The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3160: Until you die

"Maggie, use this whip to pump her till you die!"

Xiao Yi drank coldly.

"Yes, master!"

At this moment, the magic girl came over, took the whip with one hand, and glanced at the three elders, with the cold coldness in his eyes.

"What are you doing?"

The three elders looked at Mo Ji coldly.

Snapped! !! !!

The magic girl waved her whip and waved towards the three elders.

The three elders were whipped on the spot, and they wanted to resist and avoid.

As a result, the magical machine was shrouded in magic, and her body couldn't move at all, and she could not exert her strength.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The magician beat the three elders with a whip and lashed them with flesh, blood, and screams, and the whole person was rolling on the ground.

Seeing this, many of the elders and disciples of Ci Hang Jingzhai present were shocked and ugly.

"Bold !!!!"

At this moment, the elder of Cihang Jingzhai began to drink.

There was a deep anger in his eyes, and he rushed towards the magical girl directly.

Snapped! !! !!

The whip in Moji's hands swept directly on the elder.

This whip contains the terrible power of the magic girl.

The elder was knocked to the ground on the spot, screaming, and a deep blood stain appeared on his face.

"Both fight together, until the death!"

Xiao Yifeng hugged Bai Xin'er, and vomited coldly.

"Yes, master!"

Maggie replied that the iron whip in her hand kept pumping on the two elders.

At the same time, the magical powers of the magical reincarnation powerhouses firmly locked them, so that their strength and the power of laws could not be exerted.

They could only be beaten by the iron whip in the hands of the magic girl.

Faced with the existence of the magic girl, just a Qi machine is enough to make them lose any ability to fight.

For a time, the two elders of Cihang Jingzhai, who dominated the realm of strength, were screaming and rolling on the ground.

It seemed a bit horrible, and everyone who looked around at Cihang Jingzhai was shocked.

At this time, with the help of Xiao Yifeng, Bai Xiner's injuries were quickly recovered.

At the same time, her strength was unblocked by Xiao Yifeng. With her strength to dominate the realm, her body was completely restored at once.



At this moment, Miaoyin couldn't help but look at the miserable situation of the elder and the three elders.

After all, they are the elders of Cihang Jingzhai, and Miaoyin naturally cannot let them be killed.

"You make people treat Xiner like this, I haven't settled with you yet!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed with the cold cold Mangman watching such a wonderful sound.

In contact with Xiao Yifeng's gaze, this wonderful voice shuddered inwardly, and his back was sweating coldly.

There was a feeling of deep concealment over him, as if he was facing a wild beast.

Xiao Yifeng now seems completely different from when she first met in the holy city.

The whole person feels very terrible.

"No, Xiaofeng, you do n’t want to hurt Master. She is forced to do this to me. Master still cares about me. She just pleaded for me!"

Bai Xin'er looked at Xiao Yifeng and said quickly.

Apparently she was worried that Xiao Yifeng would treat her master like two elders.

"I'll let you go once you see Master Xiner's face."

"But if you plead for these two guys again, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Miao Yin coldly and spat out.

He's not as jealous as when he was in the holy city.

The opponent's strength was no longer taken into account by him.

Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, Miaoyin's eyes flickered and her brows frowned.

"Who dares make trouble in my Cihang Jingzhai!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, two old women in white gowns came out of Cihang Jingzhai.

With a cold look on his face, there was a terrible half-step rebirth coercion.

They are the two ancestors of Cihang Jingzhai.

"Meet your ancestors!"

Miaoyin watched the two men worship.

"Old ancestors help!"

"Old ancestors save me!"

At this moment, the elder and the three elders watched the appearance of the two ancestors of Cihang Jingzhai, with excitement in their eyes.


Seeing this scene, the two ancestors of Cihang Jingzhai looked very ugly, watching Mo Ji scolded.

It's just that the magic girl ignored them at all and kept waving the iron whip on the two men.

The whole body that beat the two men was blood, and it was extremely miserable.


Watching the magic girl neglect herself, the two ancestors also looked angry and sang loudly.

He rushed towards Mo Ji, and the strength of the half-step return came out to attack Mo Ji.

"Kneel down !!!"

The magic girl watched the two men sip a cold drink and waved her hand.

Immediately, a horrific world of coercion directly enveloped the two men.

Huh! !! !!

Huh! !! !!

Immediately, the two blood spewed out, and they knelt directly on the ground.

With a pale expression on his face, he looked at Mo Ji with a look of horror.

"Are you a strong quasi-reincarnation?"

The two ancestors of Cihang Jingzhai looked at Mo Ji with a shocked expression.

Those who can make them kneel on the ground can only be achieved by the strong quasi-repatriation.

I just didn't expect that a quasi-reincarnation powerhouse appeared here.


The magic girl looked at the two men with a cold hum and continued to beat the two elders.

And her silence obviously meant that the two ancestors were right.

This woman turned out to be a super-powerful quasi-reincarnation.

For a time, the disciples of Cihang Jingzhai were shocked.

The quasi-reincarnation powerhouse is better than the half-reincarnation world.

There are no quasi-reincarnation superpowers in the entire North Sea. They met today.

The elder and the three elders were completely desperate in their hearts after they knew the strength of the magical girl.

In the face of a super-returner, they basically have no choice but to die.

At this moment, this wonderful sound looked at Xiao Yifeng with a shocked look.

Obviously, she did not expect that Xiao Yifeng even became a quasi-reincarnation powerhouse now.

In the end, the elder and the three elders were beaten to death by the iron whip in the hands of Mo Ji.

The bones of the whole body were cracked, the skin was unfolded, and the flesh was blurred.

The whole time of Cihang Jingzhai was deadly silence at this moment.

No one dared to speak, not even to breathe.

"I won't let anyone bully you from today!"

Xiao Yifeng said watching Bai Xin'er.

"Thank you, Xiaofeng!"

Bai Xin'er looked at Xiao Yifeng with a touch of affection, and kissed her directly.

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