The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2957: Desert city

Then the **** and brutal picture was born.

Xiao Xiuxiu turned directly into a body, wielding sharp claws, tearing each one of the people of Heifengzhai, blood splattered in the air, and wailing continued.

The entire Heifengzhai people were frightened as if facing the devil.

As for the owner of the Heifeng Zhaizhai Village, he did not survive a trick in front of Xiao Xiu Xiu, and was torn apart by the other side.

And this thunder beast has released countless powers of thunder and lightning, turning the space where the black panthers are all into a thunderous sea, letting these people feel the taste of thundering again.

Faced with the terrible thunder and lightning of the Thunder Beast, the people in this group of black panthers can only be smashed by souls, and there is no dead body.

As for the owner of the Panther Village, he was turned into a roasted suckling pig by a thunderbolt from the Thunder God Beast.

Seeing this scene, the entire desert city was shocked.

As for the Deputy City Lord of the Desert City, he also had a shocking look, apparently did not expect that this would be the case.

It would be incredible that the people in these two villages were slaughtered.

This desert Shizhai is so famous in the desert that no one has ever dared to stand against them.

Today, the two beasts have completely tortured them, naturally they are very incredible.

At this moment, the desolate look in the eyes of the Vice City Lord of the Desert City stared at Xiao Yifeng. His body suddenly burst out towards Xiao Yifeng.

The five strengths that dominated the realm broke out, and turned into sharp claws and grabbed Xiao Yifeng, as if to capture Xiao Yifeng.


Watching this guy attack, Xiao Yifeng's mouth showed a disdainful smile.

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng punched out fiercely with a punch, terrible power burst out, and a roar rang directly.

The deputy's face changed on the spot, and his claws were shattered by Xiao Yifeng.

The terrible power destroyed all the spiritual power of the deputy city owner.

His whole arm was blown open by Xiao Yifeng's punch.

Huh! !!

The deputy city main body flew out, a blood spewed out, and his body was severely wounded.

"Want to catch me, ridiculous!"

Xiao Yifeng watched the deputy city sneer and waved with one hand.

call out! !!

The terrible finger contained the power of all the stars in Xiao Yifeng's body, and burst out towards the vice-city master.

The opponent's body had been hit hard by Xiao Yifeng's punch. Now facing Xiao Yifeng's finger, there was no way to resist it, and he was instantly killed by this finger, including the spirit.

Seeing the deputy owner of the desert city killed, the entire desert city looked shocked.

At this point, all the people in Heifengzhai and Heibaozhai have been killed in the hands of Thunder God Beast and Xiaoxiu Xiu.

Blood stained the sand outside the desert city, and there was a strong **** smell in the air.

At this moment, all the people in the desert city were shocked.

At this moment, the metamorphosis protrudes.

There was a roar of noise throughout the desert.

The endless yellow sand in the distance turned into a tornado and swept up like a huge sandstorm.

The entire sky was covered by this dust storm, and the sound of the sky seemed terrifying.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yifeng and others looked startled, totally unaware of what happened.

The roar continued like an earthquake.

The sand and dust in the desert all rose to the sky, as if there was anything to be broken out of this desert land.

This desert center has been completely covered by a huge dust storm.

It is impossible for people to see the situation inside, even for spiritual knowledge.

This scene lasted for an hour, and this huge storm of sand and dust was gradually dissipated.

After the sandstorm disappeared, Xiao Yifeng's expression was startled, and a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the place where the sandstorm was originally located.

A huge, earth-colored city rises up and emerges suddenly in the desert.

The whole city looks more magnificent than the desert city, but it is full of a strong sense of history.

And there was no such city there before, but now with this storm of sand and dust.

However, such a city was born out of thin air. This scene is also extremely shocking.

"How is this going?"

Tian Tu, Xiao Xiu Xiu, Thunder God Beast, they all have a look of concealment.

"Is this the legendary desert city?"

Wu Xue said suddenly.

"Desert City? What is it?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"It is said that the only city in the desert more than 100,000 years ago was not the current desert city, but another desert city."

"The owner of this desert city is called the Lord of the Desert. He is the most powerful master in the desert. His strength is said to surpass the title of the title. He understands the laws of the earth and possesses the ability to control the entire desert.

"It was only one hundred thousand years ago that this desert city miraculously disappeared overnight, including the Lord of the Desert, which was accompanied by the desert city completely disappeared from the desert."

"Everyone can't find the existence of the desert city. Later, there is the emergence of this desert city, but there are legends that there are many treasures left by the Lord of the Desert in this desert city."

"This has also led many warriors to enter the desert from time to time, hoping to have the opportunity to find this desert city and enter it to get the treasure left by the desert master."

"Now it seems that the city should be the legendary desert city. I did not expect it to appear again at this time."

Wu Xue looked at the rising city in the distance and said ~ ~ Xiao Yifeng flashed a curious expression in his eyes and looked at the city. I did not expect such a thing in the desert.

"It's a desert city!"

"A desert city has appeared!"

Everyone in this desert city shouted excitedly when they saw the rising city.

Obviously, they all think that the city is the legendary treasure of the desert, which has disappeared for 100,000 years.

The entire desert was a sensation because of the emergence of this desert city.

Countless military masters in the desert at one time all headed for this city.

"Tiantu, Wuxue, stay here temporarily, others and I will see this desert city!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

Immediately, Xiao Yifeng and his party went directly to this sudden desert city.

Xiao Yifeng felt the magnificence of the city only when they faced the desert city at close range.

It is twice as big as that of the desert city. The city is made of special earth and stone, and has full defense.

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