The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2611: 9 Dragon Array

"Four Elephants Promise, kill!"

Although Wu Yinghui was shocked by the opponent's position, he did not have any retreat at the moment.

It was only the strongest attack that formed the array that he arranged, and the four elephants rushed towards Rayong in the air.


Then Rayong sneered and yelled directly.

This heavenly aura poured into these five golden dragons, and the golden dragons arranged by these five formations attacked the four elephants.

The strongest attack formations exhibited by the two collided together, and endless roars came out, ringing throughout the headquarters of the formation mage association.

The monstrous energy spread out and swept away in all directions.

The array of mage strongmen present shot one after another, blasting out all these energies.

"I didn't expect this guy to have mastered this ancient array method!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Luo Yong with a slight smile. He could see at a glance that this array of tricks performed by the other party was a super array of ancient times, which was stronger than the array of arrays of today.

No wonder it's so arrogant, it does look a bit powerful!

Bang ...

With the sound of thunder, all the energy ripples dissipated.

Although the Four Elephants were terrifying, they eventually lost to the five golden dragons and were completely destroyed by them.


With the destruction of these four phenomena, Wu Yinghui's attack formation was completely destroyed.

He flew out as a whole, and a spit of blood spit out in the air, his face was pale and ugly.

At this moment, Wu Chengde moved and caught Wu Yinghui.

"Ahem !!"

Wu Yinghui coughed for a while, his face paled, and an incredible look appeared in his eyes.

He didn't expect that he had not fought with Xiao Yifeng, but he was defeated in the hands of others, and he was severely slapped. A thick anger filled his heart, making him spit with blood again.

Rayong shook his hands, and the golden dragon formation disappeared, and the five golden dragons no longer existed.

He sneered at the corner of his mouth and looked at Wu Yinghui, saying:

"Your talent is good, but unfortunately it is far worse than me. At your level, you still want to win the first place in the Master Wizard competition. You are still a little tender!"

"Rayong, don't talk nonsense!"

The eighth-level mage hurriedly scolded, and then said to Wu Chengde:

"I'm sorry, President, my disciple is outspoken, please forgive me!"

"It's all right!"

Wu Chengde said, but his expression seemed extremely gloomy. Although his heart was angry, it was not easy to attack.

"Does anyone dare to come out and compete with me?"

Luo Yong glanced at the presence of those who were preparing to participate in a cold drink.

For a moment, the scene was silent and saw the power of the ancient Golden Dragon array that Rayong had just laid out.

These young generation of mages who were present were shocked in their hearts and were afraid to shoot at Rayong at all.

Even if there were only a few young generation sixth-level array mages at the scene, watching Luo Yong was full of fear in his heart, he had no confidence to win each other in the array.

"Don't you think you're great? Shoot?"

At this time, Xiao Yifeng came to the side of Cai Wu and his disciples, and looked at the fifth-level mages who had scorned him before and smiled slightly. The latter glared at him, but did not dare to say anything. .

"It seems you are all a bunch of waste, a bunch of rubbish. You don't even have the courage to try it with me."

"That being the case, you all obediently withdraw from the competition. The first place in the Mage Contest is my Rayong!"

The brave spirit of Luo Yong was arrogant. He looked at the crowd with a strong look and scorned his eyes.


At this moment, Xiao Yifeng suddenly spoke, so that everyone present was looking at this Xiao Yifeng.

"Boy, you have the courage, you have the courage to stand up in this group!"

Luo Yong watched Xiao Yifeng sneer.

"I didn't want to stand up. It doesn't matter if you scold someone, but you shouldn't even scold me."

"I don't object to scolding them for garbage, but you say I'm garbage, then I'm not happy, and once I'm not happy, your consequences will be miserable!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at this Rayong and said lightly.

His words also made those array mages present suddenly feel that the boy was crazy.

In the face of Rayong, who showed such terrible array powers, he dared to say this. Isn't this a dead end?

"Well, this guy who can't help himself is strong, and finally he has to be severely beaten!"

Cai Wu and the young fifth-level master mage around him looked at Xiao Yifeng with sneer and sneer.

Wu Chengde also looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"Boy, what are you talking about? My consequences are terrible? You are even more arrogant than me!"

Luo Yong looked at Xiao Yifeng and smiled slightly, with a mockery on his face.

"I'm not arrogant, but self-confident. Since you want someone to hit your face so much, then I will complete you and show your strongest attack formation."

"I know you still have the power of that formation, just show your full strength, otherwise you don't deserve my shot!"

Xiao Yifeng watched this Rayong drink coldly.

"Good boy, I really have a little ability, and I can see that the power of my formation just now is still reserved!"

There was a look of surprise in Luo Yong's eyes, looking at Xiao Yifeng.

The look of the others was shocked. I didn't expect that the horrific array power that Rayong had just retained, but how powerful was the real power of this array.

"Let you see the true power of my formation today!"

Luo Yong watched Xiao Yifeng hummed ~ ~ Kowloon lore of the Golden Dragon Ancient Formation! "

Luo Yong shouted in a deep voice, and waved his hands again.

The last Lingjing burst out, and endless auras gathered madly.

Golden dragons were born again in the void, and the dragon groaned.

Previously, this Rayong had only gathered five golden dragon shadows, but this time the array he laid out gave birth to nine golden dragon shadows, releasing the mighty dragons that suppressed the world in the air.

The strong men who lived under the weight of life and death all felt a terrible sense of oppression.

They looked at these nine magnificent golden dragons, all of them had extremely shocking expressions in their eyes, their expressions seemed incredible.

Wu Yinghui's face was equally ugly, and he did not expect that this guy still retained such a strong strength against him, which made his sense of shame stronger.

"Hum, boy, I lost. Don't you lose too!"

Wu Yinghui glanced at Xiao Yifeng, humming in his heart.

Obviously, he believes that Xiao Yifeng is facing such a strong attacking array of Rayong, and he also loses. Only when Xiao Yifeng also loses, he may balance his mind.

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