The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2605: Dragon Gate Master

"Rest assured, I will compensate you all, but if we do this, will you be pregnant?"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Why do you want me to have a baby for you?"

Lan Yiren's charming eyes glanced at Xiao Yifeng.

"No, I just asked!"

"At our level, I can control whether or not I have children, but I want a child so that my status in your heart will be more important, and I also want to see what the descendants of the Lord of the Starry Sky will be Such a wicked presence! "

The Rany said softly.

"I don't know what happened to my two children?"

Xiao Yifeng suddenly said a bit of depression, and naturally he missed Hongmei and his children, and Situ Qian and his children.

"You already have children?"

There was a look of surprise in Lanyi people's eyes, looking at Xiao Yifeng.


Xiao Yifeng nodded and simply told the Lanyi people about some things on earth.

"I didn't expect you to have so many women in another world, even two children!"

Lan Yi people flashed a gloomy look at Xiao Yifeng.

"What? Jealous?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Lan Yi people and smiled slightly.

"You guy, I did n’t understand the style so much in the previous life, I refused so many heavenly pride girls, but I did not expect that this life has become so romantic, but my daring Tianmei queen still wants to compete with those ordinary women ... "

The Lanyi sighed.

"They are not ordinary. Your status in my heart is the same. You are all my loved ones. I will not disappoint any one of you, nor will I be more favored!"

Xiao Yi Feng Shen Shen.

"I don't care. You have two children. The mother of this third child must be me!"

The Lanyi people hummed directly on Xiao Yifeng, and then began to create humanity with Xiao Yifeng.

It ’s just that the Lanyi people do n’t know that Xiao Yifeng not only has two children, but already has four children. Of course, even Xiao Yifeng does not know how many children he has.

This battle did not stop until nightfall, and Xiao Yifeng was completely vented.

With his current strength and combat effectiveness, only women with strong strengths such as the Lanyi can withstand his conquest.

At the same time in the Jianzong, a dense land.

Chu Feicheng and Chu Tianxing appeared here, with a towering mountain peak in this dense place.

This mountain peak is like a sharp sword that pierces the sky, exuding unmatched sword power, people can not help but have a urge to kneel and worship.

This is where Jianzong's largest forbidden sword peak is located. At the time, the founder of Jianzong realized the true essence of Kendo, and he was dominated by the title of achievement.


At this moment, a white-haired old man suddenly appeared in front of Chu Tianxing and Chu Feicheng. The white-haired old man fluttered in white, giving a feeling of being like a fairy.

"Meet the ancestor of the sword idiot!"

Seeing the old man, Chu Tianxing quickly yelled, and that Chu Feicheng was also bowed.

"is there anything?"

The old man looked at Chu Tianxing indifferently.

"My ancestor, this is my dog, Chu Feicheng, and also the strongest talent in the young generation of Jianzong. I purposely brought it with me. I hope my ancestor can give him a pointer or two to make his strength faster."

"In this way, it will be possible to inherit the throne of the Lord of the Swordsman in the future, and develop the swordsman more powerfully!"

Chu Tianxing said in a deep voice.

"Well, it's a good seed, but it looks like there are a lot of grievances in your heart. You are here to get revenge in order to improve your strength!"

The old man looked at Chu Feicheng and saw the thought in his heart at a glance.

"Yes, my ancestor, Feicheng really wanted to improve his strength to take revenge. There was a kid outside who humiliated me and Jianzong twice and destroyed my marriage with Luna Temple, but I was unable to deal with him. I have lost face, so I want to improve my strength to take revenge! "

Chu Feicheng's eyes were firm and he vomited endlessly.

"Remember, the true meaning of Kendo is to have no desire, only in this way can you reach the peak of Kendo and realize the true meaning of Kendo."

"If you just want to take revenge to improve your strength, you can't be a real Kendo power in your life!"

The old man looked at Chu Feicheng and shouted coldly.

"My ancestor learned!"

"Disciple understand!"

Chu Feicheng said with his head down.

"Your talent is still good. As long as you are willing to practice in accordance with my guidance, you will definitely become a real Kendo strong in the future."

"And I can pass on all my strength to you and make you a real superpower."

The old man looked at Chu Fei into a deep voice and shouted.

"Thank you ancestors, I will definitely work hard and won't let you down!"

Chu Feicheng's eyes flashed with excitement.

"Feicheng, with the inheritance of the ancestors' strength, you will definitely become a powerful player in the future!"

Chu Tianxing's eyes flashed a look of excitement.

Holy city, Longmen.

With a terrifying roar, a towering mighty power broke out in the entire Longmen.

The power of terror spread, covering half of the holy city, so that the people in these holy city changed one by one with a feeling of fear in their hearts.

Then from this dragon gate, a figure slowly walked out, exuding supreme power on his body, this is a middle-aged man.

A pair of eyes are brilliant, and his strength has reached the seventh level of dominion, and he is the master of the dragon gate. Also Long's father, Long Fei.

"Father, you're finally out!"

Long Ao was excited when he saw his father appear.


Long Fei nodded, and then said, "You said someone had cultivated Long Ling Jue, where is that person?"

"Father ~ ~ His name is Xiao Yifeng, and now he is the first genius on the Dragon List.

Long Ao said directly.

"Okay, go to Spirit Gate!"

Long Fei chuckled coldly.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng had just returned to Lingmen, and then found a terrible strong breath coming towards Lingmen, and appeared in Lingmen instantly.

"Who is Xiao Yifeng?"

Long Fei glanced at Lingmen and said coldly.

"I am Xiao Yifeng, are you from Longmen?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes glanced at the seventh powerful man who dominated the realm, watching Long Ao beside him, guessing the identity of the other party.

At this moment, Long Gan said violently: "There are actually half of the dragon blood in his body!"

"Dragon blood? Is it a dragon?"

Xiao Yifeng guessed inside.

"No, his parents should be a dragon and a human race. It seems that this dragon gate person has a great relationship with the dragon king who was a human race. Maybe he is their descendant!"

Long Gan said in a deep voice.

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