The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3458: Space teleportation array

"And these five undead warriors, they have no consciousness, they only obey the master's control."

"But as long as they continue to absorb the dead energy, they can continue to improve their strength, which I carefully created."

"At first, they came here with my remnant soul and the beast of death, and they had no strength at all."

"But the strength of the spirit realm is left, and it is handed over to the Star Emperor, and there are more ways to control them in the ring of the dead.

Then the undead king waved his hand and walked out from the side of the hall to five undead warriors.

Their entire body, including their skulls, was shrouded in armor, holding a sharp sword in their hands.

His eyes were empty and expressionless, and his body was very terrifying.

Xiao Yifeng stared at these five people, all of whom can now be said to be powerful men in the spiritual realm.

It is just because the ancient world prohibition and suppression could not exert its strength.

The most important thing is that these five people can continue to improve their strength by devouring death, which makes Xiao Yifeng feel shocked.

Soon the remnant consciousness of the undead emperor disappeared.

Xiao Yifeng found a way to control the five of them from the ring of the undead.

The five of them were half-knelt in front of Xiao Yifeng uniformly.

"The harvest is not small !!!"

When I came to the forbidden area this time, I not only got the soul stone.

I also got this death beast and five powerful undead warriors, and the harvest was huge.

Xiao Yifeng then put these five undead soldiers into storage.

None of them are alive, and naturally can be put into a ring, which is more convenient.

"Death beast, let's go !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said watching the death beast.

They then left the hall, preparing to leave the forbidden area.

Returning the same way, a lot of death gas came out.

Looking at these dying breaths, Xiao Yifeng blinked his eyes and summoned the five undead warriors.

Suddenly the five undead warriors stood here, their bodies turned directly into a huge vortex.

The air of death in the forbidden area was pouring into the bodies of five of them at this moment.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the breath of death in the forbidden area had completely dissipated.

The breath of death here was swallowed up by these five undead warriors.

This also shocked Xiao Yifeng.

Bang Bang Bang ...

With these five undead warriors dying all the death here. ;

All five of them were bursting with terrible momentum.

Five terrifying deaths were released, and even Xiao Yifeng was stunned.

The strength of these five undead warriors has also directly improved.

"Sure enough, as long as there is death, you can continue to improve your strength !!!"

Xiao Yifeng saw this, his eyes glowed brilliantly.

"Uh? There are fluctuations in the power of space?"

Xiao Yifeng suddenly stared, and swept directly towards somewhere in this forbidden area.

Now that the air of death is gone, there is no feeling of that gloom in the forbidden area.

It's like coming from night to day.

Huh! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng disappeared directly.

The next second he appeared in the death penalty area.

Here a large teleportation array is presented here.

"Space Teleportation !!!"

Looking at this teleportation array, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed with a touch of excitement and a look of excitement.

He did not expect that there would be a space teleportation array in the forbidden area, and it was still intact.

With this space teleportation array, he can return to the ancient world.

Xiao Yifeng has just got the last treasure to rescue his mother, and now this space teleportation array has emerged.

This is simply what God intended for him.

"My luck is so good !!!"

Xiao Yifeng sighed.

"When you go back to finish the things in the ancient world, you will return to the earth !!!"

Xiao Yifeng planned.

The matter of the ancient realm has not been completely dealt with, and the ancient realm will be completely dealt with.

He was going to take the daughters back to the ancient world, rescue his mother, and reunite with the daughters on earth.

The earth and his children are waiting for him to go back.

Last time, it was only Xinghun who went back. He didn't even touch the body of his child.

The ancient world, holy mountain.

Xiao Yifeng came back here with the baby pig and the beast of death.

Xiao Yifeng then gathered all the girls together, including Jianyun and others in the hall of the Star Hall.

"You all know that I am from another world. That world is called the primitive world in ancient times, and it is now called earth."

"I still have loved ones and women on Earth. This time I found a space teleportation array in the forbidden area that can be teleported back to Earth."

"So I'm going to return to Earth after I'm done with things in the ancient world. Who would you like to go back with me?"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

"Xuaner and I are naturally going back to see."

Bei Mingshuang said.

"And I!!!"

Lan Ling'er also said that they are all from the earth, naturally they have to go back and see.

"I see you take us all to the world you live in."

"Let's also look at your women in another world, familiar with each other !!!"

The Lanyi people looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Well, this method is good, but I don't know if that teleportation array can accommodate so many of us?"

Suzaku fairy vomited.

"No problem with this. I have this Star Hall. As long as you stay in this Star Hall, I can return to Earth with the Star Hall."

"Now that you all say so, I'll take you all to the earth to see !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said with a smile.

In the end except that the daughters went back with Xiao Yifeng.

The four of them, Jianyun, Wild Beast, Tiantu, and Leng Feng, decided to go back with Xiao Yifeng. As for the others, they continued to practice in the Holy Mountain.

And before returning to earth ~ ~ Xiao Yifeng is also preparing to do the last big thing in the ancient world.

This great event is to unify the entire ancient world.

He wants to completely unify the ancient world.

Guarantee the stability of the ancient world and relieve all worries of the ancient world.

The next day, a message spread throughout the ancient world, shaking it.

The main starry sky unites the ancient world, creating a wind alliance.

Tomorrow, all ancient forces must reach the sacred mountain and join the wind alliance, otherwise there will be no pardon.

As soon as this news came out, the whole ancient world was full of discussions.

They did not expect that the starry sky would dominate the ancient world and surrender all the ancient world forces.

In ancient times, the Lord of the Starry Sky was nothing but the first power in the ancient world, creating the Star Hall and becoming the first force in the ancient world.

But this time the other party should unify the ancient world, it is really shocking.

But in the face of this decision of the Lord of the Stars, they dare not have any dissatisfaction and opposition.

After all, even this extraterrestrial army was repelled by the Lord of the Stars.

Now that whole ancient world has that power that can compete with the Lord of the Starry Sky.

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