Tiangan City.

As for the powerful people who had been watching before, although they left this Thundercloud Valley, they did not leave completely.

They were all waiting to see if Lei Zong's man won or Xiao Yifeng and the sixth-order **** beast won.

As a result, when they saw Xiao Yifeng's figure.

It was known that all three elders of Lei Zong had died tragically.

The news spread quickly thereafter.

Lei Zong's four elder emperor realms and dozens of **** king realms including the son of the Lord of Lei Zong all died tragically in the hands of a young man and a sixth-order **** animal.

It spread directly to the ears of hundreds of thousands of miles around everyone at a thunderous speed.

With Tiangan City as the center, all the family clan influences around the city learned the news.

The news also shocked them fiercely.

This Lei Zong is one of the first-rate ancestors in the Western Zhou Dynasty and has great strength.

Not many people in the entire area of ​​Xiyan dare to offend this Lei Zong, but today Lei Zong has lost so much, which is naturally shocking.

Subsequently, the news that Xiao Yifeng had two Sanpin Shenglei also spread along with the previous news.

The news also shocked the forces and the strong.

They all want to know how to fight against Lei Zong and kill so many powerful ones.

Who is the young man who also has a sixth-order **** beast and two third-grade sacred thunders? !! !!

Of course, Xiao Yifeng's possession of two third-grade sacred thunders and sixth-order **** beasts has also aroused the condemnation of powerful parties from all sides.

After all, whether it is Sanpin Shenglei or the sixth-order **** beast, they are all treasures of babies. These forces naturally want to get them.

Xiao Yifeng naturally did not know what he had been remembered by countless forces.

At this moment he had returned to the restaurant.

"Brother Xiao, you are finally back, I am ready to take someone to save you."

At this time, Yong Lei appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng and spoke directly.

"Your Highness is polite, I'm fine."

Xiao Yifeng said with a smile.

"I saw you killing God King Realm and God King Realm before. I really admire you."

"Xiao Xiong's talent is afraid that it is difficult for me to compare the eight geniuses of the Western Zhou Dynasty !!!"

Yong Lei looked at Xiao Yifeng and complimented him.

"Your Highness, you are blowing too much."

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"This is the Thunder Beast."

Yonglei glanced to the Thunder God Beast and said.


Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"Brother Xiao, I have prepared a few bottles of fine wine in the room, let's try them together !!!"

Yong Lei said.

"it is good!!!"

Xiao Yifeng nodded.

He and the Thunder Beast followed Yong Lei to the room.

"Come on, toast !!!"

Yong Lei raised his glass and said to Xiao Yifeng and Thunder God Beast.

Xiao Yifeng raised his glass.

"Master God Beast, you can have a drink together and taste the good wine of my human race !!!"

Yong Lei looked at the Thunder God Beast and said.

The Thunder Beast also held up a glass of wine, and the three directly toasted.

"Brother Xiao, you have two third-grade sacred thunders and thunder beasts. I'm curious about you. I'm curious what your identity is."

Yong Lei looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"I'm lonely and alone, with nowhere to go. I come here to experience and improve my strength !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"Brother Xiao, I happen to be the power of Thunder."

"It's just that I don't own a mine now. I wonder if Brother Xiao can give me a mine."

Yonglei held the glass and said softly.

"Has your second emperor thought of the thunder on me?"

"I think His Royal Highness wants more than a holy thunder."

"I want to get the two Sanpin Thunders on me."

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

Huh! !! !!

The thunder beast immediately stared at Yonglei.

"Brother Xiao, why speak so directly, as long as you are willing to give me these two holy mines."

"In the future, you will be my most distinguished guest of the Western Zhou Dynasty. I guarantee that no one in the entire West Yan Dynasty dares to treat you.

Yong Lei stared directly at Xiao Yifeng, Shen channeled.

"I thought that His Royal Highness was different from others."

"It seems I still read wrong, people are greedy !!!"

Xiao Yifeng shook his head.

"Yes, humans are greedy in this world of martial arts."

"As long as you can improve your strength and make yourself a strong one, it is worth doing anything !!!"

Yonglei spat coldly.

"How about? Brother Xiao wants to be a guest of my Western Zhou Dynasty, or is he going to be my enemy?"

Yong Lei's eyes turned towards Xiao Yifeng.

"I never care how many enemies I have."

Xiao Yi was cold, and then he got up and left.

"You took Huashendan, still want to leave?"

Yonglei sneered.

"No, there is something wrong with this wine !!!"

"I feel like I can't mobilize the power in my body !!!"

Thunder beast's face changed ~ ~ said sharply.

"This transformation of panacea, even after being taken by the power of the **** emperor and the sixth-order **** beast."

"A power cannot be mobilized for two hours."

There was a sneer in the corner of Yonglei's mouth, and his eyes turned towards Xiao Yifeng.

As a result, Xiao Yifeng looked very calm.

"Brother Xiao seems very calm !!!"

Yong Lei said.

"Hua Shen Dan, a good thing, unfortunately it doesn't work for me !!!"

Xiao Yifeng sneered.

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng burst out with a punch, and the power of all the stars in the body burst out.

There were also two Sanpin Thunders burst out, and they went directly to this Yonglei.

Yong Lei's face changed immediately, and a power of God's Realm erupted in his body, trying to block Xiao Yifeng's fist.

boom! !! !!

As a result, Yong Lei's body was blown out, smashed the door of the room, and smashed on the first floor of the restaurant.

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