The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2521: Changes in Sister Chu Yu

"Doesn't it seem surprising to you? Am I confused?"

Lingyu looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"No, I understand!"

Xiao Yifeng said, and said, "Are you the **** eye that inspired your eye now?"

"Now my spirit-eye fusion has absorbed the blood of God's eyes and has begun to transform into God's eyes."

"Once this god's eye is fully aroused, even if I am now Nirvana Ninefold, I can easily kill the strong in life and death!"

Lingyu self-channel.


Xiao Yifeng admired.

"But no matter how powerful, it should not be as powerful as the fiery fire that you originally exhibited in the battle of Dragon Ball."

Lingyu said.

"That's not necessarily. Your god-eye-god's eye is god-given. The power is absolutely extraordinary, but what do you plan to do in the future, will you return to your homeland godland?

Xiao Yifeng asked.

"I haven't thought of it yet. I don't know anything about Divine Realm and how to get to Divine Realm."

"I just want to work hard to improve my strength. First, destroy the ancient gates that killed my parents 20 years ago and kill my parents, and take revenge on my family!"

Lingyu clenched his fists, with firm and stubborn hatred in his eyes.

"I'll get rid of them together at that time!"

Xiao Yifeng patted Lingyu's shoulder and said.

"Thank you!"

Lingyu was grateful.

"Needless to say, aren't you saying that I am your brother? Since you are brothers, you need to help each other!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled.


Just then, a roar suddenly rang out in the gate.

Xiao Yifeng rushed out quickly, glanced away, and saw that Chu Yu was hovering in the air at the moment, sending out a sacred light.

The surrounding heaven and earth aura all converged towards Chu Yu, pouring into his body frantically.

The blood in Chu Yu's body began to boil, and a surge of energy awakened from his veins.

"What's wrong with her?"

Seeing this, Xiao Yifeng looked startled.

At this moment, everyone in the gate was looking at this Chuyu, and his eyes were full of shock.

"The blood power in her body is awakening, causing her spirit body to transform!"

Huang Tian said.

"What kind of person is this Chuyu?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes were full of curiosity.

"You just need to know the identity of their sister and brother. It won't be easy if you step into the realm of God!"

Bad days said lightly.


A terrible power broke out on this Chuyu body, suppressing it toward the whole Lingmen. This power was like the power of the gods, suppressing the audience.

Then a ray of light erupted on this Chuyu. This light gathered endless auras in the void, and turned into a huge figure invisibly.

This figure exudes a mysterious and vast breath, exuding the power of a god, like an ancient great god.

The terrible power changed everyone's appearance, including that Han Qianluo and Huo Qilin both frowned and looked at the figure.

"what is this?"

Seeing this, Xiao Yifeng looked intent.

"God spirit body, summon god, this is ancient god!"

Huang Tian said directly.

"What? Ancient gods?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Divine spirit body is different from other **** bodies, and its strength is not too strong, but she can summon the **** spirit to attack, this is the power of the **** body!"

Huang Tian said.

"There is such a wonderful effect!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a look of shock, looking at this Chuyu, this little Nizi was really amazing.

Soon the figure of this deity turned into a ray of light into Chu Yu's body, and the whole human breath disappeared, returned to normal, and landed on the ground.

However, this Chu Yu has just ended, and a terrible breath erupted in his brother Chu Mo's body. The blood in his body also began to awaken, and a strong and unparalleled momentum was flowing all over his body.

This Chu Mo did not open the **** body, but the blood burst inside him made him extremely powerful.

The blood power contained in the brothers and sisters is terrifying.

At this young age of Chu Mo, his strength also began to skyrocket, all of a sudden shocked the soul and soul, and exuded powerful power.

In addition, Xiao Yifeng was able to perceive that Chu Mo's blood power was only a small part of the awakening, and it was not fully awakened, otherwise his strength would be even more terrifying.

"Brother, I feel like I'm getting stronger!"

Chu Yu said watching Xiao Yifeng.

"I also feel like I'm getting great!"

Chu Mo also said with a small fist.

"You do become stronger, and you will become stronger in the future!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the sister and brother and said.

"Really? Can you become as powerful as Big Brother?"

Chu Mo looked at Xiao Yifeng with a look of worship and anticipation.

"of course!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"Brother, let me protect you when I become stronger!"

Chu Yu said watching Xiao Yifeng.

Hearing Chu Yu's words, Xiao Yifeng just smiled slightly.

At the same time, Divine Realm.

In a splendid hall, a middle-aged man with a slender body and a slightly masculine face, exuding the power of a king, sits on a golden seat.

Wearing a golden robe, like a high emperor, makes people feel unattainable.

"Finally awakening the bloodline power!"

The middle-aged man said suddenly, his eyes twinkling strangely.

"Master, you send the young lady and the young master there. Is this really okay?"

A man ~ ~ stood beside this middle-aged man and looked at the middle-aged man with a mysterious atmosphere.

"The ten gods gathered and the Lord of the Divine Realm was born. He wanted to change the situation of the Divine Realm today and let the Chu dynasty continue to inherit.

"My time is running out, Yuer and Moer are the highest purity of blood in my son-in-law."

"They are the hope of the Chu dynasty in the future, so I need to find a trust for them in advance, and he is the most suitable person!"

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice, his eyes glowed brightly, and then his hand waved.

The void in front of him suddenly rippled, and then the void in front of him turned into a mirror.

And what is shown in this mirror is the situation in the Lingmen at this time, Xiao Yifeng, Chu Yu, Chu Mo all of them are shown in this mirror.

Looking at Chu Yuchu Mo in this mirror, a kind look of kindness appeared in the eyes of the middle-aged man.

When he saw Xiao Yifeng, there was a faint glow in his eyes, and a mysterious smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng frowned suddenly. There was a feeling in his heart, as if someone was watching him at the moment.

PS: Recommend a friend's book "Almost invincible", you can take a look

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