The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3680: Holy crystal

It was the blood of the undead, and now it is the blood of this corpse.

boom! !! !!

Then a terrifying breath erupted on the body of the god.

The powerful coercion suppresses the Quartet! !! !!

"Several Realms !!!"

Seeing the corpse at this moment, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a shocked look.

The power of this **** corpse now reaches a half-step deity.

And it seems that it is about to break through to the divine realm.

"This corpse has really become a human, even in the realm of strength !!!"

Xiao Yifeng was shocked when he saw this.

"It's perfect !!!!"

Xiao Yifeng sighed.

Huh! !! !!

This **** corpse glanced towards Xiao Yifeng, and his cold and ruthless eyes showed cold indifference.

"Meet the master !!!"

The next second, the **** corpse came to Xiao Yifeng and knelt before him, crying.

But its sound was a bit stiff, and it looked like the sound of a robot.

"You speak?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the corpse and said.

"the host!!!"

The corpse looked stiff, his voice cold and unemotional.

"He should only have the most basic consciousness, not a completely normal person !!!"

The Devouring World of Warcraft said.

"So is he obeying my order now?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"should be!!!"

"You can try!!!"

Devouring World of Warcraft vomited.

"Show me a punch !!!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted at the corpse.

boom! !! !!

The corpse blasted out with a punch, and smashed it out fiercely against the void.

The terrible half-step deity power erupted, forming a terrifying coercion.

"Really obey my order !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said in surprise.

Then there was a playful smile in the corner of his mouth.

Now he is directly a half step ahead of the thugs.

And the power of this corpse will not continue for a long time and will continue to improve.

By that time he would have a thug in the divine realm.

He could feel that this corpse was different from ordinary half-step gods.

The strength of this **** corpse is definitely overwhelmed by the other half-step gods.

Just how strong this corpse is.

Xiao Yifeng can't judge yet.

Can only wait to leave here to find someone to try.

"Boy, the beast of the **** and the sacred crystal of the saint cannot be wasted."

At this moment the sound of Devouring World of Warcraft sounded.

Xiao Yifeng glanced at the holy beast.

He took out Ming Hong Dao directly to separate his body, and took out the animal beast in his body.

This beast contains the essence of the power of this holy beast, although it has passed away.

But the power it contains today is still terrifying.

Xiao Yifeng then came to the sage strongman and took out a spar shining brightly in his dantian.

This is the sacred core of the strength of the sage strong.

Reaching the sage state, there will be no divine existence in the body, but it will become this holy crystal.

This sacred crystal contains not only the strength of a saint, but also his understanding of the heaven and earth avenue.

It can be said that the holy crystal in this saint's body is the strength and perception of the saint.

Because of this, this sacred crystal is an invaluable existence for other warriors.

If an emperor realm gets a holy crystal, the chance of breaking into the realm of saints will be more than 70% to 80%.

Even if the gods and emperors receive this holy crystal, they can greatly improve their own strength.

So this holy crystal is invaluable to the warrior.

All warriors want to get the holy crystal, but the holy crystal of the saint is not what they got.

Now Xiao Yifeng has a holy crystal in his hands, if it is passed on.

I am afraid that a group of old monsters with the strength of the emperor and emperor will emerge to compete with Xiao Yifeng for this holy crystal.

With this sacred crystal, Xiao Yifeng also took off the storage ring of the saintly strongman.

After the blood confessed the Lord, he searched and found many treasures.

For Xiao Yifeng today, it is a huge gain.

Of course, this saint's body and that saint's body, Xiao Yifeng also did not let go.

He just put it all together.

This saint's physical body was transformed by the power of heaven and earth. It is a saint, of great value, and cannot be discarded.

As for the body of this holy beast, it contains rich refining value and can be reconstituted into elixir.

It can be sold and it will be a huge income.

Therefore, Xiao Yifeng cannot waste it.

"Cuiwei, you can take these five products of God fruit !!!"

Xiao Yifeng gave Cuiwei the five fruits.

"Yes, master !!!"

Cui Wei nodded, and Xiao Yifeng let him enter the Star Hall.

Xiao Yifeng then came to the Star Hall and found Li Bai and Bai Lang.

He directly gave Li Bai the sacred animal beast, and as for this sacred crystal, he gave it to Bai Lang.

Although he can also take this Beast Dan and Shengjing.

But the effect he took was definitely not as good as that given to Li Bai and Bai Lang.

One of the two was formerly the Great Emperor and one was formerly a Super Power.

With this holy beast Dan and holy crystal, the strength must be able to recover quickly.

By that time, Xiao Yifeng can be helped.

At the same time, somewhere in the Yan world.

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

Two roaring explosions sounded.

In a valley, two figures sat here.

It was Chu Yu and Sister Chu Mo.

At this moment, the blood in their bodies was boiling rapidly.

The blood power in the two people is being excited again.

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

There were thunders in the sisters and brothers.

They all burst into a dazzling light.

The light rose into the sky, straight into the sky.

The two terrible sacrednesses spread like Tianwei's coercion, covering hundreds of thousands of miles.

Everyone in this range was inexplicably trembling inside, with a feeling of surrendering on their knees.

Their eyes were full of fear, and they were guessing which superpower was born ~ ~.

In a temple in a certain world of the Divine Realm.

The eyes of the Lord of the Temple opened, and a faint flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"Chu family bloodline !!!"

The Lord of the Temple murmured to himself, his eyes flashing.

"It seems to have appeared in the realm of God !!!"

"It's easier now!"

There was a sneer in the corner of the Lord of the Temple.

"Come here !!!"

The Lord of the Temple shouted directly.

Obviously he was going to fight against this Chu brother and sister again.

"Those big gods have also appeared, it seems to be captured all at once !!!"

"The top ten gods gathered, and the Lord of the gods was born !!!"

"I want to be the real master of this divine realm !!!"

"Chu surname, you wait for me, I will definitely step on your feet !!!"

Shouted the Lord of the Temple.

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