The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3459: All parties come to Korea

Soon the day passed.

Above the sacred mountain, 108 stars will wear uniform clothing to stand in two factions.

On a handful of stars, there are countless, cold Qianluo, Moji, Tiansha, Qingtian, Tianyu, Tianzhou, Tianxuan, and Tianwu nine war generals, all exuding the power of quasi-reincarnation.

Further up are the four major protections of Xuan Jun, Tian Xingzi, Blood Mania, and Jin Ming.

Now they all exist at the pinnacle of quasi-reincarnation. Finally, the elders of the Seven Stars are standing on both sides.

Xiao Yifeng stood in the middle wearing a star battle armor, and the girls and Jianyun were on both sides.

Next, the forces and strong men from the four major regions of the East Continent, the East Region, the West Region, the North Sea, and the South Famine came here one after another, watching the battle in front of them being frightened.

"Meet the Lord of the Stars !!!"

This group of people appeared here shouting respectfully to Xiao Yifeng.

"Xue Wuji, the head of the country of ice and snow, meets the star of the sky !!!"

Soon a white figure appeared here with a severe cold, shouting directly at Xiao Yifeng.

It is the Snow Queen of the Snow Country.

Watching Xue Wuji appear, Xiao Yifeng's mouth showed a smile,

"The national leader of the Jiuxiao Kingdom, Chen Mo, and his prince, Chen Yunting, met the Lord of the Stars !!!"

At this time, Chen Mo and Chen Yunting, the leaders of the Jiuxiao Kingdom, came here and bowed to Xiao Yifeng.

"Brother Yun Ting need not be so polite !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Chen Yunting and smiled.

"You are the Lord of the stars, and the etiquette cannot be forfeited !!!"

Chen Yunting said.

"Jiang Canghai, the head of the country of the heavens, Princess Jiang Meier meets the star of the sky !!!"

The Emperor of the Netherworld and the princess Meier appeared here, shouting respectfully to Xiao Yifeng.

At this moment, the two looked at Xiao Yifeng with complex expressions in their eyes.

Xiao Yifeng went to the sky for the first time to save the two sisters.

At that time, Xiao Yifeng also pretended to be the man of the princess Meier.

I didn't expect to see them far apart today.

At this moment, Meier looked at Xiao Yifeng with a little tenderness in her eyes, and then her expression was a little dark.

Xiao Yifeng looked at the two men, looking indifferent, and could not see any expression.

Subsequently, various forces came to visit one after another.

Both Tie Lei, the president of the Refiner Division branch and Liu Sanming, the president of the Ritual Division branch, came here.

Looking at Xiao Yifeng's expression was very complicated, and they were full of sighs.

They did not expect that the hairy boy at the beginning, but now has become the master of the sky.

"The ancestors of the Excalibur Mountain brought the Excalibur Mountain Sovereign and the Ten Sword Lords to meet the Lord of the Starry Sky !!!"

At this time, the ancestor of the Shenjian Mountain and the suzerain Tibetan Tianyun and ten sword masters all came here, shouting to Xiao Yifeng.

"Master of the Holy Sword Peak meets the Lord of the Starry Sky !!"

Soon the owner of this holy sword peak came here.

Beside him is the maiden Xu Ruge of the Holy Sword Peak.

At this moment, Xu Ruge looked at Xiao Yifeng's eyes full of complex look.

Thinking of the things that happened between her and Xiao Yifeng, she felt a lot of emotion in her heart.

Xiao Yifeng looked at the two people and just nodded.

The remaining forces of the Nine Heavens came to the Holy Mountain one by one to worship the Lord of the Starry Sky.

"Bifang, the patriarch of the Bishui tribe, meets the Lord of the Starry Sky !!!"

"The patriarch of the soul tribe meets the Lord of the Starry Sky !!!"

Soon the people of this ancient tribe also came here.

Even the Xuanyuan people came here, and Xiao Yifeng didn't care about them.

All he wanted to kill was Xuanyuan Hong.

These Xuanyuan people have no interest in him.

This Xiao people also came here under the leadership of Xiao Kuang.

Next, the wind family and Murong family all came to meet the Lord of the Starry Sky.

"The tyrants and tyrants see the Lord of the Stars !!!"

Later, the overlord who appeared in the Bishui tribe who was a bit savage towards the Bishui Fairy came here.

Now the other side has lost the original domineering and ambition, facing Xiao Yifeng also said respectfully.

Obviously facing the power of the Lord of the Stars.

This dominance dominates even if the strength of the quasi-return has now reached.

"We meet again!!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the tyrant and said.

"Last time I did n’t know the Lord of the Starry Sky, I also ask the Lord of the Starry Sky to forgive me !!!"

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, the tyrant trembled and said quickly.

"You were very prestigious in the Bishui tribe, and you want to make Bishui Fairy your woman !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at this bully and sneered.

With a bang, the tyrant cut to his knees directly on the ground and bowed:

"It was a misinformation at the beginning. Please forgive me, the Lord of the Stars and the Fairy Waters !!!"

"Dare to remember my woman, die !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes shot a cold killing intent, watching this bully sulking coldly.

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng waved with one hand, and a terrible force descended on this tyrant.

The opponent's body burst into pieces on the spot, turning into a **** sky.

This tyrant has the strength of quasi-return, but was killed by Xiao Yifeng.

This scene also shocked the hearts of the powerful forces present.

They all looked at Xiao Yifeng's eyes full of fear.

"Xintianzhan clan meets the Lord of the Stars !!!"

"Xianji Xuanzu meets the Lord of the Starry Sky !!!"

"Jiutian Xuan tribe chief meets the Lord of the Starry Sky !!!"

Soon three of the four royal families in the ancient world came to worship.

Even this Xuanji Xuan tribe sent a woman to represent it.

As for the people of this emperor-monotheon, they did not appear.

"The emperor monotheistic family, it seems you are waiting for me to destroy you !!!"

Xiao Yifeng sketched a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

"The Temple of Seven Kills and the Lord of the Stars in Seven Kills !!!"

At this time, nine streamers burst into the void.

Among the nine streamers are Jin Hao and his grandfather Jin Yuan ~ ~ As for the other seven, they are all in their 30s, six men and one woman.

Each one had a cold face, and his eyes were full of cold cold killing intentions.

There was a terrifying sense of terrible killing on the body.

"Seven of you are the seven ancestors of the Seven Killing Temple?"

Xiao Yifeng watched the seven people vomit.

"Yes, kill the next day, moon kill, earth kill, day kill, earth kill, mysterious kill, yellow kill to meet the Lord of the Stars !!!"

The seven men kneeled on the ground and shouted respectfully to Xiao Yifeng.

All these seven are the strength of the pseudo-reincarnation, and the killing horror permeated by them is so. All walks are killing.

"Dragon tribe meets the Lord of the Starry Sky !!!"

Soon the patriarch of the Dragon tribe also came here to meet Xiao Yifeng.

"Patriarch !!!"

At this time, both Longgan and Longmei Longxue saluted in front of the dragon clan leader.

"Welcome to the Dragon Chiefs !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the dragon clan with a smile.

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