The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3195: Battle of Phoenix Mountain

Bang Bang! !! !!

For a while, the two sides fought fiercely.

The void collapsed and the space shattered.

"The body of the Phoenix, burned down!"

Feng Yu shouted loudly, and the wings behind her fluttered.

The entire body became several times larger, and a fiery flame broke out across the body.

Endless flames, like waves of high tide, are blasted and destroyed towards Xiao Yifeng.

This might not be able to resist even if the half-round rebirth strong shot with all their strength.

Lightning Spell!

Xiao Yifeng exhibited this trick, and suddenly the power of thunder gathered wildly.

Above Fengyu's void, suddenly a terrible thunder and lightning formed.

With the wave of Xiao Yifeng's hand, all these thunderbolts blasted towards Feng Yu.

Today, Xiao Yifeng is more proficient in the control of the Royal Thunder.

He was summoned by the power of the land mines within hundreds of thousands of miles.

The thunderbolt formed by such a huge thunder force plus Xiao Yifeng also exhibited the sky thunder, this power is absolutely terrifying.

Boom boom! !! !!

The entire void is filled with thunderous seas, and a horrible thunder and lightning are passing through it, just like a robbery.

In the eyes of the people of the Phoenix family all around, there was a look of worry and shock. Worrying about Feng Yu, shocking Xiao Yifeng was so powerful.

The flames of the sky swept towards Xiao Yifeng, and the endless thunderbolt blasted towards Feng Yu.

Xiao Yifeng stood here, urging Jiuxing Bajuju and Nine-style Refining.

Even if the burning flame burned his body, he began to temper and strengthen his body with the help of this flame.

As for Feng Yu, although Fenghuang's body is also very powerful, Xiao Yifeng is not so abnormal.

Think of the endless power of thunder as the energy to temper your body.

He urged all the power, and the wings behind him covered his body, helping him to resist the coming of this thunder and lightning.

Everyone present was watching this scene blankly.

All the flames of the sky were absorbed and refined by Xiao Yifeng.

At the same time, with this flame, Xiao Yifeng's physical strength has been slightly improved.

This Feng Yu is not killing him at all, but helping him to improve his strength.

As for this Fengyu, facing the endless thunder and lightning attack, although it was all resisted.

But the whole person was traumatized and his strength was exhausted.

Feng Yu's expression looked very pale, and the corners of her mouth were still stained with blood.

Feng Yu's eyes stared at Xiao Yifeng, her eyes full of anger and unwillingness.

"Do you want to continue?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Feng Yu with contempt and indifference.

Feng Yu was about to continue shooting, but Feng Ya was caught by it.

"Young man, before you took the precious dragon and phoenix of my phoenix family, I have not considered you anymore."

"As a result, now you are trespassing into the territory of the Phoenix clan of Fenghuang Mountain, and you have blatantly defiled my maiden of the Phoenix clan.

"It's even a shot to hurt my young chief of the Phoenix family. Do you really think that my Phoenix family is empty?"

Feng Ya watched Xiao Yifeng drink coldly.

"I do n’t care if anyone in the Phoenix family is with me, but today I came here to see my woman."

"I don't want to be against you either, but if you find it boring, don't blame me!"

Xiao Yi spit coldly.


When Feng Yifeng was so arrogant, Feng Ya's face sank.

The eyes of the rest of the Phoenix clan are full of deep anger.

"Boy, do you know who this place is, this is the territory of my Phoenix clan."

"Dare you say that here, are you provoking my Phoenix family?"

Feng Ya looked at Xiao Yi and said coldly.

"If you think so, that's it!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

"Mother, this guy is so provocative to my Phoenix clan, and he must not let him go!"

Feng Yu shouted quickly.

"Young man, the Phoenix family is not your place to go wild!"

At this time, the ancestor of the Phoenix family who had not spoken finally looked at Xiao Yifeng and spoke.

Hearing this ancestor's mouth, Feng Yu watched Xiao Yifeng flash a coldness, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

The ancestor shot, the boy was dead.

Xiao Yifeng glanced at the ancestor of the Phoenix clan.

The opponent's strength is even stronger than Feng Ya, giving Xiao Yifeng an invisible sense of crisis.

"What do you want to say?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the ancestor and said.

"Old man, Brother Xiao didn't mean it, you don't care about him!"

At this moment Lin Feng quickly looked at the ancestor and said.

She knows that the ancestors of the Phoenix clan are so powerful, so she doesn't want Xiao Yifeng to offend the other party.

"In your face, I can ignore him, but he must apologize to the Phoenix family."

"Then leave Fenghuang Mountain immediately, don't step into Fenghuang Mountain half a step!"

The ancestor of the Phoenix family said coldly.

"It's impossible to apologize. I have to take Lin Feng away if I want to leave!"

Xiao Yi spit coldly.

"Impossible, Lin Feng is the phoenix of my phoenix family, and the maiden of the phoenix family. No one wants to take her away."

"As for you, do n’t apologize today, and do n’t want to leave here!"

The ancestor of the Phoenix family looked at Xiao Yifeng coldly and said that a monstrous phoenix might burst out of his body.

Terrible coercion was released, and the entire void was frozen.

Under this coercion, all the people of the Phoenix family shivered, and their eyes were full of fear.

Xiao Yifeng felt the courage of his opponent frown slightly.

At this time, the three magicians, Tianlong and Longgan all stood up.

A terrible quasi-reincarnation power broke out on them, rushing towards the ancestors of the Phoenix clan.

Boom boom! !! !!

Suddenly, the ancestors of the Phoenix clan fought together.

A series of thunders came from the void ~ ~ The ancestors of the Phoenix clan did not have any tendency to fall into the battle against the three, but they were fighting fiercely.

"Mother killed him!"

At this moment Fengyu said to Feng Ya and pointed at Xiao Yifeng.

Feng Ya stared at Xiao Yifeng, with a flash of murder in her eyes, rushed towards Xiao Yifeng.


Lin Feng's face changed, and he called quickly.

"Don't want to hurt the master!"

At this moment a loud drinking sound sounded.

A blood-stained sword blasted towards Feng Ya, blocking her way.

Then the magic girl broke away from the fierce battle with the ancestor of Phoenix and rushed over.

As soon as I grasped the blood flame butcher knife, Fengya fought fiercely together.

On the other side, both Tianlong and Longgan changed into nine-pronged golden dragons to fight with this ancestor of Phoenix, and the latter naturally changed into six-colored phoenix.

The three-man battle was extremely fierce, and the two dragons, the Dragon and the Ganqian who changed into a nine-claw golden dragon, also exerted their full strength.

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