The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2616: Level 9 Mage

In this way, Xiao Yifeng, like a passerby, quietly watched the changes in this world.

From the barren to a super-popular super era, the superpowers battle the world and explore the mysteries of martial arts.

And among these super powerfuls, a great emperor named Starry Emperor was born.

Then I don't know how long after that, a group of mysterious strongmen invaded this world, and the whole world began a war, the souls were covered with charcoal, and finally the strongmen of this world were destroyed and the aura was exhausted.

The starry sky emperor has also begun reincarnation, and the whole world has suddenly fallen, and I don't know how many years have passed.

A new world was born, accompanied by the resurgence of countless forces to fight for hegemony.

At the same time, a super genius rises against the sky again, leading a group of men to create the Temple of Stars, achieving the prestige of the Lord of the Starry Sky, and suppressing one world by one person.

Gradually, the world experienced another war. The main wheel of the starry sky reincarnated, returned to that primitive world, became a waste material, was driven out of the family, and rose again against the sky.

Unconsciously, Xiao Yifeng actually traveled through the ancient, ancient, and modern times.

Witnessed the anti-heaven rise and final reincarnation of his third life.

He is like a theater man who witnessed the changes in these three times.

And the scenes he witnessed brought a great impact to him, and even made him fall into a mysterious realm.

His right eye began to glow with a strange light, and as the light appeared, the scene in front of him constantly changed.

From ancient times to ancient times to modern times, time is passing fast.

His whole body began to haunt a mysterious power, which is exactly the power of time in the legend.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng was caught in the comprehension of the power of time.

call out!

At this moment, the inscription containing the power of space that Xiao Yifeng had obtained on the earth before him suddenly appeared in front of him, and it shined directly.

A force of space shrouded Xiao Yifeng, his left eye also began to glow, and the force of space was born and evolved.

For a time, time passes quickly, and space is shaking.

I don't know how long it took, a huge round of clocks appeared in the black pupils of Xiao Yifeng's right eye as if condensed, this round of clocks seems to have the power to master the time in the world.

A flying knife appeared in the pupil of his left eye, which seemed to be able to penetrate any space.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng seems to have fallen into a dream again, in which a round of clock is suspended behind it, under its control.

The whole time of heaven and earth is under his control. The growth and exhaustion of the flowers and trees, birds, orcs and mermaids in his world are within his year.

At the same time a flying knife appeared in his hands, this flying knife contained the power of supreme space.

As soon as Xiao Yifeng's thoughts moved, the flying sword could appear in any space in an instant, and it was terrible to destroy the enemy he wanted to destroy.

This dream is extremely real, in this dream.

With this clock and flying knife, Xiao Yifeng became the most powerful strongman in the world. He was obedient to all walks of life in all directions.

Time passed by bit by bit. In this headquarters room of the Master Association, Wu Chengde and his grandson Wu Yinghui sat here.

"Grandpa, the kid will become stronger after entering the battlefield of Qiankun. Now that he has become a worshiping elder, will I never have the chance to kill him in the future?"

Wu Yinghui's expression seemed extremely ugly. Originally, the array master competition was to kill Xiao Yifeng. He entered the battlefield of Qiankun, but the opponent did not die, instead he entered the battlefield of Qiankun.

What's more, Xiao Yifeng also became a dedicated elder, but his grandfather was removed from his post as chairman, which made Wu Yinghui's heart extremely depressed.

"Relax, this won't be the case, we can't deal with him, so let's borrow a knife to kill!"

Wu Chengde hummed coldly, his eyes flashing with a cold and fierce look.

A month's time is fleeting!

In the yard where the Qiankun array is located, a roar sounded.

A figure emerged directly from the Taiji Gate, and it was Xiao Yifeng.


Xiao Yifeng's eyes opened sharply, and a mysterious essence flashed directly in his eyes. Now he exudes a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere.

A month has passed outside, but a longer time has passed in the Qiankun array, but this time he has learned a lot in the Qiankun array.

Not to mention anything else, his current array formation level has completely stepped into the ninth-level array mage's rivalry.

He can completely arrange the nine-level formation method to kill and dominate the realm.

All this time, Xiao Yifeng directly stepped into the ranks of nine ranks from the approach of seventh ranks.

This is just one of them. In this battlefield, Xiao Yifeng has a new understanding of all his martial arts moves.

It seems that he has experienced many years of tempering and polishing, which has brought him to a new level of control of these martial arts.

Although there was no improvement in Xiao Yifeng's realm this time, his combat effectiveness still improved by leaps and bounds.

The main thing is that his pupils in space and time have changed a lot.

He began to realize the power of controlling time and space, and this was the biggest gain in his journey into the world.

"How far have you achieved your formation?"

At this time, the four defending elders all looked at Xiao Yifeng, with a curious look in their eyes.

"Same as you!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled a little, leaving a word and went out.

The eyes of the four defending elders were dull.

They are all ninth-level array mages. Just like them, doesn't it mean that this young age has reached the rank of ninth-level array mage?

This is unbelievable. I am afraid that since the founding of the ancient world, there has not been such a young nine-level array mage?

Once such a shocking thing spreads, it will shake the whole ancient world!

Xiao Yifeng walked through the heavy array and returned directly to the headquarters of the wizard association. I saw Liu Sanming who was waiting here ~ ~ Brother Xiao, how about you? Is there anything to gain from entering the battlefield? "

Liu Sanming looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Of course, the harvest is not small, thanks to you. If you didn't let me participate in this French contest, I'm afraid I would miss this opportunity!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at this Liu Sanming and said with a smile.

"this is nothing!"

Liu Sanming shook his head with a smile.

"I go first!"

Xiao Yifeng did not see Jiang Zaitian, and planned to leave first.


When Xiao Yifeng was about to leave the Master Association, a cold, majestic voice suddenly sounded.

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