The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3453: Huge vortex

At the same time, somewhere in the cosmic starry sky.

The appearance of an old man is Xiao Yifeng's master Xiao Yunzi, who is also the legendary emperor.

At this moment, the emperor's eyes flickered, and there was a deep light like the black hole in the universe.

There was a mysterious glow all over.

"The old guy didn't expect you to arrange so much secretly."

"But do you think you can stop or change all this?"

The Master spit indifferently, a look of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"The heavens have just begun, the avenue has not been fruitful, and the humanity is withering !!!"

"The chess game begins, it depends on who is the ultimate winner !!!"

The Master murmured to himself.

His body disappeared instantly in this cosmic starry sky.

And in this so-called Heavenly Hall.

The book formed after the fusion of the ancient bell and the flying knife shone with four words on it: the Book of Time and Space! !! !!

boom! !! !!

The next second, the Book of Time and Space rushed into Xiao Yifeng's mind.

Xiao Yifeng's body was shocked, and a lot of information appeared in his mind.

Huh! !! !!

Soon Xiao Yifeng opened his eyes.

Two bright rainbow-like rays burst out from his eyes.

Xiao Yifeng now exudes an atmosphere full of ancient charm.

A pair of eyes is inaccessible and full of mystery.

A big clock was faintly visible in the pupil of his right eye. ;

A flying knife was faintly visible in the pupil of his left eye.

"Tear the space !!!"

Xiao Yifeng stared at the space in front of him, voicing indifferently.

An invisible force was released from his left eye.

The space in front of him seemed to be torn directly by a large knife.

A mouth more than ten meters long appeared.

"So strong !!!"

Xiao Yifeng exclaimed, a look of excitement flashed in his eyes.

"Suddenly !!!"

Then Xiao Yi vomited again in the mouth.

The pupil of his right eye suddenly released an invisible force. ;

The four weeks stopped abruptly and everything stopped.

Even the natural man in front of him stopped.

"Cattle fork!!!"

Xiao Yifeng sighed.

Five seconds later, everything returned to normal, and Xiao Yifeng's face appeared excited.

This time, the power of his pupils in space and time has been greatly improved, much stronger than before.

"It is indeed a pupil of time and space, and it is really amazing !!!"

At this moment, the natural man looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"You know everything, but who are you?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at this natural man with a deep voice.

The opponent waved his time and space to evolve his pupils, greatly increasing his power.

This method is really a miracle.

His gut tells him that this person is definitely not an ordinary person.

"In the future, you may know who I am, and take full control of the Compilation of Time and Space and the Forbidden Code of Yin and Yang !!!"

This natural man looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"who are you?"

Hearing the other party even knew the yin and yang ban on him, Xiao Yifeng's heart was shocked again.

The person was terrible, he felt that he stood in front of each other without any privacy at all.

The other person seemed to know him better than himself.

"At the beginning of chaos, the heavens and the earth were divided, the heavens were first formed, the avenue was unsuccessful, and the humanity withered.

"Improve your strength, break through everything, get rid of everything, and you will understand everything !!!"

On this day, the Taoist man left an esoteric statement.

Xiao Yifeng felt a flash of light before him.

Then he returned to the hall of the Star Hall, and Chu Youmeng was still sitting in front of it.

As for the secret map that day has disappeared.

"What exactly is going on?"

Xiao Yifeng secretly guessed.

"Boy, what happened to you just now?"

Devouring World of Warcraft asked.

"Don't you know?"

Xiao Yifeng was surprised.

"I don't know, I didn't respond to what I called you just now, it's like the soul is gone !!!"

Devouring World of Warcraft vomited.

"It seems that only Tianji Dian and I and Youmeng know !!!"

Xiao Yifeng thought, his eyes turned to Chu Youmeng.

boom! !! !!

At this moment, Chu Youmeng's body broke out with a horrible power, and a terrible force broke out on her body.

The surrounding space was directly destroyed by it.

Today, Chu Youmeng's strength is very terrifying, although her realm is only pseudo-reincarnation.

But its true strength is absolutely unfathomable.

Huh! !! !!

At this moment Chu Youmeng's eyes opened, and two striking rays of light shot out from his eyes.

It makes people feel inexplicable.

Two black and white eyeballs have appeared in Chu Youmeng's empty eyes.

These two eyes were watching Xiao Yifeng, making Xiao Yifeng feel as if he had been seen through his entire body without privacy.

It was like facing the mysterious natural man.

"Have your eyes recovered?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Chu Youmeng and vomited.


Chu Youmeng nodded, and even though his eyes recovered, he remained very calm.

"Congratulations !!!"

Xiao Yifeng said with a smile.

"It's all you gave me !!!"

Chu Youmeng said.

"You don't need to say that, without you, the confidential map will not be opened on this day !!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled.

"You look handsome, just like I expected !!!"

Chu Youmeng stared at Xiao Yifeng, she cried.

"I'm ashamed if you praise me so much !!!"

Xiao Yifeng laughed.

"It feels good to see the light again !!!"

Chu Youmeng looked around.

"Your eyes should be stronger than your previous eyes !!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Chu Youmeng and said.

"Eye of Heaven, coupled with the Secret Code of Heaven, can break the heavens and calculate the luck of everything !!!

Chu Youmeng said lightly.

"So powerful? Fortune telling for me !!!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled.

"I haven't reached that point yet, and even if I have that ability, I can't help you !!!!"

Chu Youmeng said.


Xiao Yifeng was puzzled.

"Your destiny is taboo ~ ~ I can't count it !!!"

Chu Youmeng spat.

"Forbidden !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered.

"More than I can say, but I still want to thank you !!!"

Chu Youmeng looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

Then Chu Youmeng went out.

Xiao Yifeng felt that he was getting more and more confused since he entered the machine hall that day.

He was a little dizzy when he heard a series of words from that natural man.

Rao is unable to fully understand his IQ.

"What is life and death?"

"Pawn, who is the chess player?"

"What is humanity, heaven, avenue?"

Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself, he found that more and more unsolved mysteries appeared.

He felt faintly as if he had fallen into some huge vortex.

And he wanted to get away, only to be free from all things and reach a certain mysterious realm.

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