The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3666: Level 5 Divine Beast

The empty air flow was instantly wiped out by this terrible coercion.

Everyone at the scene felt their body tremble, as if there were mountains to suppress them, directly shaking them and almost kneeling on the ground.

All the warriors with strength under the Shenwu realm kneeled on the ground.

Every mouth was spitting blood.

The next second, above the void.

A figure came out of the air, like a god, and exuding supreme power.

"City Lord !!!"

At this moment, the people around him looked at the figure and looked startled and said one after another.

This figure is precisely this Chen Yun, the main city of Ganyun City.

This is followed by one of the three major families of the Qianyun City, the Zhou family owner and the rest of the Zhou family.

"Brother-in-law, this guy killed your nephew, you must avenge your nephew !!!"

The house owner said to Chen Chong this week.

At this moment, Chen Chong stared coldly at Xiao Yifeng.

"Citylord, he killed the lady !!!"

At this time, a guard from the main city government pointed at Xiao Yifeng suddenly.

Huh! !! !!

Hear what the guard said.

As soon as Chen Chong's eyes were condensed, he shot a cold cold mang in his eyes watching Xiao Yifeng.

"You killed my daughter too?"

Chen Chong stared at Xiao Yifeng coldly, and drank coldly, his body was filled with terrible killing intention.

"Are you talking about that savage woman? I killed her."

"I have to say, you are too bad at educating your daughter !!!"

Xiao Yifeng sighed while looking at Chen Chong.

"You kill my nephew first, and now you kill my daughter. You deserve to die !!!"

This Chen Chong looked at Xiao Yifeng and shouted word by word.

And everyone around Xiao Yifeng heard that not only did he kill the grand nephew of Ganyun City, but also killed his daughter.

One by one look was also shocked.

The look of Ren Tianxing also changed slightly.

"You are not the first person to say this, but it is certainly not the last !!!"

Xiao Yifeng was dismissive, and didn't even care about the threat from the city owner.

boom! !! !!

Chen Chong stepped out one step, the impulse of the Emperor's half step erupted directly towards Xiao Yifeng's suppression.

The terrible half-step God Emperor's coercion was released.

The people all around were backed up by the shock.

The ground at the foot of Xiao Yifeng burst open every inch.

Xiao Yifeng urged the forces of the Star Warframe and the Nine Astral Realms to resist the oppression of the other half step of the imperial realm.

"Go and bury my daughter !!!"

Standing on the void, Chen Chong will kill Xiao Yifeng by hand.

"Sir Lord of the City, please anger!"

At this time Ren Tianxing's body stood in front of Xiao Yifeng and looked at Chen Chong.

"Ren Tianxing, do you want to protect him?"

Chen Chongsen looked coldly at Ren Tianxing.

"This son is a guest of my Tianhong Chamber of Commerce, and I also asked the Lord of the City to give me a certain face."

"As compensation, I can give some babies to the Lord City Lord !!!"

Ren Tianxing said.

"I just want him to bury my daughter !!"

Chen Chong stepped out again, shouting loudly.

The terrible sound shook the sky, making the eardrums hum.

The power of terror swept away towards Ren Tianxing.

Suddenly Ren Tianxing's face changed, his body trembled, and a corner of his mouth spilled blood.

Although the strength of Ren Tianxing has great strength in the kingdom of God.

But in the face of the terrible coercion of the half-step God Emperor, he still couldn't resist.

He didn't have the Star Warframe like Xiao Yifeng to resist the coercion of this half-step God Emperor.

"Predecessor, you don't have to worry about me, just because he can't kill me !!!"

Xiao Yifeng pushed Ren Tianxing away.

"Boy, you're really arrogant, my brother-in-law is a half step **** emperor."

"Few people in Ganyun City are his opponents, and you dare to let gossips just because you are a hairy guy !!!

This week, the homeowner watched Xiao Yifeng's face coldly.


Chen Chongsen's cold eyes stared at Xiao Yifeng.

With a movement of his body, his palm blasted down fiercely towards Xiao Yifeng.

Hidden Chill! !! !!

Xiao Yi sang coldly.

A cold mang burst out from his hand, which was the cold soul.

At this moment, the icy chills were suspended in the air, releasing a horrific atmosphere of ice.

Boom boom! !! !!

Soon a roar came from the body of the Apparition.

A wave of cold, piercing frosty ice continued to sweep away and diffuse directly into the void.

Suddenly the empty air flow was frozen.

In the next second, the power of a fifth-order **** beast erupted on the ice-chilled chinchilla.

He successfully progressed to become a fifth-order **** beast, possessing the power of the **** king realm.

Now this icy chill enters the realm of God.

The power it contains has reached an extremely terrifying level.

The frost of ice spread.

Everyone in the entire hundred-mile radius had the feeling of being cold and biting and falling into the iceberg.

Everyone in the realm of God's Emperor felt the bitter chill.

The low-strength body trembled and turned pale, as if to be frozen.

"Fifth-order **** beast !!!"

Chen Chong looked at the ice-chilled chirps, his gaze was still fixed, and a look of wonder flashed in his eyes.

"You guys, it's your turn, if it doesn't work, don't call me the master !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the ice soul and said.

"Relax, master !!!"

The voice of the ice soul chirped.

"Dare to bully my master, I will freeze you into an ice sculpture !!!"

Bingmo Hanchan drank coldly at this Chen Chong.

boom! !! !!

Bingmo Hanchan Pu rushed towards Chen Chong with wings.

The monstrous icy air kept spreading and released, and swept away towards the other side.

This Chen Chong quickly waved the power of the Emperor to resist.

It's just that although this Apparition has just advanced to the fifth-level **** beast ~ ~, its combat power is very horrible, which is directly comparable to the half-step **** emperor.

In particular, the frosty ice possessed by this icy chill is extremely scary.

Under some attack, this Chen Chong was completely suppressed by Binghan Han Chan.

"The world is frozen !!!"

At this time, Binghan Hanchan showed a trick, and his body spun wildly.

With this icy chills twirling wildly.

A frost of ice like hurricane gushed wildly from him.

The gas of ice turned into a hurricane storm, and swept away towards Chen Chong in an instant.

The next second, this Chen Chong was completely swallowed up by the hurricane storm turned into the ice gas.

No matter how powerful his power is, it is difficult to escape the hurricane storm devastated by the ice gas.

When the hurricane storm dissipated, a human-shaped ice sculpture appeared directly in front of everyone.

And this humanoid ice sculpture is Chen Chong.

At this moment, Chen Chong was completely frozen by the ice of ice and became an ice sculpture standing here.

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